The Boy Writer As Seen Through Paint, Portrait, & Pen
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My Poetry

Poetry is one of my strongest and most personal emotional outlets. I began writing poetry in middle school as a creative venture, but recently it has become more meaningful to me; my poetry expresses my deepest fears and passions, my hopes and dreams. Though my poems are an extension of myself, they are written gender non-specific so that anyone, regardless of gender, orientation, class, etc. can relate to them. Poetry has become my creative voice to speak to everyone, to try and put into words the pleasures and pains we all experience in every-day life.

The music link featured at the bottom of the page plays a song by one of my favorite artists of all time, Nina Simone.  It's the Joe Claussell remix of her song Feelin' Good.  The lyrics alone are powerful enough, but when combined with Claussell's lounge-esque beats and sounds makes the end result a pleasing and intriguing song to listen to. 

A Day or An Eternity
Through the smoky haze
It all comes back to me
The laughter,
The joy,
Private moments,
Experiences with friends.
For such a short period of time
It all seemed so right.
I remember the intimacy, too;
The soft kisses,
The passion,
The feeling of your warm back
Pressed against my chest,
My arms wrapped around you,
Holding you tight
And protecting you from everything
As you slept soundly through the night.
But there was one thing
I could not protect you from... own insensitivity.
Only now do I realize
What an incredible thing
I let slip carelessly through my fingers.
The only thing I can do is wait,
Hoping you will give me a second chance,
A chance to show you how much
You really do mean to me.
But that is your call to make,
So in the mean time,
Here I sit and wait.

Perfect 'Morn
A gentle breeze through the window
And you stir ever so slightly.
The faint hint of lilac in the air
Brings a subtle smile to your face.
Sounds of music drift in from nowhere
As I lie here watchign you
In your preaceful slumber.
So beautiful, so somber,
So innocent, so gentle.
You are lost in a dream,
And I dare not wake you,
So I slowly lay my head
Back down on your chest
And close my eyes,
Feeling your arms
As the instinctively wrap around me.
I slowly drift off to sleep,
Ready to meet you back in dreamland.

Chance or Fate (Screw 'em Both)
A life being lived care-free
A departure imminant,
Looming on the horizon,
Out of nowhere,
A chance meeting.
Fate, perhaps,
Or coincidence?
Regardless, a void seemed filled.
Happiness, laughter,
Joy, comfort, peace,
All in one evening.
Everything is still uncertain,
But now in a good way.
A chance meeting,
Ironic at best.
But who cares?
Throw caution to the wind
And do what feels right.
So far, I have yet to feel any wrong...

One of You
You are frustrating,
Constantly changing your beliefs,
Your views, your goals.
And yet, for some reason,
That which escapes me,
I continue to follow
Your ever lead.
You are petty,
Focused on barely anything
Other than sex, drugs, and alcohol.
Yet in spite of all of this,
You have given me comfort,
Shelter, friends,
Built up my confidence
(After having just torn it down),
But most importantly,
You have helped me become
What I am today...
My own person!
These frustrations
And praised combined,
I can always say...
I am one of you forever.

Empty, deep, and cold.
Empty the way a mother longs for her child
Just after they have left home.
Deep like an ocean where a diver fears to drown,
Yet continues after the elusive treasure.
Cold like the tundra, caught in a snowstorm without shelter,
Scampering for warmth.
For each person, the right things are said
And feelings change.
A mother's child comes to visit,
The diver finds a coin or two,
And the person finds shelter as the storm lifts.
But for each hurt and pain,
The child stays away longer,
The ocean gets deeper,
The storm grows stronger,
And one more lock
Is forever placed on the door to my heart.

Comfortable Saturday
Your head rests on the pillow of my chest
As I gaze to the ceiling above.
Subtle hints of sweat and cologne tickle my nose
As my fingers lightly dance across your back.
A sigh escapes your cherry lips,
Warming my skin if but for a brief moment.
There is a comfortable silence which blankets us
And I cannot help wondering what thoughts
Cascade through your inquisitive mind.
A light rain begins outside, nature's sigh,
And a warm breeze licks the curtains,
Carrying with it the fragrence of pure nature.
Our legs have become a tangled mound of flesh,
Winding over, under, and around one another.
I let out a quiet sigh of contentment
And you turn your head to gaze up at me.
Your steel blue eyes burn with passion
As your smile melts me just a little bit more.