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Nurses Christian Fellowship Australia

NCF International

Pacific and East Asia

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From the early decades of this century, nurses in various countries have been meeting together for Christian teaching and support. The earliest known NCF was formed in Australia in 1913.  It was the vision of a Scottish nurse and the desire of existing fellowships that brought about the formation of NCF International in 1957

Today NCFI links nurses at all levels in all areas of the nursing profession through a growing number of member fellowships while maintaining contact with nurses in over 100 non-member countries.

World conferences are held every four years.  In November 2012 a world conference will be held in Chile.  Visit the NCFI web site for further details.

NCFI is divided into a number of regions.  Australia is part of the Pacific and East Asia Region which was the first region formed in 1970.  Regional conferences are held every four years, the last one being in Singapore 2006. 

Other member countries in our region are: Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Japan. Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia.

The Ninth NCFI Regional Conference was held in Japan, September 2010

Program Topics included

· Bible Expositions from John’s Gospel, Chapter 15.   Being God's disciple (John 15:1-8) - Remaining in love and joy (John 15: 9-11) - Bearing much fruit in ministry (John 15: 12-17)   

· Vision & Mission of NCF... Overview of NCFI Strategies

· Christian Leadership in Nursing: NCFI Framework and Core concepts

· Essential Skills for NCF Leaders

· My leadership in Nursing: a workshop on Leadership Styles and who I am in
The Ministry of Spiritual Care among Nurses

· Evening programs on Best Practices from the Region

· Plus an afternoon in Tokyo, and Japanese Tea Ceremony.


Conference Speakers were:


Rev Dr. Masanobu Endo, Senior Pastor at Kodaira Bible Church in Tokyo. He is also Professor of New Testament at Japan Bible Seminary. He studied philosophy and theology in Japan, at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, (USA) and at University of St. Andrews (UK) for his PhD.

Dr Esther Chelliah, a member of the pastoral care ministry at Wesley Methodist Church in Singapore. Esther has been in fulltime Christian service since 1979.  She is also an adjunct lecturer on Christian leadership at Bethany International University.

Dr. Susan Mary Allen is presently the Dean, School of Health, University of Northampton.  Sue is a member of the NCF International Board and the European Board. She is also the coordinator of the International Leadership Program of NCFI. 

Margaret Hutchison  is a council member of NCF Australia in NSW and  formerly State Directorn and professional education coordinator.  She presented a series of workshops on leadership skills with special application for NCF leaders..


Speakers on “Best Practices in the Region included:

Dr. Lee Won Hee (Korea), Alicia Banas( Philippines) Ng Kim Choo ( Singapore),

Margaret Hutchison, (Australia), Rachel Fung (Hong Kong) .


The Next Regional Conference will be held in Fiji in 2014