29 May 2000
Reading: Yon Ill Wind - Piers Anthony
Listening: life 
Thinking: i hate being sick
Drinking: Gatorade
Ok-o-meter: 6
Quote for the day:  Has it ever occurred to you that God might be a committee? - anonymus
Weather report: warm enough to swim, but not so hot that we fry

Been sick lately.  Started as a sore throat on Tuesday, next day it was a totally clogged sinus with headache.  Got worse each progressive day so by this weekend it settled into my lungs and Sunday I totally lost my voice.  I'm better today, tho I still feel dehydrated and my throat is still a little sore.  Today we went to Mom's house to swim.  Usually the water is still far too cold, but it was nice today.  Still cold but nice.

It seems that all my life I have waited for something to end.  My childhood, high school, labor, my marriage, my poverty, my relationships, my grandmother's life, Wayne's life.  Not all of these I have wanted, and not all of them have come yet. 

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