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1/26/2003 Peter O'Toole to Receive Honorary Oscar
10/25/2002 Tons of O'Toole News coming out of "The Telluride Film Festival" this year. I was first alerted with an email from someone named Borgee.
Subject: O'Toole update
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 04:51:22 -0400
Hi Jennifer,
First of all congrats on your magnificent web site on Peter
Just wanted to get you caught up on the latest! Over Labor Day at the
Telluride Film Festival in Colorado,
Peter was awarded the festival's silver
medallion! This was the very first time
any film fest has enjoyed him as an honored guest! Peter had a
marvelous time walking around the town talking to all the folks on
the streets! He was also interviewed rather extensively, not once,
but twice! First by Roger Ebert, then by Leonard Maltin, both in an
"on stage" setting! He even was seen riding a bicycle down
a back alley while wearing his charming hat! Perhaps one of the
neatest moments was when singer Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul &
Mary, came over to meet him at the "closing picnic!" These
two incredible icons of the early 60's were so thrilled, they
immediately bonded with lots of hugs! Yarrow is a permanent resident
of Telluride.
Also, on the film front, the Egyptian
Theatre in Hollywood just screened a brand new fully restored 70mm
print of "Lord Jim!"It hasn't been seen in all it's
"road show" glory since 1965!
All 154 minutes of it with a gorgeous
Dolby digital stereo soundtrack!! Hopefully, this will be released on
soon! And too, as we speak...the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood is
showing yet another restored 70mm print of "Lawrence of
Arabia" in celebration of the film's 40th Anniversary!
Keep up the good work! borgee
I did a search and found several great links. Some require registration. Just don't give them the correct phone number(personal experience) I find this the source of many telemarketing calls.
Denerstein: O'Toole still living his life 'onstage' This is a cute article but the age of O'Toole when he played Lawrence is off by 3 or 4 years.
Pictures maybe coming soon courtesy of our friend Borgee! Thanks Borgee!
10/20/2002 Well I have changed the look of this page again, but I am still not decided on whether I want to keep this look. There are big changes coming to the news section, as soon as I get a little rest from all this web designing.
9/22/2002 Yes I know it has been awhile, but there regrettably was a lull in O'Toole news since the attacks, or maybe I have been distracted, I don't know.
O'Toole puts in an appearance at the memorial/funeral for a BBC producer Spike Milligan, with his sister Patty. I am glad to see him looking so fit.
Here is some news about Sian doing what appears to be a spoof of "Lion In Winter" called "Leopard In Autumn." where she talks about Peter and what is was like working for the BBC on the radio plays when she was young. The BBC still does those. Wish someone would do that here in the US. It would be better than listening to the AM gass-bags during drive time.
According to this BBC website on Irish songs, "Rumor has it that actor Peter O'Toole rewrote the final verse of "Carrickfergus"
No news on "The Final Curtain" If you know something please email me, and "Global Heresy" appears to have been released in Canada according to Hame at the Peter O'Toole Pages.
10/27/01"Pyramid Scheme: Omar Sharif makes a movie about Egypt" from the NY Daily News courtesy of one of my readers. If the link doesn't work, click here. Sorry for the bad linking it should work now.
10/24/01 Well "The Final Curtain' hasn't come out yet. It now seems to be scheduled to come out some time in 2002. I suppose this isn't surprising given that it was scheduled at the time of the WTC bombings. I did find a yahoo site for the movie at Yahoo Final Curtain Site. There is a message board at this site.
9/3/2001 I am experimenting with new designs. I am getting sick of the old one but I have to admit it was hard to beat. This is not the final look.
9/2/2001 Update to articles and interviews
8/1/2001 Omar Sharif has become a regular guest columnist for an archeology journal named "Egypt Revealed"
8/1/2001 I am told "The Final Curtain" will be released in the US Sept. 14, 2001.
8/1/2001 Update of the articles and interviews section. I have added an interview with Sian Phillips.
7/9/2001 Update of the articles and interviews section. Added a new article on Lawrence.
6/23/2001 This week we have a special treat! We have an interview with Peter O'Toole from one of our readers, Gregory J. M. Catsos. It is posted in the Articles and Interviews section. Thanks Greg!
6/3/2001 I found a BBC interview with O'Toole. I have posted the link in the Articles and Interviews section.
5/13/01 Updated articles and interviews section
5/5/01 According to UPI 4/21/01 Oscar-winning actor Peter O'Toole is scheduled to take part in a cast-and-crew discussion this Sunday in London, when the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences screens a newly restored print of "The Lion in Winter." The 1968 drama was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including best picture and best actor, for O'Toole. It won three, including best actress for Katharine Hepburn -- who shared the award that year with Barbara Streisand for "Funny Girl" -- best original score for John Barry and best adapted screenplay for James Goldman. The picture is also notable as the screen debut for both Anthony Hopkins and Timothy Dalton. The screening this Sunday is by invitation only for British members of the Academy.
5/4/01 News is slow, but I found a good article about the historical accuracy of "Lion In Winter" Yes, I still have to do that update on the pictures section. According to an "Entertainment Weekly" article featured at "The Unofficial Peter O'Toole Pages," Peter is focusing on documentaries and his writing for the time being. He is interested in producing a documentary on the "T E Lawrence the Man", and one on William Shakespeare "The Actor". He is also working on some fiction, and on finishing the third installment of his autobiography.
2/12/01 A major update is coming to the pictures section again. Stay tuned.
2/12/01 I am removing Amazon.com from my table of contents. Apparently amazon.com has recently laid off a bunch of people that were trying to organize a union. I believe this is wrong, so out the door they go. Phonefree no longer offers the same service, so I am removing them for the time being. Many of these companies have similar attitudes toward their workers, and it certainly isn't my main intent to sell merchandize. I am not sure I am really interested in doing that sort of thing with this page.
1/27/01 I've done some updating to the pictures section. There is alot of new Becket and LOA stuff.
1/26/01 I am updating the pictures section within the next few days. Keep checking in.
12/31/00 Update of the Articles and Interviews section.
12/21/00 The pictures section is rebuilt. Hopefully all the thumbnails work!
12/20/00 The link to the 60 min interview is in my articles and interviews section.
12/19/00 an extended version of the O'Toole interview will be on "The Charlie Rose Show" (PBS) check your local listings for the time.
12/19/00 I had a catastrophe, but this site is slowly being rebuilt. Everything is almost back to normal, but for a few errors, and the pictures section. The pictures section will take a few more days. Keep checking in.
12/19/00 Peter will be interviewed by Charlie Rose tonight on 60 minutes II at 8pm central standard time.