eileen's poem collation number XIII


Glorious spring

determined to show

she gives not a toss

for calenders


on her own time

An old  favourite  of mine

I'd long forgotten it

Thanks for the reminder of childhood days when imagination was so real anything seemed possible

I always found the song sort of sad too poor Puff...Lol

‘ darklight ’  written by paul hardwick

dark moves me so

makes me feel fear

dark removes my mind

to a place where i am not sure

it wonders even more

what will be

i can not be sure

eileen replies

Take the dark away

give me to the day

dark evokes fear

all seems too drear

I Have to confess I'm a bit of a chicken in the dark sometimes and that old saying about how things are darkest before dawn I relate to...;o) Lol

rictus grins

look at them

a cackling flock

nails, painted claws

plucking and clucking over scatter cushions

@ only $5 each

it's a wonder the stuffing doesn't spill

A particularly irritating and mindless series of recent television advertisments for K Mart

TV advertising portrays human as idiot although I can't disagree there must be a large contingent that get suckered by it or they wouldn't keep making them (new car ads in particular)

andrew's  reply

mortal coil

my body

a carcass

 to be sloughed off

in death

like a crab

sheds it's shell

or a butterfly

it's chrysalis

finally free

andrew's  reply

then sunlight surprises through a blue hole

wind screams at me

sky a swirling vortex

of grey on grey

angry sea churns

all lumpy brown waves

a walk on a winter beach

i was pleased by that title and how it works as the end at the beginning

solitary confinement

Every man

keeps prisoner

his own heart

i walk alone

 andrew's  reply

sand scribed

I wrote your name

one hundred times

in the sand

tide erases

leaving memory


i was living in africa attending primary school and i was playing with another girl everyone rejected cos she soiled her knickers they bullied me and tried to get me to reject her and i had some realization that infinity was only visiting those open to it not those of closed agro minds and how it was special and important to not reject the special differant people and how life really is and wot

we are in it

and how u have to ignore the crap artists make ur own choises and avoid those bods and give time to onenesss alone

what i didn't explain about that experiance when I was 7 was it felt like an illuminating definitive moment where i decided how things were if that makes sense

i saw the human world/existance with no rose coloured glasses or pre concieved (except for perhaps thinking it safe till then and believable) concepts i was lost in the sight of africa and then had that at school and on returning to england it was like confermation of

treated like an dirty arab ran away from school hated it in england saw what a mob the human thing was or white human anyway black was differant

waffling but wanted to try and explain how it was its important to me u see it altho i really don't think that sort of thing is explainable

i knew then i was separate if u know wot i mean

giraffes below mount kilimanjaro.jpg

i was so very lucky as were u living in new zealand how could one not be changed by the scenery and people's simple culture

i felt like i'd discovered a secret door somehow and i was really shocked when i realized others didn't

been lucky i guess had had uninterrupted freedom

was lucky mum didn't corral us unless it was for safety reasons

if i'd never gone to africa it may not have occurred or if it did it would have been later in oz maybe

not in england

or maybe it would have i did roam a bit in the country there

my first experiance with being bullied Lol it was quite a shock

really couldn't understand the why of that

all gone

her face twisted

a mask of grotesque

all joy wrung out

by grief's tourniquet

in response to a news story that featured a mother attending the funeral of her young child

funny how titles seem important it has to fit with how you felt on writing but at the same time you don't want to give a preconcieved notion that limits where it might take the reader


young love

demands perfection

of face, form and intent

old love

stitches together

the frayed

seeing the beauty

in patchwork

What is and isn't


such a part



how can it be


What is and isn't


such a part



how can it be


having a play with dual meanings

One day

I have known you

but a day

and already

we have a past

One day

I have known you

but a day

and already

we have a past

I was visualizing a young woman pondering a potential new romance...;o)


When you opened

the letter

i wrote to you

did you see

my heart fall out

Infinities Child

Little girl

you could see

the poetry

in all around

with toddlers walk

still yet to talk

wide eyed in wonder

without sound


Long ago

i was an ocean

walks on the beach

return me

Was thinking about times spent completely alone on a beach thinking about how we all (species) share a commonality with the ocean      cells containing elements found in the seas



and liberty

I tightrope walk



and liberty

 I tightrope walk


peony rose

a tight pink fist

will open soon

to whatever



Old jewelry box


of all my broken baubles

for stories told


i wish i knew

what was dragging you back

to old habits

and times

not shared

It's about a person having bad habits that they have partially given up returning to them neglecting a loved one and other things they enjoyed that were better for their health


