Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria & the Pacific

In Search of the Cradle of Civilization
In Search of the Cradle of Civilization (BooK): Mesopotamian and the Indo Saraswati scripts were some what related. Strickly speaking, So called Aryans and So called Dravidians are members of same mediterranean brancb of the Caucasian race. The ancient city-state of Elam in Southern Iran, East of Sumer also has been speculatively related to Dravidian (Page138-140).

The Ramayana and Hinduism

Noah's Ark and the End of Days

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Africa to Indus-Valley

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Developing stone and bone tools along with invention to create Fire contributed transforming human behaviour and brain development; evolved early ancestors wander in grass lands from one place to another, Changed eating habits from mere vegetation to flesh developed hunting technique.  Fire gave great cooked food   improved social behaviour.  First race believed to have moved some millions years ago from Africa “Homo Erectus” were not fully evolved to be as our ancestors, yet was initial stage human race migrated and settled down in Asia and other parts of the world. Homo Erectus had ability of social living and making tools from stone and bone. Homo erectus managed to survive and occupy most part of Asia, but 74000 years ago Mount Toba super Volcano erupted.  2nd kind of human race, some hundred thousands of years back during ice age  Moved from Africa were Neanderthals, that  followed by later generation of human species “Homo Sepians” nearly 62000 years back. Age of early Human migration is derived from the studies conducted on fossils found in different conditions, results differed from individual to individual researcher and archaeologist. BBC news coverage points modern humans made tools were discovered in Arabian Peninsula were 125000 year oldIt was not mass departure rather moved cautiously selecting areas where could feed and get security. Pattern of Neanderthals migration was different from all other ancient races as most fossils were discovered in Europe and some parts of America.   The theory of Neanderthals did not have ability to think is something strange, may be they did not have calibre enough to imagine as homo sepians did, they developed fire, tools, and wore skins to protect from ice age cold, and ornaments (discovered in caves of France) clearly indicate as how they managed to use available resources.  Nearly 5’ 3” were robust and strong well adapted to ice age.  Well adapted to the environment, brain and the body shaped accordingly. These Robust and strong folks generally didn’t have to exercise brain much, the possibility could be had no competition or least. Human Genes evolve to modify to fit to survive, but takes years or even generations. Hand images were created by Neanderthals of 2 patterns, hand block printing and hand impression mouth blow spray, in the rocks and caves of Argentina, Borneo, Spain, signifies their existence in Europe, Asia and America. The genes react with us to our environment and understand by receiving signals when we experience and deal with. However, Genes have the limitation too. Neanderthals were unprepared for fast melting ice creating heat, changing environment inflicted mass riddance and remaining had to compete with better equipped.  

Homo Sepians took centuries or millenniums to reach icy Europe and America, as people did not migrate just for exploring or wandering, rather, competition, natural mishaps, overpopulation and social conflicts pushed them follow tracks of animals and rivers. These Neanderthals and Homo sepians intellectually and physically were different; Homo Sepians were more advanced breed with better tools and intellect, were no match to Neanderthals.  The story says Men were killed and women were abducted for sexual contact. This does not mean that all the Neanderthals vanished as a result of belligerence, many of them survived side by side of Homo Sepians and some were winners in survival war. They together had to reach agreement to survive side by side. The interbreeding gave birth to mix race of Neanderthal and Homo sepians.    They succeeded where did not have competition resulted evolving social living and culture. The  Aborigines are the living example of Neanderthal or mix; still survive in many parts of Indian Ocean, Europe and America. The evident example is web link has DNA test result of Australian Aborigines (Godandscience.org).  

Homo sapiens were not in same primitive stage as their ancestors Homo erectus or Neanderthals; they got enough time to evolve the living pattern which developed the culture.  During this time the social structure and the group leaders had existed in Africa that improved communication pattern.  Most likely, new inventions of survival such as spiritual practices, arts and crafts, Ancient caves and stone age dwelling system (museumkiev.org) developed technology to hunt, Blombos cave arts & fashion, storing drinking water (Ostrich shell) and build small yacht, were brought together when migrated. (New evidence for mankind’s earliest migration – Homo sepians made attempts to move out of Africa around some 120000 years ago but pushed back by an inhospitable climate and competition).  Moved from Africa to Arabian Peninsula then to North and South India and then to other parts of the world (as indicated in the link). An article by David Braun of National Geographic explains first migration was to Arabian Peninsula then to Ancient India. (Here is the map from Monash University Australia to analyse the sea level and coast line change overtime).The Red sea in North was wide enough to prevent crossing, rather, they learnt from noticing their ancestors migrating or the migratory grazing animals. The natural instinct persuaded to evade barren and Icy regions, had to step back if at all reached, as was suicidal. Criterion for migration was drinking water, vegetation and meat; rivers directed them to sea as well as mountains.

