Sassy Chiana
Alien Species'
Who's Who
Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four
Peacekeeper Wars
The Books
Short Stories
The Game
Fan Fiction
Season Two

My name is John Crichton, an astronaut

A radiation wave hit and I got shot through a wormhole

Now I'm lost in some distant part of the universe on a ship

A living ship

Full of strange, alien life forms

Help me

Listen, please

Is there anybody out there who can hear me?

I'm being hunted by an insane military commander

Doing everything I can

I'm just looking for a way home.


17/03/2000 - MIND THE BABY (202) (44' 06")

Zhaan, Chiana and Rygel are on Moya, who is about to be attacked by a Sheyang vessel. Rygel wants to starburst, but Moya can't, and Zhaan has gone a bit mad from losing the others, when suddenly the Sheyangs fire.  Crichton is with D'Argo, who is lying unconscious. He suddenly awakes on hearing Crichton's voice, and asks him if he's dead! He thought they were, but Crichton tells him that Aeryn managed to pick them up (following the events of Family Ties). Meanwhile, Aeryn, in her prowler, communicates with Crais, who is aboard Talyn, and mentions an agreement they have...  D'Argo asks Crichton if Moya got away, and he says yes, but Crais made off with Talyn. Aeryn comes in, and D'Argo says he's happy to see her. She says she could not find many supplies, so Crichton and D'Argo suggest they relocate to another asteroid, but she refuses. They say that the prowler will run out of fuel soon, and Scorpius wants Crichton bad, but Aeryn says he won't look forever, and she has a real go at them telling them to stop fighting her, and storms out.  On Moya, Rygel tells Chiana that he's not hungry. When Chiana questions why, since he's always hungry, Pilot reveals that Moya is returning to the asteroid field where she last saw Talyn. They have picked a path so they should re-enter he field undetected by Scorpius' Command Carrier.  Scorpius meanwhile has his cooling rod changed, when Lt. Braca enters and says that they still haven't detected anything. Apparently he let Crichton and D'Argo be rescued by Aeryn, knowing Crichton would rather die than go to him, but it's Braca's fault that the prowler eluded capture.  Crais is trying to stop Talyn from powering up, telling him that his mother abandoned him. He continues, when Aeryn walks in and gets Talyn to show them what's upsetting him. It's some random transmissions from Scorpius to try and scare Talyn into revealing himself. Crais tells him to be brave, so Talyn powers down.  D'Argo and Crichton are playing rock, paper, scissors when Aeryn returns. She says she doesn't want help in bringing the supplies. Crichton thinks that she's holding back, which she can't deny to him. She says that they won't like what she has to say: in order to save their lives she had to make a deal with Crais, because by the time she retrieved them they were about to suffocate. Crais signalled the coordinates for an oxygen-based atmosphere asteroid, which she couldn't have found in time alone. When Moya left, Talyn got upset and stopped obeying Crais' commands, so she agreed to help calm him and teach him to obey Crais' orders. She says that Crais' control is better than none at all, or Scorpius getting hold of him, but Crichton and D'Argo are angry, but she says she couldn't have let them die. D'Argo tongues her unconscious, and they both want to go and get Crais. They decide who will go with rock, paper, scissors, which Crichton wins.  On Moya, Chiana visits Zhaan who's performing the ceremony to become a Pa'u again. She gives Chiana 30 microts to talk. Chiana explains what Moya is doing, but Zhaan refuses to go and talk to Pilot and starts meditating again.  Aeryn tells D'Argo that they've killed them all by letting Crichton go to Crais, but D'Argo says that as a fugitive Crais' goals are only for himself, which only makes him more dangerous.  Aboard Talyn, Crais communicates with Scorpius, saying that building Aeryn's trust is time consuming, as is building the trust of the gunship, which is not made easier by Scorpius' transmissions. Scorpius says that his report was overdue – he thought he was incapacitated and tried to retrieve the gunship. He says that Crais can keep the gunship if he delivers Crichton, and Crais tells him to display the patience that he always brags that he possesses.  Crais then tells Talyn that he heard what Scorpius said: Talyn is no longer his concern. He says that is how Peacekeepers treat their own, and that he, Talyn and Aeryn are alike now, and tells Talyn to trust him, when suddenly Crichton appears! Crais says that he is unarmed, so Crichton can kill him at any time, but he should be warned that Talyn considers him a friend. Crais says that neither of them wants to see Talyn in Scorpius' hands. Crichton agrees, and asks what Crais wants. He says that he wants escape from Scorpius, and to travel even deeper into the Uncharted Territories to re-evaluate his path. Crichton says he doesn't get to keep Talyn, so Crais calls him an intruder. Talyn puts a gun on Crichton, but Crichton grabs Crais and pulls his gun on him. He drags Crais away.  Moya has accelerated, having detected a transmission from a distressed Talyn. Chiana and Rygel talk about leaving Moya, but Chiana then says that Moya didn't abandon them during Zhaan's trial, so they have to stay. Meanwhile, Scorpius has detected a Leviathan distress signal, so knows that she is returning, but he says that if she joins her offspring in concealment then they've gained nothing.  Moya returns to the field, but before she gets to Talyn a prowler approaches. As Chiana and Rygel discuss their coming downfall, Pilot announces that it isn't sending signals to the Command Carrier, so Chiana says to let it dock. She waits with a gun, when Crichton steps out with Crais. After quizzing him to ensure he's really Crichton, she jumps into his arms in happiness! He goes to see Zhaan, who's not exactly ecstatic. She thinks that it is his spirit, so continues praying.  He goes to pick up D'Argo and Aeryn, but Pilot says that Moya is communicating with Talyn, and he's about to leave the asteroid field. Scorpius finds out that Talyn's leaving, and Moya's pursuing, so he tells Braca that on his signal they'll cripple both ships and send commando units to take over. He wants Crichton alive but cares for no one else.  Crichton and D'Argo go and say hi to Rygel, who seizes up. Just as he's regaining his breath, Aeryn walks in and he seizes again. Apparently he's having an airwave seizure caused by strong emotions. Aeryn asks to speak to Talyn, as he's not listening to Moya, but he won’t listen to her either. She goes to see Zhaan, who says she loves all living things. Aeryn tells her to look at what's going on, and says if she truly loves her then she'll snap out of it and help them.  Crais is talking with D'Argo, who is watching over him in his cell. He says that he can't stay here – Talyn needs him. He says that he can keep Talyn from the Peacekeepers. Meanwhile Braca tells Scorpius that both Leviathans have increased their speed, so Scorpius orders them to overtake, and engage!  Everyone on Moya rushes to command, when Talyn suddenly opens fire on Moya! He demands Crais, as he's confused. He doesn't know what to do about the Carrier. Moya won't evade his fire, so they put up the leftover defence screen from the Zelbinion (see log PK Tech Girl), but Talyn destroys it in one shot. He says that was a warning shot, and Pilot says that one more shot will damage Moya, so Aeryn says she will take Crais to Talyn, and will stay aboard with him. Crichton says that Crais will object, but she says he won't since he's already offered to take her with him. Crichton says that she can't go, but she says that there's no other solution.  Crichton and Aeryn release Crais, who tells her to decide. She says that she wants to go with him, and Crichton warns him that if he harms either her or Talyn that he'll hunt him down. Crichton and Aeryn once again don't say goodbye, in hope they'll see each other again, and they leave.  Crais and Aeryn get on Talyn, who extends the "hand of friendship", the greatest honour it can bestow. It's for Crais, who accepts it. He now has a direct link to Talyn's systems through a neural interface. Crais says that they no longer need Aeryn, and says that he and Talyn agree that she should leave. She starts a fight to get the interface off, but Crais knocks her down. She tells Talyn that she's not the enemy, and Crais says that they know that but she can't stay aboard.  On Moya, they wonder why Talyn hasn't tucked in close for starburst yet, when Aeryn returns. Scorpius prepares to fire, when Crais contacts him. Crais says that he resigns as a Peacekeeper, and says that Crichton is dead by his hands. Scorpius fires but Talyn starbursts! Moya then starbursts too. Scorpius wants Braca's tactical expert, who said that Talyn wouldn't be able to starburst for an arn brought to him so he can "educate" him. He orders a search for Moya, saying Crichton's not dead, and he will find him.  D'Argo goes to see Zhaan, who says that she cannot abandon them and so she'll slow down the seek. Meanwhile Crichton and Aeryn are in Pilot's den. She says that she failed, but Pilot says that Talyn told Moya he chose Crais of his own volition, and he said he'll contact Moya from time to time to let her know that he's okay. Aeryn asks Crichton if he'll be all right, and Crichton says he'll make mistakes since he's young, but he'll be okay. She doesn't think Crais will mistreat him, since he could have killed them at any time but didn't. She says maybe he has really changed. Crichton says that he's changed, and she's changed, but Crais?


24/03/2000 - VITAS MORTIS (203) ((44' 03")

Zhaan, D'Argo and Crichton enter a strange building, to be greeted by a guard. He quickly retreats, and they soon find themselves in a room, where they are confronted by a female Luxan, Nilaam, who recognises D'Argo as a General. He quickly tries to leave, because she is an Orican. She tells him not to go, and calls him closer. She's dying, and he says that he will attend her, if she deems him worthy. She judges him, but finds him unworthy, and throws him back proclaiming him a fraud.  D'Argo says that he wants to leave, but Zhaan tells him he shouldn't. She tells Crichton that Nilaam didn't mean to harm D'Argo – she's an Orican; a holy woman revered by all Luxans. D'Argo says that she called him a fraud because he's not a real General, even though the markings on him suggest he is. His General was wounded during his last campaign, and to protect him D'Argo took his mark of rank. Crichton and Zhaan say that Nilaam should understand why he did it, and D'Argo agrees and goes to see her, where he persuades her to listen.  On Moya, Chiana is doing D'Argo's washing. Aeryn asks her to do hers, but she refuses, saying that she does D'Argo's because she likes D'Argo. Meanwhile, D'Argo tells Crichton and Zhaan that he will attend Nilaam, and he will assist her in the Ritual of Passing. Crichton is upset because it could kill him, but D'Argo says it's the highest honour Luxans know. Zhaan says she envies him, because during the ritual he will go part way into the next realm, and then come back. Crichton tries to deter him, but he's made up his mind.  While D'Argo and Zhaan return to Moya, Crichton visits Nilaam, in hopes that she may have died. Crichton says that he's worried that his friend may die. She can't promise that no harm will come to D'Argo, only that she will try to keep him safe. She says that she doesn't want to die, and hasn't seen another Luxan for nine cycles.  Rygel visits D'Argo, as he wants to sell Nilaam some things. Chiana enters and asks D'Argo if the ritual might be dangerous, to which D'Argo lies and says not in the least.  D'Argo returns to Nilaam and they begin the ritual, as Crichton waits outside. D'Argo starts screaming, and Crichton tries to go in, and when he makes it he pulls out his gun, but Nilaam zaps it out of his hand. When Crichton tends to D'Argo, they realize that Nilaam has somehow regained her youth.  Chiana is stuck in the amnexus fluids, which froze during the ritual. Pilot informs the ladies that Moya's fluid systems are failing on a number of tiers.  Nilaam says that she was supposed to die, but on sensing D'Argo's power, she did the Ritual of Renewal instead. She then starts caressing D'Argo, and Crichton makes a hasty exit.  Zhaan can't break down the frozen fluid, and Pilot says that areas of Moya's outer skin are deteriorating, but they don't know why. Nilaam and D'Argo finish up, and she says that she can do anything now, including helping D'Argo find his son.  They still can't free Chiana, as Rygel enters, apparently awoken from his sleep to find the weak spots on the outer hull, which has started to breach. Rygel says that hull breaches are almost unheard of on Leviathans, when suddenly Moya shakes and the hull breaches.  Rygel is sucked away, but gets stuck in the hole, plugging the breach. Nilaam and D'Argo come along, and Nilaam can supposedly help. She tries, but Moya shakes again and the deterioration increases; it doesn't work, so she goes off to pray.  D'Argo goes to Nilaam while she meditates, asking if they caused it. She says that she didn't know at the time, but the power she sensed during the ritual was Moya's, not D'Argo's. but she says that Moya will recover. D'Argo says that Moya is dying, and she wants to go get her scrolls, and o leave because she is a disease to the ship.  As Aeryn and Zhaan discuss Nilaam's involvement, Pilot chimes in and asks to speak to Aeryn in private. Pilot tells her that he is dying, but he doesn't know how they can fix it. Moya is apparently feeling the effects of old age. Aeryn storms off, saying she won't let Nilaam keep what she has stolen.  Aeryn goes after D'Argo and Nilaam, and shoots at her. D'Argo gets in the way, but Nilaam's separates the shot and sends it round them. She surrounds Aeryn and Crichton by ice, and gets D'Argo to leave with her.  Nilaam's incantations are not working, so she wants to get as far away as possible. D'Argo will not leave Moya, as she's more than just "a ship". Nilaam says that she can't lose it, and she doesn't know what to do. Crichton comes to speak with D'Argo, and says they're out of time. He says that he doesn't know what Nilaam intended, but it is murder. D'Argo says that he knows what has to be done, and gets upset.  D'Argo goes to Nilaam, and she says that she treasured the gifts he gave her. She says she's not afraid anymore, and asks for D'Argo's strength on last time. They carry out the Ritual of Passing, and Nilaam dies in D'Argo's arms.  On Moya, Chiana is free, as is Rygel. Pilot thanks Aeryn for her concern. When she asks how long he will live, he says that most Leviathans survive for 300 cycles, but his species live for over 1000. When bonded to Leviathans they live no longer than their host. When Moya dies, so will he, and he wouldn't have it any other way. Crichton visits D'Argo, who says he wants some time alone, but not yet.


