The Anime Experience presents:

Mark's Fanfic Land, featuring
and NEW! Gundam Wing fanfics!

The Sailor Scouts pose for a group photo just before the Crossroads High School senior prom

This page best viewed with the following fonts: Times New Roman, Stop and Phyllis ATT.  Pictures on this page, unless specifically noted as such, are NOT mine.  I'm using them without permission and I'd like it very much if nobody got angry about that fact, but if you don't want me to use it, just say so and I'll take it right down.

Update: As of July 24, 2000 I have officially retired as a Sailor Moon fanfic author.


PG, PG-13, R and H.

The main reason why Darien gets up in the morning. . .

The Current Gundam Wing Fanfic is: Following

Story Index
Sailor Moon

Gundam Wing

Links have been moved to the bottom of the page.

New stuff first!

Gundam Wing Fanfics:

- Two Days with Willy Wonka! - This evolved from a challenge: Write a Gundam Wing fanfic about the characters spending two days trapped in a candy factory.
- Following - A Duo/Hilde cutefic.  Extrapolates on the events of episode 23 of the series.

Here are the lyrics to Evil Professor Chronos's fandub version of Moonlight Densetsu (Moonlight Legend).  I now consider this to be the proper English-language translation of Moonlight Densetsu.

Moonlight Legend
English lyrics written by Mark Sprague and Austin Loomis
and performed by Jennifer Allison Wand

I want to say I'm sorry, my darling,
But I can only say it when I'm dreaming.
Even so, from the way my thoughts are fleeting,
I know that I want to be with you.

And as my tears fall down in the moonlight,
If I could get to your side by midnight,
I know that everything would be all right...
My heart's a blur.  What can I do?

And following the moonlight shining in your eyes
Two lives collide in one endless dance

The twinkling of the stars so high above us
Will lead us straight to the ones who love us
Because we two were destined for each other
It's like a miracle romance.
In this I do believe
It's like a miracle romance!

Isn't that *MUCH* better than that 'Fighting evil by moonlight' crap?  This is the version of Moonlight Legend which would be the theme song of my fanfics if they were shot as TV episodes.

My Fanfics!

Character Names, in order of introduction in the series:
Name (JP) Name (SM Futures) Name (NA)
Tsukino Usagi Serena Usagi Tsukino (Chiba) Serena Tsukino*
Chiba Mamoru Darien Mamoru Chiba Darien  Shields*
Mizuno Ami Amy Janet Anderson (Urawa) Amy Anderson
Hino Rei Rei Hino (Kumada) Raye Hino
Kino Makoto Lita Ann Kino (Asagiri) Lita (Kino?)
Aino Minako Mina Corinne Aino Mina (Aino?)
Neo-Princess Serenity (Chibi-Usa) Serena (Rena) Molly Chiba Reenie (Small Lady)
Meiou Setsuna Sonya Meiou** Trista (Meiou?)
Ten'ou Haruka Alexandra (Alex) Kevyn Ten'ou Amara (Ten'ou?)
Kaiou Michiru Michelle Mary Kaiou Michelle (Kaiou?)
Tomoe Hotaru Heather Anne Tomoe Hotaru Tomoe
Urawa Ryou Greg Ryo Urawa Greg (Urawa?)
Kumada Yuuchirou Chad Kumada Chad (Kumada?)
?? Shinozaki Ken Asagiri Ken (??)
*: These names are established by MixxZine.  In Darien's case, I prefer the Japanese surname "Chiba" to the English surname "Shields," so I use it.
**: "Sonya Meiou" (misspelled "Sonya Mayo" in the last version of this page) is an alias.  She is actually Princess Setsuna of the Kingdom of Pluto.

Given that I was writing stories with these character names long before DiC announced the new names for the Outer Scouts, I'm not going to rename characters so that my stories match the dub. My stories aren't precisely about the dub universe, or the original series's universe, or the manga universe.  It's a mixture of the three, and will obviously have inconsistencies with all of them, made consciously in the pursuit of a better story.  If you don't like anything I'm writing, feel free to write your own story.

