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Sunset Bunaken Is

War Dancers

Tondano lake

 Minahasa Tractor 


Welcome to the land of smiling people!

    Manado is the capital of North Sulawesi provice.   Exotic Manado is situated in the northern part of Sulawesi Island. The landscape is a contrast of tropical rainforests, rambling hills, volcanic craters and unspoilt islands with breathtaking coral and some 3000 varieties of fish.

    Manado with its five surrounding islands are a paradise for aqua sport lovers. Scuba dive and snorkeling activities are the main past times here. The diving season is from April to November. 


World - Class Walls and Outstanding Fish Life 



    North Sulawesi and the islands in the Bunaken group face the Sulawesi sea, which reaches more than 6 kilometers.  Even on the short boat rides to the dive sites, one passes over more than a kilometer of water covering a trench that separates the islands from the main land.  

    The variety of marine life here is excellent; the surfaces of the walls are crowded with hard and soft corals, whip corals, sponges, and clinging filter-feeders like crinoids and basket stars.  Huge schools of pyramid butterflyfish and triggerfish and clouds of anthias swarn around the reef edge and the upper part of the wall.  Sharks, schools of Barracuda, rays and moray eels and the sea snakes - particularly the sea snake - are relatively common here.  North Sulawesi features more than 60 dive sites; Bunaken island groups, Bangka island, Talise island,  the Sangihe - Talaud islands (underwater volcano - diving the ring of fire), the Lembeh Island (the strait is rich in both numbers of animals and in diversity - as testimony of the National Geographic Explorer). 


    In the Minahasa highland (one of the three regions of North Sulawesi), hinterland of Manado, the fertile terrain is suited for the cultivation of crops such as coconut, padi, corn, sago and spices such as nutmeg, cloves and vanilla. The aromatic whiff of freshly harvested cloves and vanilla fill the air as you drive around the Minahasa highlands.

    The timeless appeal of the island lives in its people, they are natural beauties with a unique charm and grace.

    Music and dance are part of their rich cultural heritage. This is not surprising as locals have innate sense of rhythm and music and melodious voices.
With its clear lakes, volcanoes and lush tropical rainforest, Manado is an ideal retreat for nature lovers. 

North Sulawesi Tour Sites:

- Tangkoko-Batuangus-Dua Saudara Reserve

The name refers to the three peaks in the reserve, encompasses 9000 hectares (22,230 acres) ranging from sea level up to 1,100 meters (3,400 ft).  This is a spectacular area which offers you the possibility to see not only some of the Sulawesi's unique animals and plants, but also a wealth of corals and fishes.

The reserve offers excellent opportunities to see the Bear Cuscus (an arboreal marsupial is fully dependent on a few species of trees), Black Macaque, Wild pigs, Tarsiers (Tarsius spectrum, a nocturnal animal claimed to be the smallest monkey on earth), a wide variety of birds also can be seen notably the Hornbill, Kingfishers, eagles and other birds.  Take your snorkeling gears along.

Tangkoko Nature Reserve located 75 km northeast of Manado.



This park consists of 300,000 hectares (741,000 acres) of virgin rainforest lying between Kotamobagu and Gorontalo.  Parts of the peak ascend to 2,000 meters.  Most of it is impenetrable because of dense vegetation and steep hills.  Several forest type, each with its own characteristic vegetation, can be recognized.

Visibility in the lowland rainforest, with its undergrowth of rattan and giant livistona leaves, is often less than 10 meters.  Only a few trails and rivers give access to the interior of the park.

Most of the 80 endemic bird species are found here.  The best place for bird-watching is  the forest edge, where magnificent Hornbills, kingfishers, parrots,  pigeons and birds of prey are common.

Wild pigs, Tarsiers, Sulawesi Macaque are all around.  Anoa (dwarf buffalo) and Babirusa - pig deer, can be seen but they are shy and normally inhabit higher altitudes.  Insect life is abundant and fascinating.  Butterflies, moths and dragonflies are present in unbelievable rainbow of colors.  The humming of cicadas fills the air and beetles of all sizes seem to be anywhere. Dumoga Bone Park located about 275 km southwest of Manado.





Tondano lake (5000 hectares), largest volcanic lake in North Sulawesi, located about 600 meters above sea level. Along the lake side are the fish farms ( a house placed on bamboo sticks on the lake surface, locally called "Karamba"). 



A small volcanic lake (35 hectare) south of Tomohon.   This lake which has greenish water is beautifully surrounded with small forest and rice fields. There is a hot-spring nearby and a huge geo-thermal activities. Birds (Rails, Herons, Kingfishers, Eagles and Sunbirds) and wandering ducks are common here.



A large stone believed to be the most spiritually powerful site in Minahasa region.  Through the ages, this has also proved  to be a politically potent gathering spot for Minahasan leaders.  According to legend, Lumimuut, the primal ancestress from whom all Minahsans are descended, divided up her people at this stone and drew map on it denoting the territory of each group.  Later the, seven Minahasan chieftains negotiated a unification of the area here.

Ceremonies involving chicken and pigs sacrifices are still held during the  full moon and people come here to consult with the spirits of their deceased ancestors. 



Former Minahasan sarcophagi is a rectangular stone burial chamber with hole in the middle and prism shaped lids.  It is dating back from early as 9th century.  The sarcophagus was placed above the ground and the deceased was later arranged inside, sitting upright on a porcelain bowl.  Tradition decreed that the valuable jewelry adorn the body, but clothing was permitted.  The lid was placed over a layer of sealing material.  In 1828 en epidemic forced the colonial government to ban the practice of this burial system.  Each Waruga is decorated with carvings denoting the occupation, cause of death or characteristic of the owner.  Sawangan village is the site of the largest collection of Waruga in Minahasa region.  The cemetery contains  144 Waruga.



The village of Woloan present the greatest challenge to even the most diehard tourist shopoholic.  Here pre-fabricated handsome teakwood structures built on stilts   and several on display for inspection.  You choose the house you like, the company takes it apart, brings it to your village and puts it back together again.

Some of the houses have been transported as far away as Argentine.




  • Kali Waterfall (Trekking, Birding) 

  • Mt. Lokon (1580 m, active volcano) Trekking

  • Mt. Mahawu (1311 m) trekking, Birding, Ecotour 

  • Mt. Klabat (2000 m) trekking, Birding

  • Mt. Soputan (1860 m), active volcano 

  • Tangkoko Nature Reserve (Birding, Trekking, Endemic Animals).

  • Dumoga Bone National Park (Birding, Trekking, Endemic Animals)


  • Bunaken Marine National Park (89,000 ha) Bunaken Island, Siladen Is, Manado Tua  Is, Montehage Is, Naen Island.

  • Lembeh Island, Bangka Is, - Talise Is & Lehaga Is.

  • Sangihe & Talaud Under Water Volcano

Experience the multy culturals and life style of the whole Sulawesi !


Last modified:Wednesday, July 02, 2003                      

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