
 People That Are Prejudice

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        When ever im in school i always see people being made fun of because they are indian or pakistani. I hate all people who do that. In school many times people call me hindu and say that pakistan and india is the same thing. Well get this, what if i call a Dominican Republican a Mexican or some one from Porte Rico a Colombian. I would probably get beat up for that. Well its the same exact way that i feel when some one calls me hindu. I feel like going over there and smacking the crap out of them. First of all indai and pakistan are to different countries. You must be really stupid if you think that they are one country. Secondly, we each have different languages, different cultures, different religions, different food, different money. Actually we have different everything. Now tell me who in there right mind after hearing all that would still think that pakistan and india are the same think. Thats like saying 1+1=7. Some of these people in my school are so arrogant. Even if you tell them a million times they still wouldnt understand. Thats how stupid some people are.    

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