Yes, I know I unnecessarily anglicized Hotaru's name.  So sue me.  I was writing fics three years before the dub of SMS and SMSS.

 Sailor Moon: If You Love

Edited by Will Wolfshohl
Time Setting: Sailor Moon R, immediately following the NA episode "Prediction of Doom." (1993)
Rated: PG

Synopsis: A short story detailing a turning point in the relationship of Serena and Darien in TSUP.  What happens when Serena decides to give Darien a taste of his own medicine?  Find out!  Also, find out what Darien's break-up with Serena has been doing to the other Scouts!

 Sailor Moon: The Wedding

Edited by Will Wolfshohl
Time Setting: 1996-1998, from during the Inners' commencement to S&D's first anniversary.
Published: December, 1997
Rated: PG

The first series which I wrote to receive public accolade, The Wedding is the story of the wedding of Serena and Darien, as I see it happening in my continuity.  I have no access to the final issue of the manga, so I just winged it.  Anybody seeing any resemblance to their own stories. . .  there's probably a good reason for that!

First Christmas

Time Setting: Christmas, 1997
Self-Edited (You Have Been Warned)
Published: December 20, 1997
Rated: PG

Just a romantic little Christmas story with our favorite anime couple.

Married Life
The sequel to The Wedding.  It appears that Married Life is becoming even more popular than The Wedding!

Time Setting: 1998-1999, beginning immediately after The Wedding.
Edited by Will Wolfshohl
The current story!
Rated: PG

After their first anniversary, the Chibas find their life taking a new turn.  They think that the NegaVerse is finally gone.  So do the other Sailor Senshi.

Too bad they're wrong. . .

Update: 5/27: YES!  I have FINALLY finished Chapter 10!  Chapters 11 and 12 will be out soon, I promise you!

Chapter One: New Face, Old Enemy
Chapter Two: Explanations and New Problems
Chapter Three: Moon Storm Rising Part 1 - Unexpected Help
Chapter Four: Moon Storm Rising Part 2 - The Hunt for Moon October
Chapter Five: Moon Storm Rising part 3 - Roxix's Revenge
Chapter Six: Adjustments
Chapter Seven: Life and Romance for the Senshi
Chapter Eight: New Arrival
Chapter Nine: Moon Storm Risen!
Chapter Ten: A Dangerous Game to Play
Chapter Eleven: It Is a Sin to Kill a Mockingbird
Chapter Twelve: The Beginning of the End?

The Moon Reflected in a Fire on Earth. . .
A poem by Rei Hino, translated by Mark Berger

Time Setting: Not relevant, but sometime before Sailorstars.
Naming Conventions: Either or both, Rei is the only character whose name is directly mentioned.

Describing it would ruin it, so just read it.

Mystery Sailor Theater 3000

Episode 101: Sailor Moon:Fantasy!
Coming soon: Episode 102: Trouble in Paradise

by Mark Berger and Sailor Mac.

    Mystery Sailor Theater 3000 is a series of MSTings (humorous C&C's based on the incredibly hilarious TV series Mystery Science Theater 3000 by Best Brains, Inc.) of incredibly bad Sailor Moon "lemon" fanfics.  Although these stories include some sexual content, what they include is so ludicrous and poorly-written that it couldn't possibly be considered erotic by any stretch of the imagination.  Still, though, they are sexually explicit, even if this is in a very pathetic and poorly-written form, and shouldn't be read if you're under legal age to do so in your community (18 in most of the U.S., 21 in some areas).  If you shouldn't be reading this, then just move along.

"Love Theme from Mystery Sailor Theater 3,000"
Music by Best Brains.
Lyrics by Mark Berger.

