Sassy Chiana
Alien Species'
Who's Who
Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four
Peacekeeper Wars
The Books
Short Stories
The Game
Fan Fiction
Season Four

My name is John Crichton, an astronaut

Three years ago I got shot through a wormhole

I'm in a distant part of the universe

Aboard this living ship of escaped prisoners - my friends

I've made enemies

Powerful... Dangerous...

Now, all I want is to find a way home

To warn Earth.

Look upward...

And share the wonders I've seen.


07/06/2002 - CRICHTON KICKS

Mad scientists, pirates, critters, secret formulas, shootouts, musical DRDs, mystic powers, graffiti, hitchhikers with weird hair, and of course lots of gooey stuff (although not necessarily the romantic kind): it's just another typical day in the Uncharted Territories for our favorite stranded human. Or it would be, if he had any idea where Moya and gang were, and a way to get there... First appearance of Sikozu and 1812...



Chrichton, Rygel, Chiana and Sikozu travel aboard Elack to Arnessek, which was Moya's destination before being swallowed down the wormhole. As Jool and D'Argo are reunited with the remains of Moya's crew, Jool's archeology background is uncovered once more. Although it's unlikely she'll wind up back in Grunchlik's freezer this time, the stakes at this dig are just as high, enough so that The Old Woman may sacrifice John's life to protect them...assuming Commandant Grayza doesn't capture him first.



D'Argo and Jool have a plan to save the gang's hides, but as usual, things don't go quite according to plan. While Grayza discovers way, that John Crichton is a difficult catch to hold onto, Scorpius suffers what may be his final betrayal, and the crew shares another parting of ways...



After a forced landing, the crew is divided by an elaborate trap that leaves Crichton, D'Argo, Noranti and Rygel underground in a lava-filled system of caves. Chiana and Sikozu are left outside, trying to re-activate D'Argo's ship. Inside, Crichton and the others are hunted down by mercenaries who are led by a monster impervious to the fiery lava.


12/07/2002 - PROMISES

Crichton is forced to play nice with the back-from-the-dead Scorpius after he proves to be the only one who can save an ailing Aeryn, who has a hard time coming clean about her pregnancy. Meanwhile, a new nemesis takes aim at the Moya crew for harboring a wanted assassin; and a mole within Peacekeeper ranks ruins Braca's latest plot.



Crichton's efforts to reconcile with Aeryn are put on hold when he makes a breakthrough in his wormhole research and Moya is threatened by a parasite.  D'Argo is elected as Captain of Moya...


26/07/2002 - JOHN QUIXOTE

Crichton and Chiana are trapped in a virtual reality game based on Crichton's life.  Features appearances by: Crais, Stark, Jool & Zhaan!



Crichton and Noranti return from a shopping expedition to find Moya hijacked. Crawling through the Leviathan's ducts looking for a way to rescue his crewmates, John gets assistance from an old enemy; he'll need it, since the rest of the gang is in the attackers' pockets...literally.


09/08/2002 - A PREFECT MURDER

Venturing into Tormented Space, it doesn't take Moya's crew long to run afoul of the locals. It's no surprise when they're drawn into a tribal conflict, but for a change it's Aeryn who starts the assassinating the leader-elect.  Chiana is run out of town after sleeping around, but she doesn't go far...


16/08/2002 - COUP BY CLAM

The crew makes a pit stop for a Leviathan tune-up, but sampling the local cuisine turns out to be a really bad idea when their meal turns into an attempted extortion-by-food-poisoning. Buying a cure would be no big deal -- except that the vital ingredient is being kept as a secret weapon of the planet's underclass, in preparation for a coup.



An interdimensional being plans to execute Crichton, believing his knowledge of wormholes to be a threat to the entire universe.  Features appearances by: Crais, DK, Jack, Jool & Zhaan (again)!


30/12/2002 - KANSAS

Most of the crew arrive at Earth in the 1980s, where Crichton's arrival has somehow changed events and placed his father on the doomed Challenger mission. The crew tries to lie low in Crichton's hometown, while Crichton tries to restore the timeline. Meanwhile, Grayza and the Peacekeepers have boarded Moya, looking for Crichton.


06/01/2003 - TERRA FIRMA

Moya is now in orbit around present-day Earth and the crew find Jack and a group of dignitaries expecting them. While the aliens are introduced to the world, Crichton finds it difficult to readjust to being back on Earth. Meanwhile, Grayza's assassin goes after him.


13/01/2003 - TWICE SHY

The crew stops to ask for directions, bartering with a passing trader for maps of Tormented Space. But then Aeryn becomes extremely emotional, Rygel displays a generous streak, and Chiana finds herself ready to declare celebacy - could it have anything to do with the meek slave they liberated from the traders? And just what are Scorpius and Sikozu up to, when they team up as allies?



In search of information about the alien that attacked the Crichtons and killed DK, Scorpius takes the menfolk to one of his former mentors, an instructor in mental discipline and control. Control is the last thing on D'Argo's mind, however, when he discovers his most hated enemy in the class. Meanwhile, knowing Crichton will need this training to withstand Scarran interrogation if captured, Scorpius watches him sweat through the course.



While the boys are off at camp, the girls go shopping, to buy Moya a disguise. Their expedition takes them to a black-market trading outpost; unfortunately, it also happens to be where the Peacekeepers have arranged a clandestine summit with the Scarrans, whose duplicity catches more than just Grayza offguard.  Chiana, a keen fan of all biped males, pretends to be a lesbian...



Ever have one of those days, when you turn on the television, and all your friends and family are on one of those tabloidy, investigative programs, talking about their strange experiences with aliens and conspiracies and galactic intrigues? No? You sure? Darn, John Crichton could really use your advice on how to handle that sort of situation...


17/02/2003 - PRAYER

Hoping to obtain information about wormhole technology and/or capture Crichton, the Scarrans interrogate Aeryn enroute to their home base...and are only too delighted to discover her pregnancy. Meanwhile Crichton and Scorpius enter an unrealized reality to learn where the location of a Scarran base.



At a Scarran border station, the crew discover the freighter holding Aeryn captive is docked there as well and attempt a rescue.  Although this time Noranti may have gone too far, by starting a deadly plague aboard the station.



With Aeryn resting safely aboard Moya, everything should be rosy for the crew...except Harvey's returned from the dead, claiming that Scorpius knows everything John does about wormholes. Since Harv's progenitor is currently in a Scarran torture chamber, that presents a bit of a problem. Now John's got a little Cold War strategy on tap, which will either let them rescue Scorpy, or get them all blown up. It's just one of those typical days.


03/03/2003 - WE'RE SO SCREWED 3: LA BOMBA

Power and political alliances shift from one minute to the next, as the crew tries to make their escape from Katratzi; the line between freedom fighting and terrorism begins to blur when John finds that for now he may need to give Scorpius exactly what he wants.  With few options, they agree to Scorpius' plan to destroy a cave full of flowers key to Scarran evolution.


10/03/2003 - BAD TIMING

Loose lips sink ships...or in this case, perhaps an entire planet. John's stray comment about his mother's garden prompts the Scarrans to mount an invasion of Earth.  The 'previously...' segment contains clips from every episode before this one, usually only lasting half a second each, followed by Ben Browder saying 'Finally on Farscape'.  Features an appearance by Jack.  Crichton proposes to Aeryn and she accepts.  Seconds later they are killed by a mysterious alien spaceship...


War Minister Akhna
Emperor Stahleek
Those Who Fell:
DK (Killed & Eaten)