The Boy Writer As Seen Through Paint, Portrait, & Pen
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My Girls I

What can I say, I love my girls! On this page I'll describe them and their special place in my life.

Peggy is one of the descendants of the man I wrote my book about.  We met at the funeral for another descendant and fell in love at first sight.  This is the woman who, if we're both single by the time she's 90 and I'm 60, we're going to get married, sit on the front porch of Annaburg, and drink mint juleps while laughing our elderly butts off.


My sister is one of the most remarkable women I have the privilege of knowing.  She graduated from William & Mary in May 2001 with a degree in government and is currently debating whether to go into social work or teach handicapped children.  Here she and I are with our cousin in April of 2000 for Erin's 21 birthday.  Oh yeah, she can probably drink you under the table, too.


VT Steph (a.k.a. CoffeyCoff)

Granted, I only met this lovely lady (and Britney Spears' double) right before homecoming, but she is so incredibly wonderful and I feel like I've known her forever!

Halloween '02

The daughter of my dad's Army buddy, I met Bree in the summer of 2001 during my vacation to Portland, OR.  There was an instant connection and we hit it off famously!  Despite being on opposite coasts, we still keep in touch fairly frequently, and she has already agreed to become a business partner in The Stray Olive.  Four words sum up this woman: "stuningly beautiful" and "utterly fabulous"!


Erin (again)
Here we are, drunk, the night before Erin's graduation from William & Mary.  That was one hell of a night...but seeing her hungover at graduation the next day was even funnier.  There she was, passed out in her chair while keynote speaker and recipient of an honorary doctorate Madeline Albrite was on stage speaking.  Did I mention that Erin was a government major?



Outside of my family, I have known this girl the longest. She has been there for me so many times in the past and I cannot even begin to describe how amazing she is. Even when she is in Norfolk and I'm wherever, we're never far apart from each other!

Spring '02

Taken in the winter of 2001, here I am with Melissa and Kathy.  I met these lovely ladies through Shane & Pierre and have adored them ever since.

Winter '01

Here are Adrian and I with Nelly at her place in the summer of 2002.  It's hard to think of what to say about Nelly cause a) there is so much and b) it's hard to sum it up into words.  She's one of those wonderful people you just have to meet to appreciate (and she has a fabulous rowhouse, too).

Summer '02