In the not-too-distant future,
Way down in Deep 13,
Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank,
Were hatching an Evil Scheme.
They caught a girl called Sailor Moon,
Just a teenage girl who likes to sleep 'til noon,
Their experiment needed a good test case,
So they signed up with the Negaverse,
And shot her into space (GET ME DOWN!!!)

We'll send her cheesy fanfics,
The worst we can find, (la-la-la)
She'll have to sit and watch them all,
And we'll monitor her mind, (la-la-la)
Now keep in mind she can't control,
Where the fanfics begin or end, (la-la-la)
She'll try to keep her sanity,
With the help of her Sailor friends!
(whirring noise)

Sailor Roll Call:





If you're wondering how she eats and breathes,
And other science facts, (la-la-la)
Repeat to yourself, "It's just a show,
I should really just relax,
For Mystery Sailor Theater 3,000.

In addition to my stories, I have an archive of a select group of *VERY GOOD* fanfics, including such luminaries as Jendra, Jennifer Wand, Michael "Cape-Mike" Stancel and Sailor November!  Enjoy!
Other People's Fanfics:

Sailor Moon Universal

By  "Jendra"
Time Setting: End of Sailor Moon R (1993), replaces episodes #66-83.
Naming Conventions: U.S.
Rated: PG

My all time Number One favorite Sailor Moon fanfic, Sailor Moon Universal is a long (novel-length), excellent story that, just like the Sailor Moon anime, is by turns happy, sad, romantic and funny!  As Jendra's wonderful story, an alternate ending to Sailor Moon R that picks up where Episode #65 leaves off, begins, Darien explains to Serena that he's taking a vacation, she runs, tear-blinded to school, and winds up running headlong into a new transfer student, a boy who immediately earns the attention of the entire female half of the class.  This boy, Travis Watson, surprises everybody by single-handedly improving Serena's personal habits! Has he replaced Darien in her heart, or is not all as it seems at first glance?  Find out!  This story is DEFINITELY worth downloading and spending a few hours reading!

Destiny in the Moonlight

By Sailor November
Time Setting: End of Sailor Moon R (1993), replaces episodes #66-83.
Naming Conventions: U.S.
Rated PG.

Another very nice and fun and romantic ending to Sailor Moon R, Destiny in the Moonlight removes Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond and Black Lady (I just can't bring myself to call her the dub name "Wicked Lady") in favor of a much more straightforward plot.  A lovely, romantic story with lots of good fun and arguments between Serena and Rei (Poor Darien!)

 Chapter 1
 Chapter 2
 Chapter 3
 Chapter 4
 Chapter 5
 Chapter 6
 Chapter 7

Darien's View and First Kiss: A Sailor Moon Moment

By Jennifer Wand
Time Setting: First half of Sailor Moon R (1993).
Naming Conventions: U.S.
Rated: PG

Ooh, I love these two.  If not for Jendra, Jennifer Wand would be the Queen of Sailor Moon fanfiction.  You've seen the Doom Tree Saga story arc from Serena's point of view - now read it from Darien's!  The results may surprise you!

Plus, First Kiss gives the ending to Treed that I always wished it had been given by Takeuchi-sensei.

 Darien's View
 First Kiss: A Sailor Moon Moment

Insecurities by Corina "Mako" Borsuk
You just need to read this one.  I'm sorry, but to tell any of the plot ahead of time would be to give too much of this masterpiece away.  Let's just say that it revolves around Darien and his seeming inability to say those three little words. . .
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

This is my favorite archive, by far.  Not only does Sailor November provide plot synopses so you don't have to jump blindly into a fanfic, but she's a very nice young lady.  I strongly recommend you support her archive!
 Tuxedo Will's Sailor Moon Archive - This archive is maintained by my intrepid editor, "Tuxedo Will" Wolfshohl.
 A Sailor Moon Romance - The link is now updated!

Last Updated: 7/5/1999
Open to the Public: 1/12/1998