31/04/2000 - TAKING THE STONE (204) (44' 05")

Chiana goes to speak to Crichton, who is busy in the maintenance bay. He blows her off and she leaves, and extracts a small disc from her body. It stops flashing, and she says "Nerri", then smashes a DRD. A Prowler leaves Moya, and Aeryn is upset thinking that Chiana stole it. Zhaan and D'Argo bring along the disc, which Zhaan says is a life disc but it is no longer functioning. Whoever was linked to it is now dead. Down on a planet, Chiana is cornered by a group of young men...  Aeryn, Crichton and Rygel go down to the planet, which Rygel says is a royal burial planet. Crichton finds some of Chiana's clothes, and he and Aeryn go to find her in the underground caves, whilst Rygel finds a crate of jewels. Aeryn and Crichton hear Chiana screaming, and go to save her. She's in a room hanging upside down, but apparently is doing so by choice. She tells the others that they shouldn't have come looking for her, and the youths start talking some dren. Chiana has made a hasty exit, and when the boys leave Crichton tells Aeryn to go find Chiana, since she's so pissed at him. Rygel returns to Moya, with the jewels stolen from the cemetery, where D'Argo has a go at him for leaving Crichton and Aeryn behind on the planet. Aeryn visits Chiana, and returns the disc. Chiana says it's her brother, Nerri, and he's dead. She tells Aeryn about what they do on this planet, and asks Aeryn to stay with her, at least for "the gathering".  Crichton speaks to two of the youths, who say it's time to jump. They go out into an opening, at the top of a huge put. One of the youths, Molnon, starts a short speech about how they "take the stone", and one of them jumps into the pit, only to be caught near the bottom by a sonic net, which Aeryn says is sustained by their own voices. Another jumps, but is not caught, and dies. Chiana then says that she has got to do that.  Chiana is with a pregnant girl, Vyna, and when Crichton calls her Aeryn tells him to leave her alone. She tells Crichton that it was her brother's life disc, and says that if he tries to make her leave she will stay to spite him. Molnon is then seen asking Chiana to stay on the planet. On Moya, Zhaan is chanting, saying that Rygel's items may be cursed.  Aeryn asks Vyna what she spoke to Chiana about; apparently Chiana wants to jump. Crichton goes to speak to Chiana, but she doesn't want to know and tells him to go away, sating she doesn't need his help. Crichton tells her that she doesn't need them – they're just stoned monkeys that jump off cliffs. Chiana says that at least they live before they die. Aeryn tells Crichton that it's Chiana's choice, and annoyed, Crichton leaves. Aeryn then asks Chiana if she'll really jump, and she says she might.  Crichton finds an older woman, that has been following him. She says that at 22 cycles if they don't take the stone they hide and make themselves lost, because the others don't like seeing them diseased.  Crichton talks to Molnon, saying that it's easy for them to jump knowing they will die, but Chiana isn't going to die. Molnon won't talk until Crichton takes a drug, so he does. Molnon then tells him that he's scared of dying, so Chiana will take his place in the jump. Crichton then trips out from the drug.  Aeryn finds Crichton on the floor, and he tells her that he convinced him to get Chiana not to jump. He sends Aeryn to take a sample of the youths to Zhaan to see if she can cure them. Crichton takes some Peacekeeper headache pills, and Chiana runs up to him saying that Molnon told her what they spoke about. Crichton says that it's great; now they can leave, but she says no – she's jumping. Crichton has a go at her, but she says that she wants to jump – she has to. Crichton says that she can't want to die, and injects her, knocking her unconscious. Aeryn won't let Crichton take Chiana, saying that he can't take her; if Chiana wants to kill herself then she'll find a way, if not here then elsewhere, so he has to let her jump. Crichton asks when she became so insightful, and she simply replies that she understands loss.  Rygel has decorated his quarters with the stolen goods, which all start to fall off the walls. Zhaan tells Crichton that the youths are suffering from radiation – the caves amplify the effect. Rygel has a go at Zhaan and D'Argo for making the stuff in his room cursed. Vyna is having her baby, and Crichton and Aeryn say that if they move out of the caves they'll live linger, including her baby, but she says that it's the clans that make the rules, not Molnon.  Chiana is about to take the stone, as Crichton and Aeryn come and tell them about the radiation. Molnon says that they won't move to the surface, so Crichton says he will force him to take the stone if the clans don't vote. Naturally, Molnon agrees.  In his quarters, Rygel is getting scared, so he agrees to take all the items back. Molnon tells Crichton that the clans voted to stay – all of them – they want to take the stone. Chiana has apparently gone ahead, so Crichton punches Molnon out. He then visits Chiana and tells her of the clans' vote. She tells Crichton that when she was younger she never had any courage – she followed Nerri, so she has to do this. She jumps... and is caught in the net. Both Crichton and Chiana are overjoyed that she made it.  Chiana buries Nerri's life disc, whilst Crichton asks Aeryn if he sees a bit crazy lately. Rygel's returning his stuff, as Crichton goes to Chiana to see if she's OK. She says that the jump was incredible – he should have tried it. He says that he's too old, and it's time to go.


07/04/2000 - CRACKERS DON'T MATTER (205) (44' 06")

D'Argo has brought an alien named T'raltixx aboard, who has said that he can adjust Moya's electro-magnetics so that they can't be traced, which has become a necessity as Scorpius left wanted beacons all over the commerce planet they've just visited. They went there for food, but all Chiana brought back were dried food rectangles – crackers. Aeryn brought one of the wanted beacons on board so they could find out where Scorpius is headed, and go in the opposite direction. Zhaan has decided to let T'raltixx test his device on the Farscape 1 module, and when Crichton activates it he thinks nothing's happened, but it worked – the module seemed to disappear.  Pilot is worried about how the device may affect Moya, but Crichton convinces him that going to T'raltixx's planet is worth the risk. They fly through a pulsar, which T'raltixx says occasionally affects "lesser" species with impaired judgment and wooziness, but the symptoms are only mild and temporary. No-one feels anything, except for Zhaan who is immensely enjoying the light.  As Crichton is walking with T'raltixx, he notices Chiana eating the crackers, and is concerned telling her she better leave some for the rest of them. As he leaves, D'Argo walks in, and Chiana says they need to talk. Crichton continues to try and find T'raltixx a place suitable for him, and walks past Rygel. After exchanging insults, Crichton tells him that Chiana is eating all the food.  Aeryn is fiddling around with the beacon, when Zhaan comes along and asks what she's doing. She then asks if Aeryn would tell them if there was a personal message for her from Scorpius offering a full pardon for turning them in, but Aeryn just tells her to go away. Crichton calls Zhaan to come and "baby sit" T'raltixx, and she asks if he's OK.  D'Argo sneaks up on Rygel, who is stockpiling crackers. He argues with Rygel, and then disturbingly starts ramming the crackers down his throat. Meanwhile, T'raltixx tells Pilot that he thinks there's something wrong with Zhaan, but Pilot says she's probably just enjoying the pulsar. T'raltixx asks him if he likes the others aboard, and Pilot says that he doesn't think he does.  Crichton asks Pilot to run a scan as he thinks that the crew are starting to act strange. He then hears Chiana and Aeryn arguing, because Aeryn won't show her the hidden message on the beacon. Crichton tells her to show it to Chiana to shut her up, but then Chiana wonders why he wants her to watch the beacon. D'Argo comes in and asks what's going on, and punches Crichton. When he gets up, Crichton wonders why they're all fighting.  Crichton tells T'raltixx that he said the light would only have a minimal effect on them, and he says that he's never know of the effect being so bad, as Zhaan sits in the corner continuing to soak up the light. Meanwhile, Aeryn finds Rygel, and says she has a plan and needs him to watch her back from the others. She says she knows she can trust him because he's too cowardly to betray her.  Chiana still thinks Aeryn is hiding something, and maybe she and Crichton are contacting Scorpius to turn them in. Zhaan comes along, and D'Argo asks if she's working with Crichton, and when she tells him to leave her alone, he tongues her.  Crichton is in Pilot's den, where Pilot comments on how deficient humans are, and then tells Crichton that no-one trusts him. He won't tell Crichton if he's run the scan, and when Crichton tries to see for himself Pilot throws him off the console. Crichton asks if he can see the light, and when Pilot says no he asks why he's being affected by it.  Crichton goes to see Aeryn, when she draws her gun on him. She and Rygel are only taking their fair share, but Crichton says he doesn't care about crackers. He asks where his ice cream is, sings a little rhyme about it and then runs off. In the mean time, T'raltixx is taking all of the DRDs, and says that he needs them to make light, but Pilot doesn't trust him. He says that he can help Pilot, but only if Pilot helps him.  Chiana and D'Argo are trying to leave Moya in Crichton's module, but he's taken out a component that it needs to fly, and disabled the hangar doors, so they're not leaving. On command, Aeryn is moving some things around, and is angry that Rygel is not watching her back, when Crichton comes along. He wants them to lock all the guns away, but she says no and shoots at him. He calls Pilot and says that he thinks Aeryn may be trying to take over the ship, but Pilot says he's aware of her plan.  Crichton comes across Chiana meddling with the beacon, and he wants to know what she's doing. She knees him where it hurts, and runs off, and then the beacon starts to talk back to him! Scorpius starts reminding him of how he got revenge on a kid at school when he was younger, and says they must be ready as the others are coming for him. Meanwhile, T'raltixx asks Pilot for even more light.  Crichton goes and threatens D'Argo with his pistol, when Scorpius again comes to him. Crichton shoots D'Argo, and Scorpius tells him to finish him off. As Crichton talks to him, D'Argo runs off leaving a trail of blood. Crichton then finds Chiana and grabs her from behind. He's ready to kill her, when Scorpius appears and tells him to tie her up so they can have fun with her later.  Rygel tells Aeryn that Crichton is coming, and Aeryn knocks him out because she thinks he's going to betray her. Crichton comes up and they exchange insults, and Scorpius tells him to kill her. Crichton has words with him and shoots him, and then he and Aeryn exchange gunfire. They both run out of cartridges, and lunge at each other.  Next we see Crichton dragging Aeryn into a room where he has everyone else tied up. He tells D'Argo that he needs everyone to understand that crackers don't matter. He says that since T'raltixx came aboard they've all been acting crazy, but they've passed the pulsars so it isn't them. Zhaan says that when she was near T'raltixx she was more affected than when she was in the light. Crichton says that he needs their help, because Moya's starting to glow. He says that T'raltixx wants them out of the way so he can create light. D'Argo wants to pay him a visit, and Aeryn says they should kill him. When Crichton unties her, she tells him never to pull a gun on her again.  Crichton says that he will go and kill T'raltixx; all they need to do is find a way to keep the light off him. D'Argo and Aeryn both want to go, but Chiana says that Crichton must, since he's the only one not affected because he's deficient. So Zhaan pastes Crichtons face with some anti-light puke, and they all give him items to keep the light away. They all take a look at the finished product, and he resembles some fake, tacky, failed superhero, and Aeryn says they're going to die.  Crichton uses the disappearing device, goes to T'raltixx and starts breaking wires to cut off the light. T'raltixx starts firing bolts at him, and clings to the wall, but Crichton shoots him off and then stabs him.  Pilot apologises to D'Argo and Rygel, who both accept it. D'Argo then says he's ashamed of what he did to Rygel, and Rygel says that he thought D'Argo was going to kill him, so he can't forgive him, yet.  Chiana tells Crichton that she was impressed with some of the things Crichton said. Zhaan asks if she did anything bad, as she has no memories of it. Chiana says no, she was best, and looked like she was having a great time. Crichton and Aeryn apologise to each other, then Aeryn leaves, and Crichton asks Zhaan hoe they can take it all back, but she says she doesn't know.