They followed the routes through Djibouti connecting Bab el-Mandeb was the shortest distance from (Africa to Southern Arabia)  Yemen, Oman, UAE . (An article in PLOS ONE – Hominin dispersal into the Nefud desert and Middle Palaeolithic settlement along the Jubbah Palaeolake, examines the adaptability and atmospheric condition in Arabian Peninsula). If Arabian Peninsula had inhospitable condition none could have settled rather moved towards moisturised areas. Arabian Peninsula was rich green had easy accessibility to arrivals. (“Ancient Arabia (article by Jona Lendering”. “History of Saudi Arabia (Saudi Embassy net) – The first concrete evidence of human presence in the Arabian Peninsula dates back 15000 to 20000 years. Brands of hunter-gathers roamed the land, living off wild animals and plant. As the European ice cap melted during the last Ice Age, some 15000 years ago, the climate in peninsula became dry”.  Arabian desert (Britannica.com) Humans have inhabited the Arabian Desert since early Pleistocene about 2.6 million years ago. Remains of cultures from the past 3000 years occur in many parts of peninsula”. Temperature changes during the past 18000 years since 2005 (Caculty.ucr.edu) - 16000BC Climate began to warm. Habitants learned surviving settled in desert later became “Bedouin tribes”, inhabitation extending from Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria to all over Arab).

Even during occupation of Arabian Peninsula, this race continued moving forward towards Indian continent. Fossils and basic stone tools were discovered does not display the evolutionary achievements of this race as Homo eructs too had developed hunting tools millions of years ago. However, many articles excavated authenticate the advancement of this race, such as spiritual practices, arts and crafts, stone age dwelling system, sculpture, rock painting, Venus de Tan-Tan, Bone and Ostrich shell innovations. Archaeologist Jeffrey Rose of the University of Birmingham with his team gathered more than 800 artifacts for ancient river beds in Dhofar Mountains of Southern Oman.   (Dr Michael Petraglia of Oxford University in research report explains that more likely human migrated by land than in boats. Where there are deserts today, there used to be lakes and rivers and there was abundance of plants and animals). They occupied most of Arabian Peninsula survived for tens of thousands of years until inhospitable climate forced them to migrate further. On arrival faced other races “Homo Erectus”  and “Neanderthals” close to them but with different physic and intellect. Volcanic eruption and environmental shift subsided population and food source wrecked earlier migrated races, could not maintain territorial dominance for long. Initially both clashed but soon unified and shared ideas and intelligence, rather interbred. Over the time Homo Sepians succeeded growing their population to dominate others in the races.

The evidences point to an early human migration through Middle East and into India (national Geography). The surrounding environment and resources evolved and transformed social living, culture, language, Tools and construction.  From Gurjar Rashtra extending further North, West, East and South exchanged evolutionary achievements through interbreeding; conflicts among groups and incursion for dominance were normal practice. The Competition for resources, ideology differences, and sexual contact with women and dominance were the major reasons for conflicts.  First habitation in Asian region’s present name is Gujarat and surroundings or “Gurjar Rashtra”.  The habitants named “Gujars” (Guran + Jar = Enemy Vanishing tribes migrated during 7-8th century into India were cow, sheep breeders and fishing).  Migrations kept flowing from Gurjar Rashtra to further North, East, West and South. Each migrating region gave experience and confidence to colonize new regions. Settling and exploring lands of rich resources evolved mankind. As the populations grew need for more resources became priority pushed them to spread wide over all the river belts, fertile lands and widened to now name Sri Lanka and Australia, opening gateway to most of islands. 10s of thousand years could have taken to spread world over.

Some 50000 years ago sea rose 100 meter high (MAP) resulting mass devastation of population and their belongings.  Drove extensive exodus to safe places, affected inhabitants moved systematically to further north, West and east covering the Entire world, similarly from other parts of the world too migrated to this world, exchanged culture and experience.  These influx and out-flux of inhabitants evolved mix culture and brought and gave new ideas. . During 30000-40000 BC resemblance of cave arts in Africa, France, Spain, India, signifies similarity of homo sepians behaviour. Over the ages art and skill evolved to Bow and Arrow, geometrical, dancing, birds, cow,  horse riding, bull riding. During this time human began to realize to raise animals for milk and meat.  Tribes were divided into small groups mainly family (family and relatives who had the same ideology) members maintaining own identities and deities (pictures of Dravidian Tribes of Chhattisgarh). Superior groups gained control over other small groups and “Mupar” or “Mupan” the aged head of superior groups became ruler and their deity became head of all Gods and Goddesses.  They believed in spirits, sacrifices, and worshiped main Deity “Kula Devi” (“Amma” “Ma” Goddess of the group who protects) “Mother Goddess”.  The mother, grandmother, grand to grandmother or eldest, whoever was senior most became most respectful. Females had internal home responsibilities so had more attachments with kids got love, comfort and protection. Happens even in present life as mother is the best friend and involved more than others in day to day family life, kids remember and tribute for rest of the life.  Mother can go to extreme extent for protecting her children; this significance enrolled mother in the group as Goddess. We can observe that wherever and whichever region first cultural people migrated or had direct or indirect influence, Mother Goddess became most auspicious of all Gods.  View pictures of Mother Goddesses: Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Minoan, Mycenaeans, Athens, Chinese, Mesoamerica, and Romans. Similarly, sacred bull or ox too marked spiritual symbols in all the civilizations. Sacrifice too was part of spiritual activity throughout the civilizations.  

Be Cautious: Above informations are only basics based on my assumptions, may not be correct so use only if your teachers are satisfied. For history I referred Wikipedia and other sources whose links are cited.

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Sadashivan’s quotes

"Life seems sometimes like nothing more than a series of losses, from beginning to end. That's the given. How you respond to those losses, what you make of what's left, that's the part you have to make up as you go."— Katharine Weber

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