Society for the Protection of Mike Kellerman

Welcome to the Society for the Protection of Mike Kellerman! We are dedicated to the protection of Michael Kellerman against physical harm and defamation.

I was watching H:LotS (Kellerman, PI, pt.1) the other night, and the person I was watching it with started putting poor Mikey down. She said, scathingly, that he was being sarcastic to Meldrick. She followed this comment with accusations that Mikey took bribes in Arson, considered it in Homicide, and had cold bloodedly excecuted Luther Mahoney. Naturally, I jumped to the defense of dear Mikey! And it occured to me, that there was no one around to protect the guy. So I founded SPMK...and I hope the membership will grow to the point that we can fight off all the anti-Mikey people out there.

Nearly all the information featured on this page are courtesy of the Shrine to Reed Diamond. Please visit it!

Nearly all the pictures featured on this page are courtesy of Becky's Homicide Archives. There are gazillions of images there - the ultimate source! Check it out.

June 23/99 NOTICE: SPMK site and list now administered by Maura. Thanks, Kirsty for all your great work! Please send all comments and queries to

Please forgive any inaccuracies in the information provided here. Please let me know if I've gotten anything wrong.

This page has been visited times since December 8, 1998.
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