14/04/2000 - THE WAY WE WEREN'T (206) (44' 04")

A recording is playing, showing Peacekeepers on Moya, with a Lieutenant named Velorek asking Moya's previous pilot to cooperate. He says that if she refuses, another pilot is waiting in the wings. She insists on the removal of the control collar, at which time Captain Crais enters, asking Velorek what is taking so long. He orders the Peacekeeper troops to fire, and they kill the pilot. They begin talking, prompting Velorek to tell them to keep their opinions to themselves. They all comply with a "Yes sir!", and take off their helmets. Amongst them, Officer Aeryn Sun...  Crichton asks Chiana where she found the recording, and she says she was going through stuff on the top tier. She seems stunned that Aeryn was on Moya, and killed the previous pilot.  The rest of the crew, Aeryn included, watch in disgust. They ask why she never told them she'd been on Moya before, but she says she'd been on hundreds of Leviathans; she didn't know it was Moya. Zhaan, Rygel and D'Argo were all aboard three cycles ago, and say that maybe she tortured them. She denies this, and Crichton tries to calm things down. After some comments from Rygel, she goes for him, but Crichton holds her back. Chiana mentions that she was a Peacekeeper, and wonders what they all thought she used to do. She says that she was a Peacekeeper then, and her life, relationships and priorities were very different.  Flashback to a Prowler arriving on Moya. Velorek greets Aeryn in the hangar, and says that she could have asked what the cargo was, but she says that her only question would be why she was pulled from Prowler duty, and when can she go back. The cargo? A replacement pilot.  Crichton says that she saw Pilot, their Pilot, when he was brought aboard. She says that had she know it was him, she would have said. Everyone leaves her, not knowing what to say; upset. Crichton asks about Velorek, and she says his job was to bond the new pilot to the Leviathan.  Flashback to Velorek, speaking with Pilot and trying to control him. Crais enters and Velorek stuns Pilot. Crais asks if Velorek's already running into problems. Aeryn tells Crichton what's done is done, she can't talk about it. She leaves, but remembers Crais telling Velorek that his job is to install the new pilot and teach him how to use her. Velorek says that he is young, and it will take too long. Crais says that Velorek can be replaced, and Aeryn steps up to ask to be reinstated for Prowler duty, but Crais ignores her and leaves.  Aeryn is in her training room at the punching bag, knuckles bleeding from hitting it so hard. She breaks down in tears, and Crichton comes along asking what happened back then. She tells him that there's a reason that she kept him at a distance at times; Peacekeepers are bred for one purpose. Relationships do not involve connecting with anyone, particularly for any long amount of time. Her relationships back then were somewhat painful. Crichton realises it's to do with Velorek...  Flashback to Aeryn and Velorek getting it on, as Aeryn tells Crichton that they were lovers. He's never heard her use that word before, but she says she felt something unique with Velorek, and guesses it was love. Pilot appears on the clamshell, recording in hand, telling Aeryn that they must talk. Crichton is shocked that he got the tape, but Aeryn says that she must go alone. In Pilot's den, he says her betrayal cuts deep, and he lifts her up by the throat.  Flashback to Pilot being lifted into place. Velorek removes his gag, and says that the ship's name is Moya. Pilot is strangling Aeryn, and she calls for Crichton. D'Argo joins him as they run to his den. In the flashback, Velorek tells Pilot that they won't bond him naturally because it would take over a cycle. Crichton and D'Argo try to stop Pilot, but he knocks them away and vents the chamber. In the flashback, Pilot says that his presence will surprise Moya, but Velorek says that he has no more time to adjust to his new surroundings. Pilot throws Aeryn down, and says that until she leaves Moya will not move, and he shuts down power.  Chiana has a go at Rygel for showing Pilot the tape, and they still can't take control. Zhaan heals Aeryn, but is angry with her. Aeryn says that Pilot's right, she defies Moya with her presence and she will leave. Zhaan apologises, saying that Aeryn had no choice back then. In that world, that was the only kind of Peacekeeper she could be.  Flashback to Aeryn and Velorek in bed. Aeryn goes to leave, but Velorek keeps her there, and asks her to stay with him, saying that he could make it happen. He says that there's something special about her, and asks if all she wants is to fly Prowlers and serve a madman like Crais. Aeryn says that is insubordination, but he says that Crais is a maniac, and that he will not let Crais' project kill this Leviathan. He again asks Aeryn to come with him, as she can be so much more.  Crichton asks what Aeryn is doing, and Zhaan says she is going to leave. Crichton goes to Pilot, and says that they will hash it out here and now.  Flashback to Pilot being bonded, saying he is in great pain. Velorek says that a permanent side effect of the grafting process is the great pain. He tells Pilot not to be afraid, and brings Moya back to consciousness. Moya recognises that he is not her original pilot and goes haywire, but is subdued by the control collar.  Pilot tells Crichton that Moya only accepted him because she was tortured into it, and he rips out his bond to her. As systems fail everywhere, Crichton asks Pilot what he's done and tries to assess the damage. Pilot simply says that the pain is finally gone.  Aeryn tells Crichton that Pilot has likely been in pain the whole time, and that they need Pilot's help to fix things. Flashback to Velorek giving Pilot control of the DRDs, and as Aeryn watches, he whispers to some of his team. Pilot then asks him what secret project he means, but Velorek says that it's nothing for him to concern himself with.  Aeryn says that she has to talk to Pilot, but he has isolated himself. Aeryn says it's all her fault, so Crichton asks what else happened, but she just says that she has to talk to him. She and Crichton make their way to Pilot, and Crichton again asks what happened.  Flashback to Aeryn massaging Velorek, saying she wants to go with him. She asks where they'll go, and he says he doesn't know. Aeryn tells him to change his mind, whatever he did with Crais' plan to put it back. As Velorek questions her, Crais enters and arrests him, and asks if she is the informant. She says yes, and her rewards her with the assignment she requested. Velorek says that he told her she was special, and is taken away.  Crichton asks what happened to Velorek, but she says she thinks she knows that Crais' project was to breed a Leviathan warship. Velorek installed the contraceptive shield, which D'Argo shattered.  Aeryn and Crichton get in to Pilot's den, and fend off a DRD attack. Pilot doesn't want to talk, but Crichton says he wants to help Pilot because otherwise he will starve to death. Pilot says that Moya will be better off without him. Aeryn says that she deserves to die, and won't stop him from killing her, but asks him to spare the others and himself. He says that it's not her who deserves death, it's him; he didn't just replace the old pilot...  Flashback to Pilot's home world, as Pilot tells Velorek that he so badly wants to see the stars. Velorek offers him a Leviathan, saying that the old pilot will die no matter what he does; Velorek will find someone else if he disagrees.  Pilot says that it's his fault that the other pilot is dead. Velorek may have not found a replacement had he refused, but he was so desperate to see the stars. Aeryn strokes Pilot's cheek in the same way Velorek did when he came aboard, saying that now she couldn't fathom not doing such a thing. She says that they've come a long way since then, and have a long way to go, and asks him to take the journey with her. Pilot strokes her face back, and says that he knows a way to get temporary control of Moya's systems.  As D'Argo works, Pilot says that he will not have complete control, and the bonding could take a cycle. D'Argo says that he deserves it, and asks how it feels. Pilot says that there's no longer any pain.  Crichton tells Aeryn that Velorek was right; in a new place she will thrive. She says that Velorek told her she could be so much more, and it's exactly what Crichton said the first day he was here. Crichton asks if she thinks she loves this man, and after a long look they smile...


21/04/2000 - PICTURE IF YOU WILL (207) (44' 06")

Chiana is browsing a small commerce station along with Rygel and Aeryn. The shopkeeper, Kyvan, offers Chiana a painting, and Rygel a Hynerian tiara. He takes it in exchange for one foodcube, and as they leave, Kyvan gives Chiana the painting, which is of her wearing her favourite necklace, for free, saying that it is a window in time.  On Moya, Crichton and D'Argo are trying to fix the defence screen, and Pilot tells them that they're experiencing anomalies. Chiana, Rygel and Aeryn return, and Chiana sees a DRD with her necklace. She takes it back, and the painting changes to her with a broken leg. When she gets up, she trips on the DRD and a snapping sound is heard...  Chiana thinks that the painting can predict the future, but Crichton doesn't buy it. Zhaan wonders if it's one of the others playing tricks. Since Pilot assigned the DRD to find the necklace a while ago, Crichton thinks it's just a coincidence. Zhaan wants to perform test on the painting, and despite Chiana's initial objections Zhaan gets a piece. Meanwhile Rygel discovers that the tiara is actually authentic.  D'Argo asks Chiana if she really wants to know the future, and wants her to get rid of the painting, because he is concerned. She asks if he really cares what happens to her, and he does, and she says she is glad he does. D'Argo says that he wants her to be sensible and get rid of it, but she gets annoyed and forces him to leave.  Aeryn tells Crichton that she thinks that Kyvan set it all up because Chiana insulted her art. Crichton says he wants to lock Moya up so nothing can get in or out, and a conversation ensues over who Aeryn would like to throw off the ship.  Zhaan is doing some analysis, and hears a voice. Crichton enters and startles her, and she says that everything is not OK. He asks her to tell him, but she can't find anything in the painting. Crichton says that it must have been all in Chiana's mind, but Zhaan says no – Chiana is in danger. She can't tell Crichton what, because she only has suspicions, but she says that soon she may need everyone to do exactly as she says, quickly and without questions, and asks if he'll obey. Crichton says that when the time comes he will back her up, and she wants the portrait, so she can destroy it.  Chiana screams, as the painting has turned into her burning in flames. Crichton runs the portrait to Zhaan, while the others go to the cargo bay. D'Argo puts her in the freezer, so Pilot can regulate the temperature. The freezer suddenly locks, and is set on fire. Nobody can get in, and Chiana vanishes.  Pilot manages to get the door open, but all that is left are the remnants of Chiana's clothes. Rygel goes to Zhaan and asks why she couldn't have saved Chiana. Zhaan blames herself, but Crichton says they should dispose of the painting, so she burns it.  Pilot tells Aeryn that there was nothing wrong with the freezer, and nothing he or Moya did caused it. D'Argo calls Crichton to the central chamber – the painting has repaired itself and shows D'Argo, so they smash it on the floor before it finishes changing. D'Argo wants to flush it out of the airlock, and Aeryn takes Crichton's module to visit Kyvan for answers. They flush it out and move away from the fragments, and Zhaan again hears a voice in the corridor.  Aeryn flues away in the module, and discovers Rygel hiding in the back. Rygel wants to make a profit and settle the score with Kyvan at the same time, and says that he will miss Chiana.  The painting reconstitutes and shows D'Argo impaled. Zhaan freaks out, and D'Argo says it symbolises a Qualta Blade so he gives it to Zhaan to lock away. D'Argo tells Crichton that he's been a good friend, when Aeryn's Prowler, which was undergoing maintenance, suddenly turns round and skewers D'Argo, and he shatters.  D'Argo is transported to a strange place, where he hears Chiana. She thinks that they're in the portrait. Meanwhile Aeryn and Rygel arrive on the station to confront Kyvan, and threaten to shoot her. She says that she was forced to paint the portrait by Maldis...  Aeryn tells Crichton and Zhaan over the comms, and she says that they only dispersed him and she knew he'd coalesce again one day. Zhaan starts praying, and Crichton tells Aeryn to get some information. Zhaan grabs Crichton and tells him via their bond of Unity (see log Rhapsody in Blue) that she has a plan. She says that he must focus Maldis' attention on him for as long as possible, and says to ignore what she says next. She breaks the bond, and Zhaan says they can't beat Maldis; she is giving up, and pushes him into an exposed circuit.  Crichton is transported inside the picture, and hears D'Argo. The archways apparently take you somewhere else, so D'Argo tells Crichton not to go through. Crichton calls Maldis, who appears behind him. Maldis says that he is saving his revenge for Zhaan, and wanted her to see her shipmates die first. He then starts calling Zhaan again.  Zhaan goes to Pilot, and he says that he'll do exactly as she asked. Maldis tells Crichton that Zhaan is afraid because she is alone. Zhaan is called into the painting, where Crichton tells her not to give up. He tells everyone to stay calm so that Maldis can't feed on their fear. Maldis threatens Earth, and D'Argo's son Jothee, in an attempt to push their buttons. He turns to Zhaan, and starts walking over her, saying that in 100 microts he will finish them.  Pilot sends a priority message to Aeryn to kill Kyvan and leave fast. Aeryn shoots Kyvan, and she and Rygel just manage to escape. Maldis is weakened, and Zhaan jumps up and suddenly gives him a good hiding, throwing him into an archway. They all leave quickly through the portal in the wall, and a giant hand appears. The DRDs shoot the hand and the wall, and it all smashes.  Chiana is eating with Rygel, and asks why her leg is still hurt. She explains to Rygel the whole Maldis/Kyvan thing, but he doesn't get it.  Crichton asks Zhaan if Maldis is gone for good, but she says she doesn't know. She adds that her fear wasn't an act – she's never been more scared in her life.