Past the age

for intrigue

I read my old diary

so urgent

those underlinings


Sun and wind airbrush

cracked concrete


from baked earth



love comes

this late

do i care


I come here

and scribble

telling strangers

what they don't ask


My confidence

slinks off


leaving me

feeling foolish

standing alone

Lol a state of flux...I'm in and out of it all the time...;o)


The hills

huddle together

fog draped

around their shoulders

a shawl


As she walks through the garden

her hair swings around her head

affected by the rising mist

it separates

into curls

that twist and swirl


As she walks through the garden

her hair swings around her head

affected by the rising mist

it separates

into curls

that twist and swirl



like grey gauze

singed by fire



like grey gauze

singed by fire

Sunrises are amazing they seem to set the sky on fire sometimes and sunsets are like liquid gold pooling across the sky, Love them both :o)

After the rain

The sun shines

as brightly

as undashed hopes

casting pale gold light

across the lawn


salt from your skin

on my tongue

whispers of the sea

and shells

as curled

as my body is curved

around yours

Boxed set

all the love poems

I wrote for you

you didn't throw away

I never sent them

The girl I never knew

Her face alight

with laughter

and memories shared

She is young

once more

my mother

Reminiscing can really bring life back into a person for awhile

Sadly it's about the only time she does truely come alive again

First Love

Love is not a plan

you fall into it

with arms legs mind heart


free falling

like alice

down the rabbit hole




the sleeve

i wore

my heart on

Laddered (of a knitted garment) To develop a ladder as a result of a broken thread

Dream Lover

I see him walking towards me

he has a kind of loose limbed rangy walk

as he swings through rotating city doors

I can't find it in me to talk

his presence leaves me floored

a cowboy from out on the range

on a visit to city he's bored

and feeling more than strange

face creased like aged leather

he works out in all weather how i wish we had met

on the range

not a set

and lived on into

happy forever

I've always been attracted to the idea of life on the range with a taciturn cowboy...;o) mind you romantic visioning is quite differant from reality often I did live off the grid and only cold running water in a 3 room cabin with 3 children once for awhile Lol that woke me up :oD

little Wonder

all caught up

in looking at the world

in wonder

a child

does not see


Clearance Sale

will we scour this earth

bone white

a skull

picked clean

of eye and soul

Thinking about this planet and the human legacy


a large tree I've hacked limbs from

is staring back at me

through a window

from those wounds

they look like


and weeping wounded mouth

My trees always seem to forgive me the autumn haircuts I give them but this was amputation Lol It wears a reproachful expression... Lol

Must confess to tree hugging I like pressing my cheeks against the bark and feeling the texture under my hands looking up into the canopy (or climbing into it...;o)

I love trees they are majestic and lungs without which this planet could not survive, I wish I had more room in my smallish garden for more but it's overflowing

We are a destructive force that's for sure more inclined to inflict than create is seems sometimes

each time


skin on skin



all the way


over the top


little deaths

a tangle of limbs

It was a frantic and feverish occasion remembered and I tried to convey the slick and slippery fast ride to a climatic end...;o)

Lol What is life without a little spice added now and then ;o)

Make that opaque not transparent

I want

to be like

a sheet of glass

with everything

rolling off me

like rain

when I was thinking about being like glass I suddenly thought hmm but not see through Lol and the title occured Yeah detachment can be difficult to attain

It would be good to be able to deflect unpleasantness from others or emotions that are not convenient Lol


is a hard word

to define

it doesn't always mean

sexually connected

in the physical sense

The colour wheel has many a shade

some of them not yet made

grey is the colour to which we fade

if we get soft feelings like suede

ed. reply  to


This stoney patch

of impenatrable ground

our relationship

Love can survive the harshest of conditions even droughts Lol

I have a little cactus too it's like a bunch of fingers growing out of the pot tiny

but it gets surprisingly large orange flowers once a year that almost dwarf it

The poem surprised me it just popped out from nowhere as they sometimes do while daydreaming....Lol

