Sycamore High School CrestSycamore High School
Class of 1960 


   We are waiting for your comments. Please post them so we can share in your thoughts. The following are comments that have been posted.

I just want to thank everyone who came to my house for the 60th birthday party. For everyone who did not come you missed a wonderful time. I didn't think many people would remember me as I did not participate much while in high school and ran with a group of people from the Sharonville area. We had a great reunion, lots of laughs and fun and I just want to say no matter if you are short, bald, fat, skinny or can't remember anyone from high school years you can still have a good reunion and make a new friend from the past. Please come next time not only do we want to see you we need you, you are a part of our past you are a part of who we are!
Trisha Obst
PS single, widowed over 12years ago and would give anything to hear from anyone in the past who even remembers me.


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