16/06/2000 - HOME ON THE REMAINS (208) (44' 05")

The crew are suffering from starvation, and have visited the remains of a Budong, where Chiana once lived, in hopes of getting some food. However, Chiana stole from some friends before she left, so she may not be welcome. All the while, Crichton is frying some dentics, only to find out that there's a reason why no-one eats them. Aeryn says that she wants to leave, when Zhaan enters. She's budding, and says that she must have food, or she'll die.  On the Budong, Chiana says she has a plan to get them food, when an attack occurs. Chiana's friend Temmon is hurt badly, so she finishes him off. B'Sogg enters, saying that he's closed the mines until they find the Keedva – the animal that attacked. He asks why Chiana is here, and she tells him her ship is dying of starvation. After being forced to hand over their weapons, B'Sogg says that he'll feed her friends but not her; she used up his charity. As the others leave, Chiana is met by an old friend, Altana, who she goes to eat with. Whilst discussing old times, Altana says that she's leaving as she hit it big – she has found some Nogelti crystals, and she wants to give Chiana half.  Back on Moya, Aeryn begins to mix a salve under Zhaan's instructions, when Zhaan goes into a catatonic state. Pilot warns Aeryn that Moya is beginning to numb from Zhaan's spores. Meanwhile, Rygel complains about his food, so B'Sogg goes to take it but the others say no; they appreciate it. D'Argo says that they'll work to get the meat they need, as they have no choice.  Crichton takes some food to Zhaan, but she grabs his hand and says she needs meat. She says that for Delvians, animal proteins stop the budding cycle, as the buds have evolved for protection, and will poison predators so they can be eaten, since the Delvian is immobilised.  Rygel is playing Vija at a game, but Vija cheats and wins, and when he realises that Rygel has no crystals, Rygel is forced to go to the mines. Meanwhile, Chiana attempts to B'Sogg, but D'Argo walks in on them. He says that they need meat now, but B'Sogg says they must pay for it. The only the he wants is Chiana, but D'Argo refuses and punches him. B'Sogg says that he hid all the meat, and he wants Chiana for good.  D'Argo and Chiana argue over what just happened, and she says that she doesn't need another brother. D'Argo says that he doesn't want to be; he just wants to help. He will go down to the mines with Altana to get the crystals.  Aeryn tries to help Zhaan by shining light on her, but it increases the budding, and Zhaan accuses Aeryn of trying to kill her. Meanwhile, Crichton sees Chiana talking with B'Sogg, who says he won't negotiate how long she must stay with him. Chiana then tells Crichton where D'Argo is, so Crichton goes to get him.  Moya's sensors are weakening from the spores, and if they aren't gone soon she may be permanently blinded. Aeryn gets Pilot to prepare a transports pod to get Zhaan away from Moya, but Zhaan has vanished.  Crichton finds Rygel mining a crystal, and goes to drag him away, when a whistle noise sounds and the Keedva attacks. Rygel floats up on his throne sled, so Crichton grabs on and won't let go. The whistle sounds again, and the Keedva runs off, and Crichton headbutts Rygel for biting his finger.  Zhaan is still on Moya, but budding even more. Aeryn still can't find her, and Pilot says that they may have to flush the atmosphere anyway. Meanwhile, as D'Argo and Altana return with the crystals, the Keedva stalks them. They talk about Chiana, and when Altana asks if they're together D'Argo says that's up to Chiana.  Aeryn tells Pilot to seal off command and decompress Moya, as it's the only way. As Aeryn feels guilty, Pilot begins to repressurise. Meanwhile, the Keedva attacks and kills Altana, and again runs off on hearing the whistle.  Chiana is worried about D'Argo, when the creature alarm goes off. B'Sogg tells Crichton that he found their friends too late, but managed to scare the creature off. A bloodied D'Argo calls out and says that he couldn't protect Altana, and she's now dead. Chiana asks B'Sogg how this could happen, and he says that he closed the mines and they should have stayed out, but Chiana tells Crichton that she believes he killed Altana.  On Moya, Zhaan attacks Aeryn, saying she is trying to kill her, that Aeryn has always hated her, that she came to Delvia and imprisoned her, and plotted with Pilot against her. Aeryn says that she's harming Moya with the spores, but Zhaan says that she would never harm Moya, and she can't think. Zhaan asks Aeryn to help her, so Aeryn says she will and headbutts her, and asks Pilot to prime the transport.  Crichton is back in the mines, and finds B'Sogg's stash. B'Sogg appears and unleashes the Keedva, which B'Sogg says he has developed a mutually beneficial relationship with. Chiana calls for Crichton, and B'Sogg leaves him and the Keedva alone. Crichton manages to trap it in some bars, killing it.  Chiana pulls a gun on B'Sogg, who says she's not a killer. She says that she's evolving, but he's persistent that she won't kill him in cold blood. She says he's right, and shoots the Budong, and the blood pours over his arm, shrivelling it.  Back on Moya, the crew are feasting, with Zhaan on her 5th helping of barbecued Keedva. Chiana draws D'Argo away, and Zhaan apologises to Aeryn for what she said. Meanwhile D'Argo joins Chiana on command, and says that she doesn't have to act around him. She says that she only lets her guard down when she feels safe. He says that she is, and when she questions it he kisses her, and she says "Whoa!"


23/06/2000 - DREAM A LITTLE DREAM (201) (44' 05")

NOTE: "Dream a Little Dream" was originally filmed under the title "Re: Union" as the first episode of season 2. However, for various reasons, it was held back and "Mind the Baby", originally the second episode, was aired first in its place. "Re: Union" was re-edited to include two newly filmed scenes with Crichton and Zhaan at the beginning and end, turning it into a flashback story. It was renamed "Dream a Little Dream" and aired eighth.  However, on June 1st 2001, the US SciFi channel aired the original cut of "Re: Union" as a special presentation. Both versions are covered in this synopsis, and the differences noted as such.

Dream a Little Dream: Zhaan has been having dreams of Crichton, Aeryn and D'Argo dying when they were left by Moya (see log Family Ties). She and Crichton are stuck on a transport pod waiting for Moya, as Rygel left something in the nav. linkage. When Crichton starts singing "I dream a little dream of you", Zhaan says that she was, and tells him that she keeps seeing him die. She tells him that they searched for 20 solar days every planet within possible distance, and the last they found was Litigara. So back we go, to that point in time...

Re: Union: Zhaan is with Pilot in his chamber. Pilot is feeling great sorrow over the loss of Crichton, Aeryn and D'Argo (see log Family Ties), and he asks Zhaan why the loss troubles him so much. As she tells him that their sacrifice was an act of heroic charity, she begins to get upset, so Pilot has to calm her down. They have searched 24 planets, countless moons and asteroids with no sign of them, and Litigara is their last hope. Zhaan leaves to go and collect Rygel and Chiana, who have been on the surface gathering information.

In a bar on Litigara, Zhaan asks the barman if he's seen two Sebaceans and a Luxan, but he hasn't. Rygel is drunk, and Chiana is playing with the locals. Zhaan grabs them and leaves, and speaks to Pilot who says that Moya is demanding they return so she can continue the search for her offspring. Zhaan goes to cross the road when the light she can, but she is hit by a vehicle. Police come and arrest her, to Chiana and Rygel's objections, saying that she'll pay for her crime...  Pilot tells Chiana that Moya is ready to leave, and she must tell Zhaan. Chiana goes to see Zhaan, who says that she shouldn't have come, when Zhaan's lawyer appears. He says that she can expect the minimum sentence – ten solar days. Chiana suggests getting another lawyer, and he says they're welcome to try; over 90% of the population are lawyers. Zhaan tells Chiana that she and Rygel must get out of here, and then she attacks her lawyer.  A man called Ja Rhumann is speaking to a man over the comm., and says that even though it's not safe for the man to be out that night, they've found the perfect subject. Meanwhile, back in her cell, Zhaan sees Crichton, D'Argo and Aeryn come up to her to get her out of the cell, but before they do they disappear; they're hallucinations. But Crichton comes through the bars and sits next to her, and she says that she wishes he and the others were there because she's alone and afraid so she needs them; Rygel and Chiana are like children, and without the others she can't be responsible for everyone.  Crichton's image vanishes when a woman comes up to her cell and opens the door, giving her a map to the transport. She says the guards will return soon, so this is Zhaan's only chance to escape. But as Zhaan runs and sees Rygel and Chiana, she trips over a dead body, and the police arrest her again – only this time the charge is murder.  Her lawyer says that the man she killed was a rising advocate for the utilities; the 10% of the population who aren't lawyers. The charge is that she murdered him with her bare hands, although because of his radical ideas about the law nobody's too cut up about it. When Chiana asks what happens next, he says that in three solar days she will be executed!  In court, Rygel explains to Chiana that Litigara is run by law firms, and the one currently in power is run by Ja Rhumann. The judge is about to give the verdict, when Zhaan asks if it matters that she is innocent. She says that she is guilty of many evils but this is not one of them. Her counsel says that it was not discussed and he will not represent her in a plea of not guilty. The judge says that she can't change her plea without representation, so Chiana objects. Zhaan tells her to return to Moya, but she and Rygel say they'll represent her, which the judge allows. Later, Chiana tells Rygel that if they fail, they share the same punishment as the client.  Chiana and Rygel are in the bar researching, when a lawyer has a go at one of the bar staff. The barman tells Chiana that he's a lawyer, and it's his right. That's why Wesley Kenn, the man who was murdered, was so important, as he was fighting for utilities' rights. He says that their law system wasn't always complicated, and gives them "The Axiom" – the book that all other law books are based on. He says that it's the only book the really need.  Aeryn is now in Zhaan's cell (another hallucination), and asks why Zhaan left them, had she waited a few microts they would have all been back. Back in court, Zhaan confesses and says she's guilty. As the judge is about to sentence her, Rygel steps in and says that her counsel does not concur with the guilty plea, and Chiana insist that she be gagged. The judge agrees, and the trial proceeds. Rygel and Chiana cross-examine various witnesses, including the officer on patrol, who says he found Zhaan kneeling over the murdered body.  Later, in the bar, Chiana tells Pilot that they need more time, but he says that Moya will only give the, one revolution of the planet. Chiana notices the officer who arrested Zhaan, who has a burned face. The bartender says that he has blue eyes, and it was a dual full moon the other night. Litigarans with blue eyes usually stay in because it burns them. Chiana goes to "speak" with him, and says they're pleading guilty tomorrow before fishing for information. Rygel asks the bartender about the "light of truth" mentioned in The Axiom, and he says that it goes back to the very origin of the law – a burning torch that burns brighter when held up to someone meant that they were lying. Rygel gets an idea and shows the barman a picture of the murdered man.  In court, Chiana is suffering from a hangover, so Rygel gives her some pills to help, but she takes them all and they make her hyper, forcing Rygel to take over. He asks the doctor about the burn that blue-eyed Litigarans get from a dual full moon. Chiana then asks the officer why he was burnt and not the victim, and then reveals that he used to work as security for Ja Rhumann's law firm.  After the session, Pilot tells Chiana that Moya is not listening and is about to leave. As Chiana walks on, she gets caught in an electro-net and is taken to Rhumann. He threatens her to stop her line of questioning or he says she will be faced with charges, false charges. He says that it's all about utility's rights, and her comm. is destroyed and he says that she won't return to the ship unless he allows it.  Zhaan is being strapped up, when she sees D'Argo, who encourages her to take up the Pa'u Seek again, saying she is the strongest individual he has ever known. Meanwhile Chiana returns to the cell, where Rygel is with Zhaan, who is mumbling. Chiana uses his comm. to contact Pilot, who says that Moya has chosen to give them more time, as her comm. was open the whole time she was speaking with Rhumann. Rygel says that he thinks they can win, but it will involve lashings of deception and trickery.  In court, Chiana calls Rhumann to the stand, and talks about the oath they take with their hand on The Axiom. Rygel asks him, under oath, what he knows about the murder. He says that he knows no more than any ordinary citizen – namely that Zhaan did it. Chiana breaks a chair, and designates one of the legs the light of truth. Rhumann says that it's a parable, but Rygel says it says so in their most sacred book. Chiana says that it's ordinary wood, but near a witness under oath, it reacts with special properties. Chiana lights it, and Rygel asks if the death benefited his firm, and Chiana asks if finding an off-worlder to blame the death on would benefit his firm, and he agrees, hypothetically speaking. Rygel says that the victim didn't get burned, Chiana says the victim must have been killed somewhere else, and brought to the alley knowing Zhaan would be there. He says hypothetically, yes. Rygel tells Pilot "now" under his breath, and Chiana asks if he's speaking hypothetically. Rhumann says yes, but Moya projects light, and with each lie the light gets stronger. Rygel asks if the judge will believe a guilty man, or the symbol of her world. She orders Rhumann arrested and drops all charges against Zhaan.

Re: Union: Back in the bar, Chiana gives the bartender a goodbye kiss, and then calls Pilot to say they're on their way. He asks if Zhaan is with them, because he wants to ask her something. Chiana says Zhaan's not the way she was the last time he saw her, and he says he knows, and he thinks it's wonderful... Zhaan's been chanting; she is returning to the Seek to become a priest again! Chiana and Rygel are pleased, and Chiana says they'll return to Moya straight away to continue the search for Talyn. Rygel asks what about Crichton, Aeryn and D'Argo, and Chiana says they're gone, and it's time to move on, then Rygel takes Zhaan's hand and they all leave.

Dream a Little Dream: Back to the present, and Zhaan tells Crichton that she keeps seeing them die, even though they live. She says that the experience shows that her spirituality was lacking, but he says that since she recommitted herself to the Seek it may have been worth it. Moya arrives to pick them up, and Crichton asks Zhaan if she's OK. She thanks him for his compassion, and he thanks her for hers.