This poem isn't just about male/female love relationships it's also about the one I don't have with my father and the used to be very difficult one I had with my youngest daughter

andrew's  reply 


Emotions move

across their faces

like ripples

on the surface

of a lake

the title....;o)  (ed. source of inspiration)  especially my own when they were that age Lol expressions flit across their faces so fast as they experiance with no hold put on that due to self consciousness love the spontaneity of the very young it has a purity that is beautiful

That's why it was easier to love her more than you

He whispers

a grain of sand

into my shell like ear

it nestles

and grows

a perfect pearl

of paranoia

Not sure I quite pulled it together in a way I wanted to which can be frustrating if it's sort of like a half seen jumble of words in your mind that is elusive and your left feeling like something is missing or not quite right and the more you grasp at it the further away it goes...;o)

Invisible thought

i sit

as silent

as an embarrassing thought

tucked away in the corner

of my own mind

a funeral pyre

my autumn garden

spends the winter

cloaked in ash

a funeral pyre

my autumn garden

spends the winter

cloaked in ash

Cannot think of a title


she has a knowingness



old soul

only 19

morned before birth

a corpse before born

a star

she burns



Jack frost


beautiful murder

burning corpses

to black

Frost looks so beautiful yet kills most of what it touches

Dissipation, a Haiku

Autumn enters as

orange fire and departs cold wind

raging at dead leaves.

by frank james

my reply

dead leaves

skeletons now

ribs broken

twisted in mud

autumn fired them

to flame

winter affords

a funeral

Harvest Moon  (10 Words)

Huge presence

makes alien

the sky;

brightness confuses

the night.

by Frank James Davis

my reply

Full moon is one of my favourite things   sometimes when rising it looks Huge!  it really does seem only at arms reach and always mysterious     it does indeed make the sky seem an almost alien place and I can understand why in ancient times they attributed it with magic powers    many a time i've woken in the night thinking it early morn cos it shone so brightly

A clever poem little poem that says so much   my favourite kind

Totally agree life does indeed sneak...;o)

Trying to stay one step ahead of that is impossible one can only endeavour

Little flashes of joy take shape in my garden as fairy wrens in sun showers...:o)

ed. reply  to

Totally agree life does indeed sneak...;o)

Trying to stay one step ahead of that is impossible one can only endeavour

Little flashes of joy take shape in my garden as fairy wrens in sun showers...:o)

ed. reply  to


this sting

this pain

without it

i would

drift off

I wait

you think

i haven't

already seen

our history


only in

a place

of absence

can i

be here

Ebb tide

sand flecked skin

your body you give

heat rises we too

birds sing

waves foam cool around our feet



sun stings


not dead yet

you haunt me


thoughts of you

against my will

when at peace

under night sky

i lose  “myself’

am we not I

“illusory construct”  The human state     how hard it can be to shuck off that husk    sometimes i wish i were but pure energy      traversing the milky way....;o)

ed. reply  to


dew drop

mirrors all


in minature




fear sweeps in

a tidal bore

no escape

that rising tide

drowning daily

much too far out

all my life

Red coats on the hill

Auburn coated cattle

seek safe purchase

on a limestone scree

bent windscarred conifers

climb the hill

Done in

I've talked this relationship

into the ground

but still

I cannot bury it

Social suicide

It's raining I said

better take an umbrella

she gives me

that look

the one only available

to teenagers

it says “your a bloody idiot ”

more effectively

than any spoken word

she'd rather be dead

than be seen

carrying an umbrella

and soaked to the skin

she might well be

andrew's  reply

How I wish I had listened to my parents opinion of my choise of husband

I was so set on opposing the very repressive upbringing I'd had I couldn't see there was middle ground

I used to be so opposed to the idea of anything resembling an  arranged  marriage but I can see with maturity there is something to family input after all   Knowledge of what might suit you and years of experiance....

