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Setting Up Your Web Browser

Now that we've programmed our Mac to wake us up, we have to decide which Web page we'd like to load. We checked the ZDNet Macintosh Download page to see if it had any new cool software packages available. You simply go to whatever page you'd like to view and then add it to your Favorites menu.

Now, choose Open Favorites from the Favorites menu bar. Then in the Favorites window, simply drag a copy of the ZDNet: Mac Download file onto the desktop. To make a copy, hold down the option key before clicking on the file... that way, your Mac will create a fresh copy of the file instead of moving the original. Now, open the System Folder and drop your copy from the desktop into the Startup Items folder.

The active pop-up menus in OS 8.5 should now open the Startup Items window. Close all windows and you're finished. Just remember to shut down your computer before going to bed, or configure it to turn itself off at a pre-arranged time (i.e., midnight) otherwise, it won't start up in the morning (or whenever you've assigned it to) and launch your browser via the Favorites item you've chosen. You can also place an alias of your favorite e-mail client in the start-up menu, and your Macintosh will launch the application and check your e-mail for you, so any new messages will be waiting when you wake up.
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