07/07/2000 - OUT OF THEIR MINDS (209) (44' 05")

Moya has been targeted by an alien ship, with the crew rallying to rejuvenate the defence screen, acquired in PK Tech Girl. Zhaan has gone over to the Halosian ship, which is badly damaged, to try and stop them from firing. She is confronted by a bird-like creature called Tak, who is feigning injury, and says that his ship was attacked by Moya's smaller ship, Talyn! Zhaan says she can help them, and that Moya has no weapons. Hearing this, Tak strikes her down and orders his second, Yoz, to fire. D'Argo and Chiana manage to get the defence screen up in time, but the effect of the beam on it causes a problem for the crew: when they come to, Crichton is in Aeryn's body, Aeryn's in Rygel's body and Rygel's in Crichton's body!  Amongst much confusion, they find that the three in Pilot's den have also switched bodies: D'Argo is in Pilot, Pilot's in Chiana and Chiana is in D'Argo's body. D'Argo is having trouble sorting out the sounds he can hear from Moya, so Pilot tries to explain to him what to do. Meanwhile Rygel thinks it's all a dream, but when Crichton whacks him round the head and he finds himself still in Crichton's body, he attacks Aeryn, desperate to get his old body back.  Tak says that Zhaan lied – they have a defence shield. He shows her Talyn firing, and says that 30 of his crew are dead. It will take 3 arns to recharge the weapon, and Zhaan tells them they're wrong about Moya, bur they remain unconvinced.  Pilot tells D'Argo how to distinguish between the sounds that he can hear, and with everyone in Pilot's den Crichton gives them all picture tags to hang around their necks so they know who is in whom. Pilot explains what he last remembers – Zhaan docked on the Halosian vessel and the defence screen was damaged by the shot, and it needs repair. Pilot thinks that if they align the defence screen to 62% like it was during the first shot, they may switch back, so Crichton and Aeryn get to work. Meanwhile Tak agrees to go over to Moya to see that it she has no weapons, but Zhaan must stay as insurance.  Pilot is getting queasy, when Zhaan gets in touch to explain the situation. Pilot begins foaming at the mouth, apparently rejecting Chiana's body. The Halosian shuttle arrives, and Rygel, Aeryn, Chiana and Crichton go to meet Tak. As he arrives, Rygel suddenly needs to pee, and has to go in the middle of the maintenance bay.  Pilot tells D'Argo that if he stays calm he's fine, but he feels like all his senses are gone. D'Argo says that everything Pilot goes through makes his own life feel insignificant, but Pilot says that he doesn't experience love and friendship.  Zhaan is praying, when Yoz says that she believes Moya is harmless, and shows a video of Crais saying that he travels in peace, but the Halosians fire so Crais defended himself, but he and Talyn left them alive. Meanwhile, Crichton has fixed the defence screen, when he notices his (or rather Aeryn's) breasts. As Chiana and Aeryn walk in, he gives them a wiggle and a feel, and on noticing the others in the doorway, his only excuse is "I'm a guy!"  Rygel is showing around Tak, who throws up on Moya's neural nexus, and Rygel again asks to be changed back. As they leave, the sick starts to attack Moya's circuitry! Tak returns to his ship, where he asks Zhaan what they meant by "switching back", but she doesn't know. He says that he'll destroy Moya, so Zhaan tries to convince Yoz to remove him, so she can "evolve" quicker, since he failed to destroy Moya first time.  Chiana (in D'Argo's body) corners Rygel (who's in Crichton's body), and says she wants to get off the ship. In an amusing scene she tries to convince him by offering to perform sexual acts, but Rygel refuses saying he wants to regain his thrown, and only a Dominar can do that. Crichton and Aeryn come along, and Rygel mentions the sick, so they figure that must be causing the trouble on Moya. They go to the conduits, and find the sick destroying them. Crichton comes up with a plan, although he doesn't really know what he's doing since he's making it up as he goes.  They shut down the defence screen and neutralise the acid. The Halosians fire just as they put the defence screen back up, and they switch again: Crichton in Rygel, Aeryn in Crichton, Rygel in Aeryn, and in Pilot's den Pilot is in D'Argo, D'Argo in Chiana and Chiana is in Pilot, but D'Argo and Chiana can't wake an unconscious Pilot, and think he may be dying.  Tak says that he'll ram Moya since his weapons won't work, but Zhaan manages to convince Yoz to take over. Back on Moya, Crichton comes up with a plan; get the power of the defence screen to 62% again and let them fire to switch bodies. The Halosians remain on a ramming course, and Moya is attempting to starburst.  Zhaan uses her plant-power to pull her hand out of the handcuff, knocks out Yoz, and manages to steer the ship around Moya. Zhaan contacts Moya and says she has control. Crichton (in Rygel's body) asks her to fire again, but she thinks he's mad and asks to speak to Crichton (but Aeryn's in his body). Rygel says that they think he's paranoid when they say no-one ever listens to him, but it's the truth. She shoots again, and everyone switches back to their own body.  Everyone is happy to be back in their own bodies, and Pilot asks Zhaan about Talyn, but quickly goes to tell Moya, whom he says wants to know all his experiences whilst he was away from her. Zhaan tells Rygel that the damage to her hand may never completely heal.  D'Argo asks Chiana what she did with his tenkas, since they feel different. He says that he enjoyed being inside her body, but quickly corrects himself saying he likes her body, and they hastily leave together... Aeryn mentions what Crichton did in her body, and he says it was interesting to be in other's shoes, to which she replies, "you were in my shoes, I was in your pants!"


14/07/2000 - MY THREE CRICHTONS (210) (44' 05")

Aeryn is in the maintenance bay, pulling some Moya components out of Crichton's module to use in her Prowler. Unsurprisingly, he objects, when a ball of energy suddenly penetrates Moya's hull, and examines everyone in turn. When it reaches Crichton it hovers above his head, so Aeryn shoots it, but it envelopes Crichton...  D'Argo comes along to see what's happening, and the ball starts to vibrate, throwing Crichton back out, shortly followed by some sort of beast, which lands on Crichton and runs off. Crichton can't remember what happened when he was inside the ball, while Zhaan finds some blood from the beast on the floor. Rygel tells D'Argo to sniff out the creature, but D'Argo can only smell Crichton.  Chiana is trying to get Crichton to explain what happened, but he asks her to get him more clothes. Zhaan says that since Crichton was not cut, the blood must have cam from the creature, but it's definitely Crichton's blood... Chiana is in Crichton's quarters, but the beast is there and corners her. He says "Chiana" and stumbles over some words. She tries to run, but he pins her down, and he convinces her that he is Crichton...  Chiana takes him to Zhaan, but the real Crichton is less that convinced, and asks it what it wants. It jumps on Crichton and Zhaan knocks it unconscious with a sedative. Zhaan later tells Crichton that her blood analysis proves that it is his blood, and he wonders why anyone would clone him. The ball starts fluctuating again, and out pops another Crichton, this time an apparently more evolved "future" version with a super-brain.  The crew lock future John in a cell, and the real Crichton quizzes him. Future John explains that he is like an alternate version of Crichton, with all his memories in tact, so the real Crichton questions him to test his memories. The ball starts fluctuating again, and now it's creating an inter-dimensional portal that is trying to pull Moya through. Future John tells Aeryn to use the defence screen to counter the pull, but the real Crichton has already thought of it. Future John tells Aeryn that they have to do this right, so she agrees to take him to help, but only at gunpoint.  Crichton is sorting out the defence screen, when future John says that they have to calibrate it to the ball, so they must reduce the setting to 85%. After quickly mulling it over, Crichton goes with it and the screen is successful in reflecting back the ball's pull, but Pilot says it will probably only last about four arns.  The beast John wakes, with Chiana by his side, and again gets angry, although she manages to calm him down. Future John comes along with Aeryn, but says that they won't learn anything here. He mentions that Crichton is the template, the original, and they are the copies, and then asks Pilot if the ball has communicated yet, but the real Crichton is already looking at the signals. Future John joins him, and re-analyses the communications. The ball starts communicating, but now only the Crichtons can hear. It is a vessel, and it needs one of the "samples" to go back. If it doesn't get one, it will absorb all bio-matter within a certain distance of its radius. D'Argo asks what's going on, and Crichton says that one of them is going to die.  Beast John tells Chiana that it will be him who dies, but Chiana suggests the "guy with the big head". Future John thinks that the ball is a remarkable device, and the real Crichton realises that it must have chosen him because it's never had the chance to get data on a human. Future John says that the answer is to return the "most expendable" one of them (beast John), but the real Crichton says no. Rygel agrees with future John, but Crichton says they may be wrong, and they can't just chuck him through like he's nothing. Future John says that they'll see what they can do, but when the time comes...  Chiana tells the beast that he knows Crichton, and they'll get through it. He says that he does know Crichton, he'll save Moya, save Pip – there's only one answer. Pilot says that he doesn't think that future John will be successful in analysing the samples. Pilot says that he and Moya would never expect an innocent being to die, and he will understand if Crichton leaves. Crichton says he won't, and Pilot says that if they have the solution... but Crichton will not stop until he has to. The defence screen is failing, and so Crichton is called to command. Future John is talking with Zhaan, but he says he won't find a solution – it's over. Zhaan can't believe that he's giving up, but he says he's facing reality. Zhaan says that he is no longer the Crichton she knew.  Crichton is trying to patch up the screen, as D'Argo tells him to start facing reality, but he needs more time. The wires explode, and the defence screen is almost down. Future John tells him that it's time, and offers to take care of it. Crichton asks how he can be so calm, but he says that he is prepared to do what has to be done, and tells Crichton not to feel bad. D'Argo goes with Crichton, but Chiana has hidden beast John away; she set him free. Chiana chews Crichton out, saying that he thinks beast John is nothing, but he's him.  The ball fluctuates again, and future John tells Aeryn that they must re-assess, and says it would make sense to get rid of Crichton, but she disagrees so he knocks her out. Crichton finds beast John, but lets him go, and joins future John in the maintenance bay. Future John says that he thought he would let beast John go, but Crichton says that they couldn't save themselves at someone else's expense. Future John says that he sees him as Crichton sees beast John, and fires at him. Crichton dodges, and future John says that if Crichton wasn't here he would not volunteer to go. Crichton pulls his gun on future John, but throws it down; he couldn't do it. Future John knocks him down, saying that with Crichton here he would always be an outsider. Crichton says that if he's the future then he is glad he won't be here to see it. Beast John suddenly leaps in and kills future John with a pipe, and says it's not his place, he accepts his fate, and when Crichton says that he understands, he carries future John through the ball.  D'Argo comforts Crichton, saying that future John was only one of possible genetic path. Chiana says that she heard what he did, but he says that it took a while and it needed help. Chiana says that she's glad it worked out, and he says he wishes he could be, but the least developed one did the right thing, and somehow she knew he would. She says she knew because she knows him, and then she leaves him alone.


21/07/2000 - LOOK AT THE PRINCESS 1: A KISS IS BUT A KISS (211) (44' 05")