Kids leap into intimacy so easily these days    what's wrong with “dating ”  and getting to know one another    at least you discover wether you even hold the same “values”  before sex holds sway   ;o)

ed. reply  to

Be not a Tempest

Prayers are something

we do on our own time

the answers come

in infinities time

The lake

It's surface

a perfect plane

reflecting the glow

of autumnal trees

on the shore


a cloudless sky

a sudden breeze

frigid as the waters

mars perfection

Amended version  of


don't confuse

feeling good

with love


don't confuse

feeling good

with love

we seem to be wired to be hypocritical as a species

transending physical and emotional desires does not come naturally    a daily struggle to make intelligent decisions not based on personal desires whatever they be    ego boosts and sexual gratification being two big issues  ;o)


in that room

you felt like

the whole world


in that room

you felt like

the whole world

Autumnal woodland

a rich panoply

of umber and gold

contrasting against

the conifers green

a glorious sight

to behold

one of the loveliest

ever seen

The lake

It's surface

a perfect plane

reflecting the glow

of autumnal trees

on the shore


a cloudless sky

the wind blows

as frigid as the waters



she had wonderful roses

in many a hue

colours glorious

one even blue

but in her vases

stand only a few

for on her rose buds

the possums chew

They also love the rind and pith of lemons and frequent my lemon tree quite a bit

A difficult thing to observe in anyone   painful to see in a friend   how helpless that can make one feel    sympathies extended Frank

An uncle got parkinsons but ended getting taken by bone cancer before the parkinsons did    only discovered when he fell down stairs due to the shakes and his thighs snapped like twigs   :o(  not sure which would be worse

ed. reply  to

There is something truely spiritual about water    besides the fact it gives life to all    It has a soothing presence that takes one to another plane   rather like a night sky or sunset and rise

A beautiful prayer of a poem Bala   as usual   ;o)

ed. reply  to

Gut pain



of desperation

they settle

in my stomach

like bad bacteria

it does give rise to a rather nasty  recurring stomach ache... ;o)

A few hours contemplation in the garden with sunshine and fairy wrens usually cures it :o)

Vacuum cleaning

Lead paned windows

beam shafts of coloured light

dust motes floating

spiral upwards

released from

captive carpets


Lol reminds me too of childhood   when I was a child I used to imagine they were fairies that travelled on sun or moonbeams... ;o)  they do seem almost ethereal don't they and I still enjoy them   Really wasn't sure wether to put it up or not

ed. posted  on


in winter

the earth becomes

hard & mean

won't allow my summer flowers

even stops

the grass green growing

making months

out of hours


in winter

the earth becomes

hard & mean

won't allow my summer flowers

even stops

the grass green growing

making months

out of hours

Love is lunacy...;o) and like the moon's effect of ebb and flow

ed. reply  to


i didn't turn out

as you expected

characteristics you detected

let down your dreams

of how “we'd” be

as is the same

for me

what will we do


clothed by the sun

i walk in joy




clothed by the sun

i walk in joy




i look at myself

and see

someone else

which one is me

andrew's  reply


i look at myself

and see

someone else

which one is me

you sleep i dream

your eyes have gone

now without sight

i walk alone

in this

the night

you sleep i dream

your eyes have gone

now without sight

i walk alone

in this

the night


full moon

on the beach

altar to prayers

i sacrifice

vain hopes

and climb



There is nothing quite like standing on a deserted beach under a full moon

why are we

you are the most intelligent man i've ever met

and yet

go against your own best advice

does the second statement

render the first


andrew's  reply

words hold a spell

i dance the tune

we cross the sky

up to the moon

wisdom of age

does not reveal

what words themselves

often conceal

sometimes age does...;o) Lol

ed. reply  to

God yeah insomnia  the night goes on forever and ragged dawn is weak relief

ed. reply  to


did love sculpt me

into twisted form

she the storm

blasting away bark

to reveal form

expectations extreme

beyond the norm

referring to love as she   as is often done in writing

andrew's  reply 

my reply

it's equally a poem about unreal expectations warping perspective about what “love” is and damage taken from this

not just about how love can flay

was trying to sort of create a visual of a stunted tree caused by the roots being purposely damaged

vanity thy name is woman?

why is it

men cannot see

that what appears

to be   vanity     (in a woman)

is often


because female looks

are so important

to the male

my dear


Love!  no thankyou


what a fucking disaster

you fall hard and inevitably

get broken

by the love object

who doesn't love


they fall for you too

only when it fades  for them

they seem to accept it

with indifferance

not too much later

turning their eyes to ever younger prettier fresh flesh

happy to tell you what an old interest you've become

and "what else did you expect everyone does it"

well I don't



accept that


it's not as if I am out of touch

with reality

no teenager me

love in spite of that

too intensely

how I wish I could

not love

as much

in love is as lonely  as

out of it

when your in it


Just some reflection on still being "in love" when your lover is no longer...;o)

Hope the F word is acceptable here it is the only expletive that seemed to resound with the ugly bitterness of the mood i was aiming for

a poem by rod on hello poetry

daydream influx

My random daydreams....

