SONGS about Michauds

Michaud Veillait
(Traditional Christmas Song
of Gascogne, France)

Michaud veillait le soir dans sa chaumière
Près du hameau il gardait son troupeau.
Le ciel brillait d'une vive lumière
Il se mit à chanter:
Je vois, je vois, je vois l'étoile du berger. (bis)

Au bruit qu'il fit, le pasteur de Judée
Tout en sursaut, s'en va trouver Michaud
Ah ! qu'il lui dit, ah! quelle heureuse journée
A l'heure de minuit
Est né, est né, est né ce que l'ange a prédit. (bis)

La Vierge était assise dans l'étable
L'âne mangeait et le boeuf ruminait
Joseph priait cet enfant adorable
Cet enfant non pareil
Noël, Noël, Noël brillant comme un soleil. (bis)




Michaud kept watch through the night in his cottage;
Close to the hamlet he kept his herd.
The sky shone with a brilliant light.
He sang to himself: I see, I see, I see the evening star.

Such a noise he made, this shepherd of Judaea.
Quickly, from there Michaud has traveled.
"Ah!" He cries, "Ah! Happy day!"
At midnight was born, was born, was born;
He who the angel had predicted.

The Virgin had rested in the stable,
The donkey ate and the ox rested.
Joseph called to this adorable child
This exceptional child
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, shining like a sun!


Michaud a Tombé?
(Traditional Paddling Song
of the Couriers du Boir)

Michaud est monté dans un prunier,
Pour treiller des prunes.
La branche a cassé!

Chorus: Michaud a tombé?

Ou est-ce qu'il est?

Chorus: Il est en bas!

Oh! révélle, révélle, révélle!
Oh! révélle, Michaud est en haut!




Michaud climbed into a plum tree,
to gather plums.
The branch broke!

Chorus: Did Michaud fall?

Where is he?

Chorus: He is down on the ground!

Oh, look, look, look!
Oh, look, he is up in the tree!

According to contemporary reports, it was always a point of etiquette to look astonished at the luck of Michaud in remaining in the tree, in spite of the branch breaking beneath him. Of course, the song had to be repeated to include all the varieties of fruit trees that Michaud might possibly climb.


Michaud's Mare
(Traditional Song
of Brittany, France)

"J'entends le loup, le renard et la belette...
J'entends le loup et le renard chanter. (bis)
Et dans dix ans je m'en irai. (bis)
La jument de Michaud et son petit poulain sont passés dans le pré,
ont mangé tout le foin. (bis)
Et quand l'hiver viendra, (bis)
La jument de Michaud elle s'en repentira. (bis)"




"I hear the wolf, the fox and the weasel...
I hear the wolf, the fox and the weasel singing.
Within ten years I'll be gone.
Michaud's mare and her little foal have been in the meadow,
and eaten all the hay.
And when winter arrives,
Michaud's mare will regret it."


Michaud Family Chart
Michaud Places
Michaud HOME
Pierre Michaud
Jean Baptiste Michaud and sons
Romaine Michaud
Eusebe "Zeb" Michaud
Georges & George A. Michaud
Aroostook War

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