The Sanderson Sisters


Quotes from the movie

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We are speechless!

Winifred: "You know, I've always wanted a child. And now I think I'll have one... on toast!"
Winifred: "Damn, damn and double damn."
Winifred: "What a fool to give up thy life for thy sister's."
Winifred: "Another glorious morning. It makes me sick!"
Winifred: "BooooooK!"
Winifred: "SISTERS!"
Winifred: "Cat's got my tongue."
Winifred: "Dazzle me my darling."
Winifred: "Fools! All of you! My ungodly book speaks to you."
Winifred: "Behold! A torture chamber!"
Winifred: "All hollows eve has become a night of frolic, where children wear costumes and ran amok."
Winifred: "Hello, I want my book. Bonjour, je veux mon livre."
Winifred: "What a clever little white witch."
Winifred: "And what is that, dude?"
Winifred: "Let me see your driver's permise."
Winifred: "Resisting arrest?"
Winifred: "Hang on to your heads!"

Mary: "Oh, Winifred, thou art divine."
Mary: "The burning what of what?"
Mary: "Huh? Come on. Give - Gimme a smile."
Mary: "I've lost my power!"
Mary: "Sisters, Satan has married Medusa. See the snakes on her hair?"
Mary: "You are right, I'm wrong."
Mary: "Sorry... She needs to concentrate."
Mary: "Winifred, I smell children."
Mary: "STOP!"
Mary: "And she's so well fed. Isn't she? Plump, plump. Shis-Ka-Baby."
Mary: "Sisters, look. It's the chocolate-covered finger of a man named Clark."

Sarah: "Boy down!"
Sarah: "Brave little virgin who lit the candle. I'll be thy friend."
Sarah: "I'm dying."
Sarah: "This is terribly uncomfortable."
Sarah: "My lucky rat tail! Just where I left it!"
Sarah: "Oh, thou should not speak to master in such a manner."
Sarah: "It hurts."
Sarah: "I am alive."

Sarah: " Boys will love me."
Mary: "We're young!"
Winifred: "Oh, well... younger. But it's a start!"

Mary: "I-I smell a child."
Winifred: "Neh, what dost thou call that?"
Mary: "A child?"
Winifred: "Humph."

Mary: "What are those? What's that? Who's that?"
Winifred: "Hobgoblins."

Mary: "Tis a black river."
Sarah: "Perhaps it is not too deep."

Winifred: "Why? Why? Why was I cursed with such idiot sisters?"
Sarah: "Just lucky I guess."

Winifred: "Oil of boil and a dead man's nose."
Sarah: "Dead man's toe!"
Mary: "She's trying to concentrate."

Winifred: "You're right."
Mary: "I am, I'm right."

Winifred: "We fly!"
Mary: "We fly! On what do we fly?"

Winifred: "Get over here. Did you find them?"
Sarah: "Find who?"

Billy: "Go to hell!"
Winifred: "Oh! I've been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely."

Winifred: "Take my hands. We will share her."
Mary: "Oh, Winifred, how generous of thee."

Winifred: "His punishment shall not be to die."
Mary: "No?"
Winifred: "But to live forever with his guilt."
Mary and Sarah: "As what, Winifred, as what?"
Winifred: "Jump Back!"

Winifred: "We are just three kindly old spinster ladies."
Mary: "Spending a quite evening at home."
Sarah: "Sucking the lives out of little children."

Winifred: "Sisters! We have been gone for 300 years."
Mary: "Well, Winifred, time flies, huh?"
Sarah: "When you're dead!"

Winifred: "Dost thou comprehend?"
Mary: "Well, you explained it beautifully, Winifred, the way that you sorta started out with the adventure part and then you sorta slowly went..."
Sarah: "Explained what?"

Winifred: "It is but water."
Mary: "Huh? Most refreshing."
Sarah: "Ah! It is."