Time machines and tangerines,

both would be sweet now.

my   (ed.  eileen's)


daydreams made of time machines

and tangerines

are sweet

andrew's  reply

Wow Matthew a beautiful love story   tragic fate indeed
my parents are in their 80's and have no alzheimers  altho mother has some sort of dementia and isn't what she was (the past is more real than the now)   i often feel sad that I've missed the chance to engage her in ways we take for granted till they are gone
it must be one of the most awful fates to the sufferer and those they are still with while not being so
couldn't think of a worse way to end or how terribly sad it is for the partner of anyone with it
terrific write your talent grows and grows

ed. reply  to

For I have spent eternity bringing you a gift

Neither the oceans

nor the stars

can equal this

I cannot give you my heart

my soul you already have

seeking a looking glass

i look at myself


who am i

“ For I have spent eternity bringing you a gift ”

Neither the oceans

nor the stars

can equal this

I cannot give you my heart

my soul you already have

seeking a looking glass

i look at myself


‘ divine visits ’  by frank james davis

A goddess comes

at night

draped only in



my embrace

with her



eileen's  response


she is enticing

shimmers she does

with grace

to her

this night

i give

my embrace

night ascends

mid winter evening

comes upon the sky

stars glitter

earth and sky are one

everything bound

and unbound

in eternity

a gift


look to yourself

and the stars

i think ascends is better than descends because it always seems to me the night sky rises, it doesn't fall

eileen’s response to a poem titled   ‘  i don't want to live forever ’

I wouldn't mind living living for longer than I no doubt will

there is so much on/of this beautiful planet to see   (what's left of that)

but in good health not the decent into decrepitude which unfortunately isn't the reality of old age   Lol


land of no responsibility

except to give in to that burning urge

that prickles up the back of your neck on waking

to be off out running under sun

barefoot as soon as out of sight

adventures wait and time belongs to you

you fish for sticklebacks in a field of golden corn

where farmers wave in anger at the trail to the pond

and take home tadpoles in glass jars on string

breathless at the sight of legs emerging

pick bluebells in the wood for mother

but then arrange them in old tins

in tumbledown cottage the gangs den

scrumping crab apples in overgrown gardens

never getting that stomach ache all Adults warned of

roaming hedgerows looking for hedgehogs

hoping for signs of any living thing

all long fled at the collective noise you make

catching butterflies to look at their wings putting crysillis in greaseproof papered jars

to watch them emerge for flight on glistening wings

when you return them to the wild

lifting up old drain pipes to look for slugs to race

not forgetting to put them back at races end so they don't shrivel

basking in hot sun after watching trails of catapillars

whose prickles mother later tweezers out

amidst a small flood of tears because they flame red

having a bath with bubbles then tucking up in bed

drowzy but anticipating  tomorrow is waiting

i haven't done this before

just written down a few reminiscences on childhood occupations

haven't arranged anything just flicked it up as it came so i'm feeling unsure about it

‘ for eileen prunster ’   by paul hardwick

if   and i cannot

if i could stop time

at what spot would you

like it to stop

eileen’s  reply

if i could choose a point in time to freeze frame

the point before conception...

aged 7 things started looking a bit too real

although of course you need that to survive

rot sets in then with choices your forced to make

because you live in the physical

and nothing ever takes you back to that innocence of fact

where anything is possible...;o)

Lol you did ask...

pre/primary sch age was dreamy

‘ time ’  by paul hardwick


time slips

and in what seams no time

time has gone

then some days

time will drag

and go on

and go on

but today

time skips

thank you for reading this

and let me spend time with you

eileen’s  response

what amazes me is how when your young time seems to stretch and seems in endless supply

then you get older and it runs out so quickly



with long poled chainsaw

demon like

he welds


reducing my kali

to a goddess with no hands

i always tend to think of trees as much more than that

majestic, inspiring and just plain gorgeous

a world without them would be bereft