7 April 2000
Reading: Stronghold - Melanie Rawn
Drinking: herb tea
Ok-o-meter: 7, I got a job!
Quote for the day: 
Weather report: sunny and warm

I made some house rules today.  I can't write them down here because somebody might see my funny little notes and accuse me of child abuse.

11:50 am
I got offered the job at AgCom last night.  I asked her if I could give her an answer today because I was still waiting to hear from ComDev.  I finally got a hold of Linda from ComDev and she said it had been really close, but they gave the job to someone else.  That's ok, now I just have to call Vic back and say ok.

1:30 pm
I called Vic and she said "Do you have some good news for me."
and I said "I think so, I'd like to accept your offer."
she said yay! and I start on the 24th.  I am working for the next two weeks, the second week I will be retraining my replacment.

3:56 pm
April is the month of purple with a side of summer mustard (white and some yellow).

Some of the purple colors: 
Indian's paintbrush
Some spiky lavender tulip-looking flower
Lavender Mustard

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