With Swamiji's blessings many people have experienced almighty's grace. Many people volunteered to share their personal spiritual experiences. With individuals due permissions we decided to publish few of them. If you have personal spiritual encounters and you can share with us by clicking on spiritual encounter button.

Response from Jo Massey

Thank you for having me included in the meeting with Baba Ji. It was a very interesting experience for me that I truly enjoyed. He is remarkable, giving out so much love, wisdom and compassion. I came away feeling like I had been in the presence of a great instrument of God. Please keep me informed if he does manage to make it here for a longer time. I would like to learn more from him. I've recently found out that there is a delay in our return from India, and wish the extra day could be spent visiting him in his ashram there, but it will be spent in Delhi. Maybe I'll see you at Jim's meditation circle sometime. Thanks again Jo.

Response from Anne Walke

I was definitely needful and especially grateful for the energy that Babaji blessed me with when he placed his thumbs on my eyes and touched my head Saturday, May 13th. It was a wonderful gift -- and one which made Mother's Day especially blessed. It has helped me recover from the effects of a week of bronchitis contracted earlier. Due to that, I had missed three days of work, cancelled teaching yoga for two days, and was wondering how long it would be before my basic health was restored; I was worried that I might fall ill again due to my heavy schedule of work, school and teaching and lack of time to rest. Now I have no more worries! I feel light, free, and strong and I attribute that to the blessings and energy that Babaji shared with us Saturday. Thank you.Ananda Kaur - Anne Leggett Walker, Dallas, Texas

Response from Kathe Tipton

I met Swami Mohan Dass Ji at my friend's house this last weekend. He has been her guru for many years and she's told me much about him before my meeting him. I was not sure what to expect except to see a holy man that I could not communicate with and that is all that I could foresee at that time. I was also very interested in meeting a real Yogi from India and one who was advanced in samahdi and that is the reason I attended the get-together at her house. As I entered the room he greeted me very warmly like we had met before even though we have never met physically and I could sense the deep and enormous love that he gives to all who meet him. I felt that I had already met him many times. I found that he was very approachable and not formal like I had expected. I also found that he could understand what we were saying in English despite his native language being Hindi. He really only needed the translator to give us his words since we did not know the Hindi language. I spent the next 3 hours sitting in the group of people in his presence. I could feel wonderful surges of unconditional love that he was sending out to all of us there in the room with him. He also gave me some of his energy and I felt that he was helping me heal some emotional distress that I had been going through before arriving there. He answered all of our many questions very patiently and showed us the various different ways to meditate and how to sit properly for balanced energy during meditation. He taught us how to relax properly prior to relaxing into the meditation. It was wonderful to get to learn proper breathing and to chant OM with him. Prior to this, I did not understand my friend's emphasis on living gurus since I am a medium and am in spiritual contact with other gurus who have walked the earth during their own physical lifetimes. I did not feel the need for a living guru. Now after meeting Swami Mohan Dass Ji, I felt first-hand the wonderful inspiration and unconditional love that he gives to all who come in contact with him. I have never seen any human being with such love and kindness in his eyes and entire being. He is truly an inspiration to me and now I feel that it really is possible to achieve enlightenment in my lifetime since I have seen it with my own eyes in another human being. I left the time of visiting with him feeling that I had received God's love, many blessings and healing, and in my heart wanted more time with him. I also realized this must have been what it was like for those early Christians who were blessed in the presence of Jesus. I wondered did they look into his eyes and see God's love and kindess like I did in the eyes of Swami Mohan Dass Ji. He glowed with God's love and shared it will the rest of us in a very special way I've not experienced before. I look forward to his next visit and will plan to spend more time with him if it is available. I will practice the techniques that he taught us in my meditation so I can learn more from him at his next visit to Dallas.

Sincerely, Kathe Tipton

Response from Susana Acosta

It is I who am grateful to you for the wonderful afternoon in the presence of this Holy man. I came out of our gathering with a great sense of peace, and very hopeful for the path ahead of me. It felt like a family reunion and I carry his smile with me in my heart. I also am looking forward to our reiki session and to more conversations with you dear friend!

Love, Susana

Response from Mike Ruskiewicz and Sandy Spear

Mike and I wanted to send a note to say thank you for allowing us to meet Baba Ji and hear his teachings. We felt so much love and peace during the time at your home.