Aeryn and Crichton are sitting in his Farscape 1 module in the maintenance bay, and she is teaching him some manoeuvring tricks, when he smells her hair. She says Zhaan gave her something, and he says it's good. She says that it's not for him to like, it's for her to like. They end up kissing, but Aeryn gets out, saying she won't be a slave to his hormones. She tries to leave, but he pulls her up against the wall and asks why she did her hair, and she says to see if he'd notice. He says she got his attention, and she says that she'll tell Zhaan he finds her oils pleasing. He says that it's her he finds pleasing, but she leaves. Chiana, who was sitting in the bay, tells Crichton that there's too much pressure, Aeryn's scared of the future so why not just live in the moment. Pilot calls everyone to command, and tells them that they're locked in a cross-targeted helix of a Peacekeeper automated defence system, and Moya can't StarBurst because they'll be destroyed. Pilot says that it's not Scorpius as there're no ships around, so it must be the first line of defence for the inhabited system nearby. A representative is signalling them. Rygel says to run, fight or surrender, and Pilot says Moya chooses surrender, as resistance means death...  Rygel wants to speak with the representative, Counsellor Tyno, but Crichton holds him back. Aeryn and Zhaan explain to Tyno that they have no weapons and are no longer affiliated with the Peacekeepers, and Tyno says that he'll allow them to leave. D'Argo asks if they can approach the world to get provisions, but Tyno says that is impossible during coronation time. Rygel breaks free and introduces himself as a Dominar, and asks if Tyno would turn away royalty bearing gifts. Rygel persuades him, and Tyno allows them to approach, but weapons are prohibited. Rygel asks Crichton if he was right, and when Crichton says yes he says don't ever forget it.  Crichton wants to talk to Aeryn, but she wants some space. Crichton asks Chiana if she wants to go down to the planet with him and hang, and enters her quarters to find her and D'Argo having sex! D'Argo tells Crichton that with Chiana he's managed to find moments of pleasure, and asks him not to ruin it.  The crew, minus Zhaan, go down to the planet. There's lots of kissing going on, and Crichton asks Aeryn if he can buy her a drink for a few words. She bites back, and a woman approaches Crichton with a vial. He says no, but she says it's just for the kiss. She puts a drop on her tongue, and then his, and they kiss. She then says sorry and walks away, and Aeryn says it's a whole world made for his instincts. Aeryn refuses a kiss from a stranger, but Crichton takes another.  A woman named Jena tells a man named Clavor that there's a Sebacean here who his sister has not kissed. A Scarran, Cargn, tells Clavor that he thought it wouldn't matter. He says that "her" compatibility was irreversibly contaminated; Clavor will be king.  Tyno asks Rygel about Crichton, and says that Princess Katralla is next in line for the throne, but unless she can find a compatible mate the kingdom will fall to her brother. After Clavor takes some verbal shots at Cargn, Jena tells him that if he doesn't become king, she won't marry him.  Pilot asks Zhaan why she didn't go down to the planet, and she says she values her time alone, but she doesn't get much of it. Pilot says that he and Moya are pleased that she chose to stay again, and he has opened all the doors on the tier. Zhaan sings, and it echoes throughout Moya.  Chiana offers D'Argo the vial, saying one drop will say whether their DNA is compatible, and they kiss. It comes out false, but Chiana says that they're only incompatible by DNA; they can still give each other pleasure.  Rygel asks Aeryn why the Scarran is watching them, and she says that the Scarran wants the same thing as the Peacekeepers wanted - a covenant with this world. A man wants to take the test with Aeryn, but instead she takes it with Rygel and pretends it was positive to get rid of him.  Pilot calls Zhaan, telling her that Scorpius has found them! The Command Carrier is scanning Moya, so as a decoy from the planet, Zhaan suggests StarBurst once Scorpius has seen them, and they leave.  Tyno asks Crichton if he was once a Peacekeeper, and says that his friends have access to the space command to find their ship. He asks Crichton to take the test with a woman standing behind. Crichton says no, but she says please, so he does. Crichton says "sweet", and Tyno calls the guards. Clavor is upset, and Cargn tells him not to make a scene. Crichton asks what's going on, and Tyno says it's for his protection. Cargn says that if they are compatible, Crichton must die within a day...  Crichton asks what Tyno is doing, and Tyno tells him that he's the only compatible Sebacean they've found – the only one capable of giving the Princess children; he wants Crichton to consider marrying her. Crichton says it's mad, but Tyno says he would be Regent. Clavor enters to see Crichton, but Tyno won't leave Crichton alone with him but order of the Empress – Clavor's mother. Clavor tells Crichton that he'll speak with him later. Tyno tells Crichton that if Katralla doesn't wed within a matter of days, Clavor will take the throne.  Aeryn speaks with Chiana and D'Argo, and Chiana tells her that Crichton is in custody. Aeryn is mad, and Chiana blames Aeryn for rejecting him and getting them into this mess. D'Argo says Rygel is with Crichton, and they'll wait for Moya to return. Aeryn takes Chiana to show her where Crichton is. D'Argo stays sitting at the table, when Scorpius approaches to talk. Cargn is surprised by Scorpius' appearance, and says that Crichton must be working for him so that the Peacekeepers gain an advantage with Clavor's dynasty.  Crichton tells D'Argo that he won't marry the princess, but Rygel says he should. D'Argo says that Scorpius offered him a deal – amnesty for the others, and he won't destroy Crichton's brain in exchange for access to the wormhole technology. D'Argo told Scorpius that he'd speak to Crichton about it to stall for time. Rygel says that as long as Crichton pretends, he increases their chance of survival, but Crichton says that he will tell Katralla no. Meanwhile Pilot tells Zhaan that the Carrier did not follow, so Zhaan tells him to plot a course back.  Crichton tells Clavor that he won't be marrying Katralla, when she and the Empress enter. The Empress asks Crichton if he's proposed yet, but he says he doesn't love her daughter. She tells him that Clavor can't succeed, as he will betray her people to the Scarrans costing millions of lives. Crichton's purpose is to keep their world stable. Crichton says that there's nothing she can say to make him marry her daughter... and Scorpius enters, saying that he's been searching for Crichton, and tells him to make the right decision. The Empress says it's either her daughter or Scorpius, so Crichton asks Katralla what she wants. She says she wants to be Empress, to have kids and to keep the peace, and she will not make him miserable. She says she's sorry, and Crichton is forced to propose, and she accepts.  Aeryn us disappointed with Crichton, and a cousin of the princess, named Dregon, congratulates Crichton, and introduces himself to Aeryn. Crichton asks her to find a way out, as they still haven't heard from Moya. Outside, Katralla tells Tyno that she can't believe her mother will force her to marry Crichton, because she loves him. Tyno says he loves her to, but she must do as her mother wishes. Aeryn overhears the whole conversation.  Aeryn tells Chiana and D'Argo that Katralla doesn't love Crichton, and gets angry with Chiana. Chiana says that she's really angry at herself for letting Crichton go, and points out that Dregon keeps coming on to her. Aeryn just says that this marriage is wrong. On Moya, Pilot tells Zhaan that Moya is following a familiar signal, moving further away from the planet.  Aeryn is confronted by Cargn, who gives her a message for Scorpius. He tells her that Scorpius' presence will not be tolerated, and they get into a fight because Aeryn is not forthcoming with information, until the Empress interrupts, and gives them both warnings. Rygel tells Aeryn not to dissuade Crichton from the marriage.  Tyno asks what species Crichton is, and says that the Empress has ordered his true identity a secret. He tells Crichton that Katralla's DNA was poisoned, by her brother, he believes with help from the Scarran. Katralla calls Crichton, and through a machine shows him what their son would look like, and says that it will be healthy. Crichton is overwhelmed, and Tyno says that he must work on the pose for his statue. Crichton poses like the Queen of England, waving, but Tyno says that it's hardly one he'd like to hold for eighty cycles. Meanwhile, Cargn tells Clavor that they must assassinate Crichton, but when Clavor argues, Cargn probes both his and Jenavian's minds.  Moya has arrived at some sort of mist in space, which is alive. Moya is being evasive with Pilot, but he does know what it us – the builders, her creators. God.  Crichton walks in on Chiana and D'Argo having sex again, and tells D'Argo about the statue situation. It's to watch over the people and absorb all the facets of their system, as they can see and hear everything as statues. D'Argo says that he must go through with it, but Crichton says everyone he knows will be dead, but the alternative is Scorpius. The hope for him was that he'd see them all again; without his hope he is nothing. D'Argo says that hell no longer have Scorpius after him, have power, a family and it may be his destiny. D'Argo says that their time together was good, but he must look beyond his fear and see the path ahead.  Crichton speaks with the royal servant, ro-NA, when Aeryn enters and has a go at him. He says that the marriage is better than Scorpius, who is in his head at the back of his mind, and he scares him. Aeryn says that there's never been anything they couldn't overcome together, but Crichton says except each other. Aeryn says that she can't come to the wedding, but he says he needs her there. She asks what else they can say but goodbye, and leaves. Suddenly, a group of men enter and attack Crichton, and as a present from Clavor, they fire a weapon at him, and he begins to dissolve...


28/07/2000 - LOOK AT THE PRINCESS 2: I DO, I THINK (212) (44' 03")

As Crichton is about to be dissolved by the assassins, Jenavian saves him, downing all the guards. She tells him that she's a Disruptor, of the Peacekeeper Special Directorate, and asks Crichton which branch he is from. Crichton plays along, saying that he didn't know he'd be getting backup. She says that she is to stay close to Clavor, and if he assumes the thrown she will kill him. She says that she will kill Crichton if he wavers and jeopardises the mission.  Crichton confronts Clavor, and after punching him says that he is not happy that he was nearly killed and wants off this planet. Jena is behind a silkscreen, and ro-NA enters. Crichton says that he wants Scorpius off his back, Katralla to be able to marry who she wants and he can be king. He warns Clavor not to try to kill him again, and when he leaves Clavor orders ro-NA to get his mother.  Crichton is telling Tyno what happened, with D'Argo backing him up but Chiana sceptical, and Tyno says he can find no evidence. He believes Crichton, and will upgrade security but he can't accuse Clavor without proof, because the royal family abhors violence. Katralla enters and slaps Crichton, and then takes him to a room, where she tells him he made a fool out of her. She knows Clavor poisoned her DNA, but doesn't believe that he'd kill anyone. The Empress now considers Crichton unstable and wants more tests on him. Katralla refuses to believe him, accusing him of lying, and if so, she can't marry him.  On Moya, smoke has infiltrated her and Zhaan goes to see what it is. A being comes out of it, proclaiming himself to be Kahaynu, who gave Moya a soul. He says that Moya is well, and gave birth, but to a gunship. He says that he created these ships as beings of peace, but Moya's offspring can dispense carnage. He is here to decommission Moya, and end her existence.  Aeryn and Chiana are outside the palace, with Chiana trying to convince Aeryn that she needs to tell Crichton how she feels. Dregon approaches and offers himself as a diversion, wanting her to go to the Barren Lands with him. Aeryn refuses point blank, saying she doesn't like him.  Meanwhile, Katralla still refuses to believe Crichton, when a floating robot comes into the room. The door is locked and the machine releases gas into the room. ro-NA enters to lead Crichton and Katralla away, before they fall unconscious. Katralla apologises for doubting Crichton; she will marry him.  Rygel is talking to Empress Novia, but she is refusing to let Crichton leave the planet and continues to deny Clavor's involvement. Rygel suggests that she stash Crichton somewhere, and she says that ro-NA has a ship full of gifts in orbit that they can use. Rygel suggests that they tell no one, not even Moya's crew, to throw the assailants off the scent, so they become careless. Rygel asks Novia if she trusts ro-NA, and she says that ro-NA will not betray them.  ro-NA receives money from Scorpius, as a down payment for her work, with the rest to come on the completion of her mission. Scorpius wants no witnesses left behind.  On the transport, ro-NA gives Crichton the tracking device that Scorpius gave her to stop anyone knowing where they are going, and although reluctant he does use it.  Moya is shutting down her systems in sequence, but Zhaan tries to stop her, telling Kahaynu that all life cherishes life. She is not convinced that Moya is doing this willingly, so Kahaynu says he will let her do the convincing. Moya speaks, saying that she's fulfilled and will go willingly in peace, making Zhaan extremely upset.  D'Argo has a go at Rygel for not saying Crichton was leaving, while Tyno says that the transport disappeared and no signal has been received. D'Argo thinks it's Scorpius, while Aeryn says the Scarran, so Chiana goes to speak with the latter.  Crichton wonders why ro-NA's ship is so far away from the others, and Crichton and ro-NA discuss possessions, because she claims to have none. Meanwhile, Katralla and Jena are both in the ladies', and start slagging each other off, before Aeryn comes in and grabs them both up against the mirror, and warns them what will happen if anything happens to Crichton.  Clavor tells Cargn what Crichton did to him, but neither of them gassed him. Chiana enters the room, and Cargn tells her to leave. She tries to tell them that the Nebari will get retribution if anything happens to Crichton. She leaves, and Cargn realises that they don't know where Crichton is either.  Crichton, ro-NA and the guards board her ship, when the guards are shot. A gun is put to Crichton's head, by Lieutenant Braca, who tells ro-NA to notify Scorpius. The transport is cut loose, and ro-NA wants payment. Scorpius appears as an image and congratulates Crichton. When ro-NA asks for payment, Scorpius tells Braca to give her something special. Scorpius tells Crichton that D'Argo just visited him and doesn't seem to know where he is. Crichton asks what he wants, and Scorpius says that the wormhole technology in his brain makes him unique in the galaxy, and unique is always valuable. Crichton starts acting mad, knowing that Braca won't shoot him, but tries to get him to. Crichton starts punching controls, and Braca can't control him. Crichton has engaged weapons, and auto-defences will fire if they don't identify themselves. No one manages to, and the defences fire, and as Braca tries to get control, ro-NA attacks him, but she ends up getting electrocuted. Braca calls Crichton insane, and leaves the ship with the only spacesuit and helmet. Comms are down, when Crichton suddenly hears Scorpius' voice telling him to focus, and that he must survive. Crichton picks up a gun, and as the pod is destroyed Crichton jumps out into open space, and uses the force of the gunfire to carry him over to the pod.  Zhaan summons Kahaynu, and asks him to build Pilot a new ship so that he does not perish as well. Kahaynu refuses and tells her to say goodbye.  Crichton is lying on a table with breathing apparatus on his face. D'Argo says that he's spoken with the Empress, and she won't do anything. She's put everyone on notice. Crichton asks what he can do, and D'Argo says either run away or stay here, he'll back Crichton whatever he chooses. Aeryn enters and D'Argo leaves them alone. She says that she's proud of Crichton, for being the John she always new – fighting, resisting, never giving up. Crichton asks if she's stopped Scorpius chasing him, or convinced the Empress not to make him marry the princess. She says that's no reason to get married. Crichton says that eighty cycles isn't that long if it will stop Clavor taking the throne and save lives. He says that he's tired, and asks what he's supposed to do when there's no fight left. Aeryn says that he runs away, and he asks "with you?" She says with all of them, together, but at her response he just lays down on the bed. She says that he can't quit, but he says he just can't go on. Aeryn asks if he's no longer the Crichton she knew, but he doesn't answer, and she leaves. She goes to Dregon, and asks him to explore the Barren Lands if he thinks he can keep up. Crichton is left on the bed, all alone.  Pilot tells Zhaan that Moya has slipped from consciousness, and he will soon follow. He tells Zhaan not to feel sad – his life was good, Moya was right, they are fulfilled. Zhaan says it's been a pleasure, and Pilot says he's ready no, he's seen the stars.  Crichton is in the hall for the wedding, and Scorpius tells him that he's making a mistake. Crichton tells him that his one request for a wedding present was that Scorpius be banned from the planet, forever, and they said yes. The ceremony takes place, with everyone but Aeryn in attendance.  When it's over, Crichton asks D'Argo where Aeryn was, but D'Argo says to forget about her. Crichton gives Chiana recordings for Pilot, Zhaan and Aeryn, and Chiana hugs him and says she loves him. Katralla is turned into a statue, and Tyno says that it's calibrated only for Sebaceans, so to endure the pain and rule wisely. D'Argo says he has good and bad news. The bad: He is married, and must endure eighty cycles as a statue on a strange world. The good: He and Chiana are having fantastic sex! He and Crichton laugh, as Crichton is turned into a statue...


