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Chris Cunningham-Crocker

Hi this is where I will be bitching about the shit in my life because no one seems to understand it when I tell them so maybe if they read it, it will become clearer to them!! Plus I am a FEMALE that likes bitching anyways.........so I've been told.

Ok first off since she hasn't answered me ever on this... tell me am I calling anyone a tramp on any of my pages?? I didn't think so. So bitch why don't you just shut the fuck up and drop it! I honestly don't understand how you are the only one that sees that on my page when no one else that claims...well used to claim to be you friend didn't notice.
Second off hunny why is it when ever there is something that you don't want me or someone else doing that you go off and do something that is just as bad as what I had done or that person had done. Do you think that you are the only one that can be allowed to do that shit? I mean hell if you are going to go off and do something that you are thinking about telling someone not to do then just don't say anything about not doing it in the first place because so far (that I know of) you have only done that with me and Rachelle. Its not fair to us that you go off and do something that you tell us not to do.
Third off. Don't you hate it when someone says that they are going to do something at some certain time and then when that certain time comes they change their mind at the last second. I hate that. There is especially someone that upsets me a lot when that person does that. I am not mentioning names because if that person ever read this they would know who they are.
Fourth off. Tara why the hell are you being such a bitch to me when I havn't done anything to you especially when you are bitching at someone else for something I've chose to do for the past couple of nights. I mean damn shut the fuck up.
Ok I am back again! U know what is getting on my nerves the most right now is that my mom bitches way too damn much. She really gets on my nerves. Mainly about my daughter. I do take care of my daughter more than what my mom thinks I do. I ask her to help me out since the "sperm donor/dad" is a worthless peice of shit and won't do a damn thing for her. I ask him to come over every once in a while. He doesn't do it! It really pisses me off that he had the responcibility of getting me pregnant, but now can't be responcible enough to take care of his kid.
Ok someone else did it!!! Kenny keep dreaming!!! I'm never gonna be with you ever again and that goes for you too Bill! Quit takin advantage of the fact that my man is in prison. People fuck up in life. Some more than others but damn!! That doesn't make me fucking single just because he isn't here with me. I'm not leaving him for not fucking man and you can just get the hell over that.
Ok and as for someone I considered a brother. I'm not saying his name because I still hold a little respect for the mother fucker, but you need to quit talking shit! I know you don't like it! So why the hell are you doing it? Doesn't make any sence does it!!!! Fucking people need to grow the fuck up... Oh and as for the thing you say "If people don't like what you do or who you are fuck them.." I think that you need to eat your fucking words because if you don't do that then why the hell would someone listen to you when you tell them to do that??

P.s. I will be back when some body else pisses me off. Don't worry that won't be that long because its like people love to do that to me here where I live..........