Scott's Buncha' Bunz

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This page is reserved for moments when those silly kids of mine start showing off how cute they really are!  Some of these are just too cute and were spontanious photos.  Goes to show you what happens when you start raising rabbits... you wander around with a camera in hand with flash set and ready to go!  One thing is for sure... it really lets you see what little clowns they can be!  Well I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I did when I took them!

Twinkie The Assault Bun
Twinkie was a rescue bunny I rehomed. This picture was taken at her new home but I just love it!

Orion's Playgym
Orion was the first to play with the Playgym. Needless to say the Cats lost it as a toy!

Gemini In A Dish
Gemini was a baby from Star and Orion's first litter. She was always in trouble!

Who Goes There!
Lickatung standing guard LOL! Actually I got this just before he bumped his nose on the camera lens.

You In There?
Porky was being a bit nosey with the camera too and decided to get up close and personal! LOL!

Call Or E-Mail Me!  Click On The Bunny.
