Nurses Christian Fellowship Australia



   Caring for Nurses

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Text Box: NCFA in Victoria


Nurses Christian Fellowship Australia is part of an international Christian movement within the nursing profession.  It is operated by nurses, and specialises in applying the Christian faith to nursing.  We aim to unite nurses in all States and Territories of Australia who wish to serve Jesus Christ in nursing and contribute Christian values and principles to the nursing profession.


Membership of NCFA


is open to both qualified nurses and nursing students.  In most branches, nursing students are Associate Members. Other health workers are welcomed as Associates. Nurses who  live in States and Territories where there is currently no NCF Branch, may become individual members of NCFA or join the State Branch of their choice.





NCFA Officers:

President:  Rosemary Bulman  (Vic)

Vice President: Vivienne Kitto  (SA)

Secretary: Margaret Brown  (NSW)

Treasurer: Richard Tress  (NSW)




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Text Box:   News and Events 
Text Box:   News and Events 
Text Box: NCFA in South Australia

Nurses Christian Fellowship Australia

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