
Parents, Cant live with them, cant live without them

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                    Dont you just hate it when your parents are over protective? Well I do. After a little while i started thinking why parents are so over protective. Many kids think that parents just dont want you to have fun so they are over protective. Well thats not true. The reason that parents are over protective is that they dont want there children to get hurt. I mean what is worse than a mother hearing that her daughter or son was killed or kidnapped while going to the park. If that ever happened i bet you the parents would never forgive thmselves. They would blame it on themselves and would probably die of all the giref. That is really sad that if your parents die because of you. I dont think anyone would want there parents to die because of themselves. Like if you have a pet that you care alot about. You wouldnt just leave it out side and let it do whatever it wants. You would be really careful with it and follow its every move. Well thats the same with parents. The parents that dont care about you are the ones that let you go anywhere you want and dont really care if anything happenes to you. The child really likes the freedom until the day comes when something happenes to them. Parents are the only people that will really love you and take care of you. I mean look at the bums that walk around. Dont you think after they left home that they could have lived at a freinds house or a cousins house. They probably tried but after a few days or weeks they were kicked out because the family couldnt take it anymore. No one puts up with your crap other than parents. I kind of went of topic here. I dont think that parents dont let you do things to get back at you but for your own good. Thats all i got to say about that.           

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