04/08/2000 - LOOK AT THE PRINCESS 3: THE MALTESE CRICHTON (213) (44' 05")

Counsellor Tyno tells D'Argo, Chiana and Rygel that Scorpius has been told to leave the planet by the Empress. They believe that Moya will then return so they can leave, although Rygel wants to stay behind with Crichton, for his own reasons. D'Argo speaks to Crichton (who is still a statue; D'Argo uses a special headset), as does Chiana. Later, Clavor enters with Cargn soon to follow, and they chop of Crichton's head! They take it to an acid pit, since as a statue he remains alive, and they throw the head in and leave it to dissolve!  Aeryn and Dregon are preparing to rock-climb in the Barren Lands, and she asks him why he's agreed to everything she has suggested, and he kisses her, pronouncing his attraction.  The Empress is mad at seeing Crichton's decapitated statue, and orders that no one leaves the planet or contacts their ships until Crichton is made whole. Tyno questions Aeryn's whereabouts, but Rygel suggests Scorpius' involvement. Tyno then tells them they must find Crichton's head.  Meanwhile, Crichton's head is removed from the acid pit – by Scorpius! Scorpius mentions that he sampled Crichton's DNA in the Aurora Chair (see log Nerve). Scorpy is interrupted when he hears a noise, and is suddenly shot.  Zhaan is fiddling with a DRD, and Kahaynu tells her that she should leave on a transport. He goes to leave, but Zhaan says that if Moya and Pilot will die, then she and he will remain with them. She gets the DRD to start the Prowler's engine, sucking in the made-of-smoke Kahaynu. Zhaan says she will spare him if he spares Moya. He refuses, and is sucked in.  D'Argo couldn't find Crichton's head, and feels responsible for Crichton's predicament. Jena puts on a headset – she's the one that saved Crichton. If she gets it right, she says can put him back together. She manages to reconstitute Crichton, who is feeling a bit stiff.  Clavor is angry, and tells Cargn to do something, because someone retrieved Crichton's head. Meanwhile in the Barren Lands, Dregon is stuck, because it is his first real wall. Aeryn tries to help him up, but he grabs her leg and they fall!  Jena has taken Crichton to some tent, to keep him safe. She asks him why Scorpius is here, but he again says that he can't say. She forces him to tell the truth, because he knows too much about her. He fills her in, and asks why she picked him over Scorpius. She says that he is her best chance at completing her mission, and asks for his help.  Zhaan is praying for Pilot, when Kahaynu appears, and says that Moya lives. She is reactivated, and Pilot wakes. He says that when he first cam on board Moya he wanted to see if Zhaan was worthy; these beings will do anything for whoever is on board – she could potentially produce an army of killing machines. Pilot says that Zhaan would never do that, and Kahaynu says that he knows that now – she will protect Pilot and Moya from those out to exploit her. Zhaan demands that he leaves, and he agrees, but first Moya wants to speak with her. Moya says that she has one request for Zhaan: "sing".  D'Argo asks Scorpius if he knows where Crichton is, and he admits he doesn't, but is anxious to find him. They are now effectively allies. Scorpius says that Clavor and Cargn are their natural suspects. He then says that he will help them all get off the planet, take Crichton's wormhole knowledge and then hand him back. Cargn appears, and says that he is honoured to meet D'Argo. He congratulates Scorpius on his plan to marry the princess, but D'Argo tells him that they despise Scorpius. He tries to use his power to get the truth about Crichton's condition and whereabouts from D'Argo. D'Argo says that he thinks Chiana knows, and Scorpius then offers Cargn a deal, but he instead says he'll race Scorpius to Chiana.  Aeryn is dragging Dregon inland, to try to find help. Meanwhile D'Argo asks Rygel if he knows where Chiana is, but Rygel says they split up, and agrees to help find her.  Cargn has Chiana, and knows that she knows nothing. Clavor then argues with Cargn and tries to sever all ties with him, but in response, he kills Clavor!  Jena asks Crichton if she can trust him, and he says that she can. Scorpius goes to D'Argo, and tells him that they both needed to kill Cargn, who has Chiana. D'Argo says that Crichton will die before going to Scorpius, but he says that D'Argo underestimates the strength of their relationship; even Crichton doesn't understand yet. Meanwhile Jena and Crichton are skinny-dipping in a lake, and she gives him a weapon saying that she may not be able to protect him after tomorrow, then they kiss.  Dregon apologises to Aeryn, and talks to her about being scared of pain, and that it's all worth it for the days when they are truly in love. He says that it's a shame that she can't get back to tell Crichton that she love shim.  Jena and Crichton prepare for show time, and just before she offers him the test, but he says they're not compatible. Jena goes in, asking him to give her time. In the Barren Lands, someone finds Aeryn and Dregon and goes to get help. Jena is in the room with Clavor's body, and Tyno offers his condolences. Rygel says that it's the Scarran's doing, but Tyno says the Empress knows that but nonetheless they'll all be put to death. Crichton enters, says hello to Rygel and asks about the others, then leaves, presumably to join them.  Scorpius and D'Argo find Chiana hanging over the acid pit, with Cargn protecting her. Cargn wants to kill them, but Scorpius tells him he's been defeated by his own suspicions. Scorpius is suffering from the heat, and Cargn says that his Scarran half thrives on heat, but his Peacekeeper side hates it, hence his thermal regulator suit, and a cooling rod inserted directly into his brain. A fight ensues, with Cargn getting the upper hand, until Crichton comes in and shoots him a number of times and dumps him in the acid. Chiana falls, but D'Argo does a huge leap and carries her to safety. D'Argo and Chiana leave, and Crichton grabs Scorpius' head to dump it in the acid. He stops, remembering when Scorpius was leaving something to remember him by, and Crichton says that he's not his enemy or his friend, and if he doesn't leave him alone, the next time they meet one of them will be dead. Crichton leaves, and Scorpius gets up with a grin, and cockily flicks the acid.  Crichton is refusing to be a statue, but the Empress says that Katralla is already pregnant; they used DNA samples. Crichton does a 180 and says that the child deserves two parents – make him a statue. Novia agrees, but Tyno says that it's not possible. Since Crichton is not Sebacean, he would die if he were made a statue again. Crichton says that he won't live for another eighty cycles, and suggests that Tyno takes his place. The Empress says that they're not compatible, but Crichton says that it doesn't matter – Katralla's already pregnant. Crichton says that they love each other, and asks Katralla if it works for her. She says yes, and thanks him, and says she'll never forget him. The Empress says that as long as the secret does not escape, it can be done. He says the good guys win for once, and goes to leave, but Katralla asks if he wants to see his offspring. He does, and cuddles the young girl.  On Moya, Chiana asks D'Argo why Crichton didn't kill Scorpius. They apparently don't know what happened to Moya while she was gone. D'Argo is upset because Crichton will never see his daughter again – it hits close to home.  Aeryn is exercising in the maintenance bay. Crichton enters, and says that he's glad she's OK. She gets up, and without words she offers him the test. They take it, and after a passionate kiss, Aeryn turns and leaves, and they both grin.


11/08/2000 - BEWARE OF DOG (214) (44' 04")

Crichton is in his quarters, playing chess and mumbling to himself. Aeryn questions what he's doing, and he sees a vision of Scorpius implanting something to remember him by. Aeryn wonders if he might be suffering the effects of long-term space travel, but he doesn't want to talk.  Rygel is in the cargo bay, where the crew are storing food that they recently procured. He asks Zhaan where Chiana and D'Argo are; apparently food in this region is often infested with parasites, and they are finding a cure. Suddenly, some containers topple over, making Rygel jump. Chiana and D'Argo return with a Vorc – apparently it will seek out a species of parasite and eradicate it completely. The parasites killed a ship of over 200 people, and so Aeryn suggests jettisoning the food before a problem occurs. The Vorc pees over D'Argo, and then runs off, with Chiana chasing.  Crichton is playing "golf" (or at least a rather modified Moya version of it), when he hears a noise in the ventilation shaft. On inspection he sees a creature, which he fires at but it runs off.  Aeryn and D'Argo arrive on the scene but can't find any trace of the creature, and seem to think Crichton was imagining it. Rygel comes along to protect his food, but D'Argo, already aggravated, makes him smell the Vorc piss in his clothes. Crichton guesses that he saw the Vorc, but when Aeryn describes it, he realises that it wasn't.  Zhaan is sorting out the food in the cargo bay, when containers start falling over and she is apparently attacked... Chiana comes along with a cage and they try to capture the Vorc. It avoids them, but Aeryn gets a hold of it by the neck, but it bites her and runs off.  Pilot and the DRDs can't find Crichton's creature, and after talking with Aeryn he thinks that Crichton may have been imagining it. Crichton hears something, and after creeping around he ends up pointing his gun at Rygel, who was checking his cargo.  Chiana and D'Argo are searching for the Vorc, in hopes that it'll lead them to the parasite. Aeryn enters her quarters, and steps in some poop. On seeing the Vorc on her bed, she hits it in the face, and tells D'Argo that the Vorc is there. While she speaks to him, the Vorc starts humping her leg, but then smells something and suddenly runs off, and Aeryn follows. In the cargo bay, the creature that Crichton saw is now stalking out Chiana and Rygel. Chiana goes to hit it, but it smacks her to the floor. D'Argo arrives, but it attacks him and runs.  Rygel is trying to bring D'Argo around, when Crichton comes in and checks on Chiana. When D'Argo comes around and says the parasite is real, he starts convulsing, so the others call Zhaan.  Zhaan has cleared D'Argo's wound, but apparently he has a secondary infection, and Chiana is anxious about his health. Crichton and Aeryn are searching for the parasite, but they find the Vorc instead. As Chiana and D'Argo talk, Zhaan discovers that D'Argo has been poisoned, and it's killing him. Zhaan tells Crichton that they need a live sample of his blood, so they have to keep the parasite alive. Crichton is watching DRD surveillance on a clamshell, when Scorpius appears on it and says, "You'll never see it coming, John."  Zhaan has set up D'Argo in a part of Moya so that he will get continuous air to help him breathe. Rygel joins them, apparently not wanting to be alone.  Aeryn is carrying the Vorc on her back, trying to find the parasite. Moya shakes, and Pilot says that the DRDs have found the creature. It's above the chamber where Zhaan is, but it leaves the airlock, and approaches Chiana. She shoots at it, but Crichton grabs her and reminds her that they need it alive. Pilot manages to lock the creature in command, but the three don't find it. Crichton sees Scorpius again, and then finds the Vorc. It starts to shake, and spews out the parasite! They knock it out, and take it to Zhaan.  Zhaan finds no toxin in the parasite's blood, so they don't understand what happened. Zhaan says that D'Argo's respiration is failing, and he won't last much longer.  Chiana is talking to D'Argo, and blames herself for D'Argo's condition. Crichton is trying to figure it all out, and says that the Vorc can't have poisoned D'Argo, and Aeryn realises that something else must have. Crichton suggests asking the Vorc, which Aeryn thinks is deranged. She doesn't have a better idea though, so they go with it. They inject it with translator microbes, but Aeryn doesn't think it understands so she suggests killing it. It gets upset, so Crichton tells her to take it back. Pilot seems to understand it, using a form of non-verbal communication. It starts repeating "friend," and so Crichton asks what it wants. "Bad danger here" is its reply. It says that it can kill the parasite if they free it. They agree that their only choice is to trust it.  They follow it, as Rygel tells them that if it comes near him, he'll kill it. It turns into the huge creature, and Rygel tells Pilot to fuel a transport. In the cargo bay it is after Rygel, and Crichton and Aeryn come in, telling him to say that he's its friend. It finds Rygel and he bites it, but it overpowers him. Rygel is badly injured, and the creature runs off.  Rygel is being healed by Zhaan, who found massive traces of toxins in his wound. Both Rygel and D'Argo will die without an antidote.  Aeryn and Crichton find its blood, and as Aeryn follows it, Crichton sees Scorpius behind her, and shoots at him. She jumps, wondering what he was doing. They spot the creature but miss, and realise that it's leading them into a trap. In the cargo bay, they manage to shoot it, but see a huge cocoon... Zhaan continues her analysis, as Chiana watches over D'Argo, when bugs suddenly start emerging from Rygel's body... Aeryn says that Chiana told her the parasites leave cocoons behind, and they find Rygel inside! Rygel tells them he was cocooned for his offspring to eat, and farts helium to prove he is the real Rygel. Crichton and Aeryn run off, and the parasite Rygel attacks Zhaan... Crichton and Aeryn run in and shoot it, and it explodes into loads of bugs, which Crichton kills with some coolant freezer.  Rygel tells D'Argo and Chiana what it was like in the cocoon, and wonders how they could be fooled. D'Argo says that it was a perfect copy, but Rygel says he's fortunate the courageous Vorc was here to rescue him.  Aeryn is holding the Vorc, and Pilot says that it is happy. It knows its time is near. Aeryn says that she is so sorry, and it dies in her arms as she cries.  Crichton, pulse pistol in hand, is playing chess, with Aeryn sitting across from him. She asks him what he was really firing at when he nearly shot her, and he says that he's been having flashes of Scorpius, like he's talking to him, and only to him. Aeryn asks what he is saying, and Crichton says that Scorpius tells him he's going to get him, he already has but Crichton just doesn't know it yet. Aeryn asks him why he didn't kill Scorpius when he had the chance (see log The Maltese Crichton), and Crichton says that he tried, but he couldn't – something inside stopped him. Aeryn says that if he needs help... but Crichton says that he's not going to lose his mind – it's all he has left. Aeryn leaves, and Scorpius appears, telling Crichton that he'll never see it coming. Crichton gets him in checkmate and says "you lose," but Scorpius says that wasn't the trap he meant...


18/08/2000 - WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN (215) (44' 05")

We're watchin Crichton, in Farscape 1, testing his and DK's theory.  A wave appears, and his dad and DK call for him to abort, but the module hits the wave and it all vanishes...  Crichton suddenly opens his eyes. He is in an operating theatre, and his dad is there talking on his phone. He is happy that John is awake, and says how good it is to have him back, when John grabs him, pulls him to the floor, and says "I'm not your son." Men in white suits come and restrain him, and a nurse, Aeryn, tells them he'll need full restraints. John calls for her to help him, and tells himself this is not real...  John is restrained in a chair, and "Aeryn" says she is nurse Bettina Fairchild... she tells him he has no brain damage, and continues to assess his health. John whispers to her, asking if "they" are listening, and that's why they can't talk. She calls him violent and now paranoid, and he asks what day it is. She says it's Monday - a week since he crashed. He doesn't remember that, saying he had a nightmare of a ship full of aliens. He tries to convince her that he's OK, but she remains sceptical. He asks to see his dad, and she lets him go. He walks out, and as he says he won't get fooled again, he bursts into the ladies', hoping to find something else (see log A Human Reaction), but instead he finds a woman coming from a cubicle. He asks a man for a paper, which seems OK, and goes to apologise to his dad. DK comes along and tells John that people are calling the crash "pilot error," to which Jack objects. DK argues with him because the Farscape project is circling the drain, so John asks what he wants him to do. First, John must get a clean bill of health, by going to see a shrink...  John is in the psychiatrist's office, and dials up to order a pizza, when she enters... and it's Zhaan in a suit! She introduces herself as Dr. Kaminsky, and John says that on Earth psychiatrists don't come in blue, but she asks if he has a problem with colour. He says that he has a contextual problem – she's an alien. She says that's true, but she does have a green card. She keeps asking questions in answer to his, and he tries to get her to share Unity with him, but it doesn't work. John runs through the list of people that could be behind this, prompting her to cancel her appointments for the rest of the day.  John leaves, and sees DK, and in the car park a car speeds round the corner, and out steps D'Argo, immediately eyeing up the ladies. DK tells John that he's the hottest new astronaut to come out of IASA training, and he's ambitious. John questions his tentacles, which DK calls a "lifestyle choice," but says he's also a jerk. He introduces himself to John as Gary Ragle, and says that he knows of John, and offers to get him a beer.  In the bar, Gary and John are talking, and John says he thinks someone is messing with his head – he's art of an experiment and they're looking to see which way he will go. John tells him they want a reaction, but he is not going to react. Gary shouts "yeah!", which is echoed by a familiar voice. Swinging his chair around, John sees Scorpius playing drums and Pilot on keyboard! Bettina comes up to John, all dressed up, coming on to him. He introduces her to Gary, who starts making out with her. John goes to get more drinks, only to see Scorpius at the bar, looking like normal.  Scorpius tells him that the one on drums is not real, and they don't have much time. Since he is not playing a role, John thinks he is behind it and pins him up against the wall. Scorpius suddenly vanishes, and John convulses, falling onto a table.  John is back in Dr. Kaminsky's office, trying to figure out who is behind this. He thinks that it must be Scorpius, since he's been having flashes of him ever since he was in the Aurora Chair (see log Nerve). He says that he started to believe this situation, but then it became implausible. He says he could still be on Moya and this could be a dream, and she says that it is one possibility.  Jack and DK tell John outside that a new project administrator, Douglas Logan, has been brought in, and he's a tough bastard. Jack says that he's a nasty piece of work, so John goes to talk to him. In his office, he finds Rygel! John treats him like a friend, takes his cigar, sits down and puts his feet up. Logan tells him that he's authorised a second attempt, but John has to get this one tight. It's good PR if John flies it again and comes from behind. John thinks that the "second attempt" is a plot by Scorpius to find out how he created the wormhole, so he refuses and walks out. Jack and DK start to argue with him outside, when Logan returns (in a golf cart!). John picks him up, twirls how around and throws him off the stairwell! He then turns to his dad and DK, and tells them that the way they're acting is annoying.  John returns to the bar to find Gary, with Bettina, who introduces Jessica (Chiana), who says that she's an astronaut groupie. Scorpius appears in the seat behind, but no one else can see him, so they go for a drove. John is speeding along, and they're all having fun, when Scorpius appears on the car bonnet, telling him to focus. John refuses to listen, and crashes the car into a truck...Only to wake up back in the operating room. Bettina comes in and says that the truck won, but Gary and Jessica are fine. She says that they were "very, very luck" to not have been killed. She says that John has a visitor, someone new, and it's his mother... John is reluctant to let her touch him, because she is dead, but she says that she had to come. She sees that he's sweating, and hugs him, saying she'll make everything all right. She says that he has changed – he's become callous and has killed. John points out that she can't know that, but she says that is why he can't sleep at nights, because it bothers him. John leaves her, saying that she is something that is not his mother...  He finds Scorpius back in the bar, only it's the laid-back drummer. He gets John a drink, when his mum returns in a nightgown with a drip. He tries to get away but falls over, and she tells him she is scared and asks him to be with her when she goes this time. John begs them not to do this, saying that it's cruel. In tears, he runs out...  He finds Crais, dressed as a police officer, who recognises him as John Crichton the astronaut. He wants to get John off the streets, so John beats him up and takes his gun.  He returns to Logan's office, and finds Logan, Bettina, Jack and DK in there too. They all say that he's in no shape for this, but he says that Scorpius can either let him go or watch him go berserk. Kaminsky asks him why he's so obsessed with this Scorpius fellow, and John says it doesn't matter, and shoots Jack! The bullet goes straight through him, and all the others, as John continues to fire while they discuss what to have for lunch. John screams to stop, and wakes back in the operating room, strapped down, where Crais, puppy in hand, hands out his charges, including assault and five accounts of attempted murder, which comes to $29.40, payable by cash, cheque or credit card. He hands over the bill and leaves, when Scorpius returns.  Scorpius says that it's not him who is doing this – it's a Scarran who captured him on a commerce planet. He says that they want to know why he is after John, and this is the standard Scarran method of interrogation – induce delusions to break down mental defences. They're not trying to fool him, but rather to break him. He says that John's mind is about to crack, but he can't allow that – he was here first. He says that when the Aurora Chair failed to unlock the wormhole information, he implemented a second strategy. He put a neuro-chip in John's head, and it contains a mental clone of Scorpius' personality, which in turn explains John's visions. It's also why John couldn't kill him (see log The Maltese Crichton) – it's a failsafe. His job is to access wormhole knowledge no matter how long it takes. John calls him Harvey, but "Harvey" says that the Scarran is not aware of him. He tells John to ignore the false Scorpius and not to confide in anyone else. John asks how he knows he's telling the truth, and Scorpius says that he's sweating because he's exposed to the heat a Scarran produces. He says that he cools slightly when the Scarran is elsewhere, preparing another onslaught. He tells John to concentrate on the real to stop the Scarran. He says he's not been disarmed because pistol fire alone will not affect the Scarran. Before he cans say what will, he leaves because the Scarran is returning.  All the ladies are in fetish clothes, with John strapped to a chair, and they're all talking dirty to him. Rygel appears in gimp gear and sends the girls away, and tells John that he's his, and starts whipping him. John breaks off and walks out, as DK, in a wheelchair, starts shouting at John and blood squirts from his wrists. Some doctors pick up John and wheel him away, as he hears his parents argue. He is thrown off the building and lands on Crais' police car. Crais steps out in pink high heels, and reads some rather comic rights. John is then suddenly in a car with Gary, who comes on to him and asks him to take part in a Luxan bonding ritual.  John wakes in Logan's office, where his mum is too, and she gets all sexual with him. He suddenly returns to the bar, where he refuses an offer from Gary to "boogie," and everything starts to slow down. He hears echoes of Aeryn calling for him, and she shoots the disco ball above his head, and everything vanishes.  Aeryn tells him that they searched half the world for him – they're on the commerce planet but underground in a holographic chamber. She says that it was Scorpius, but she killed him. He says that's interesting, and she asks him why. He says he wants to go, but she keeps pressing him and wants to know now. He realises the truth and refuses, so she says frell him – he can stay. He is suddenly back in the bar, and looks up at the disco ball and says to kiss his... when he begins to convulse while having flashes...  The Scarran is in a room, and says that John is weakening, and increases the stimuli. Johns brainwave pattern disappears, and so he turns to verify, and says that neural activity ceased. John opens his eyes and charges his pulse pistol. The Scarran turns to see what is making the noise, and John quickly shoves it in its mouth and runs, and it explodes, taking the Scarran's head with it.  John sees Scorpius, who says that he stopped John's brain functions for a few microts to divert the Scarran, and says he will now return to John's subconscious. He makes John forget about the chip in his head, and says that he won't trouble John again, until he needs to. He tells John where the exit it, and says he'll be with John always, keeping him safe...


25/08/2000 - THE LOCKET (216) (44' 06")

When Aeryn investigates a mist, she returns the next day. However she's 165 cycles older with children and a husband on another planet. She warns them away, but John gets himself trapped with her on a planet, with Moya frozen in time.


08/09/2000 - THE UGLY TRUTH (217)

The crew is interrogated by a Truth Seeking race following the destruction of one of their ships by a newly resurfaced Talyn and Crais, who were seeking help from the crew when the accident occured. Unsure who is the guilty party, with no one's stories adding up one must sacrifice themselves to save the others.


15/09/2000 - A CLOCKWORK NEBARI (218)

The crew are captured by Nebari agents hunting Chiana. Almost everyone on board is mind-cleansed by them, and they then proceed to force Pilot to take Moya back to a Nebari outpost. With Chiana arrested and everyone else brainwashed, how will the crew escape?



Stark returns from the dead with a plan to rescue D'Argo's son Jothee from the Slave Traders. Stark wants the crew of Moya to help him rob a Shadow Depository - a storage facility for ill-gotten gains - and use the stolen loot to purchase the lot of slaves that contains Jothee. D'Argo, furious when the others refuse to agree to Stark's crazy-sounding plan, takes matters into his own hands and heads for the Depository. Crichton and Aeryn follow him down, hoping to stop him from doing anything foolish, but arrive just in time to see D'Argo taken into custody after he uses a secret access code to enter a supposedly secure area. Back on Moya, Crichton and Aeryn are furious that Stark has manipulated them into helping him rob the Depository; Stark gave D'Argo the code to force the Depository to change its codes after the security breach and unknowingly allow Stark to hack into the Depository's systems at that time. But with D'Argo captured, Moya's crew has no choice but to go along with Stark's plan. Zhaan masquerades as a bad-assed criminal; Crichton, Chiana, and Aeryn act as her bodyguards. All looks like it's going to plan - until Scorpius arrives at the Depository. Crichton, still haunted by hallucinatory flashes of Scorpius, accuses Stark of knowing it was Scorpius' loot they were planning to steal. Stark blithely admits this, but refuses to abort the plan despite Scorpius' presence. In a final showdown with Scorpius, Crichton learns why he has been experiencing flashes of him; back on Moya, the others celebrate the successful heist - unaware that the loot is not quite what it seems.



When Scorpius beats the crew to D'Argo's son, they must use the loot from the heist to recruit old friends and foes to help save him. However, in the end the only thing that Scorpius wants is John Crichton.


19/01/2001 - LIARS, GUNS AND MONEY 3: PLAN B (221)

The crew's plan to rescue D'Argo's son are instead put into play to rescue Crichton when he gives himself up in exchange for Jothee. But with Scorpius's neural control over Crichton's brain, maybe John doesn't want to be rescued.


26/01/2001 - DIE ME DICHOTOMY (222)

The crew seek out help to heal the burnt-out Moya and to remove Scorpius's neural chip from Crichton's brain. But Crichton's likely to die and the help may be far too late anyway.


Those Who Fell:
Aeryn Sun (Drowned)