***Talisha And Amanda's Site***


About Us | ShOuToUtS tO aLl My FrIeNdS | LiNkS | CoNtAcT uS | TaLiShA's FrIeNdS PhOtOs | MoRe PhOtoS | FuN ThInGs To Do | FaVoRiTe SoNgS | Our favorite Cartoons and Characters | GuEsTbOoK
FuN ThInGs To Do

Here's what I think...

Things i enjoy to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well lets see i enjoy going to the mall SHOPPING but since there r no malls around here thats kinda impossible. I luv to sit and watch movies. I luv to cruise around our little town........ Um i luv to take walks and i luv to hang with all my friends........

Standardized Tests

I think standardized tests are unfair because they don't test you on what you know and they try to trick you. What grades you get in regular classes are more important than how you do on some stupid test that you take on one day that you might not be feeling good.

My Opinions on Current Events

In this column, I'll write some of my opinions on current events. I'll date my entries and update this page frequently, whenever I feel moved to write.

I can talk about politics, sports, technology, whatever is important to me -- because of course, more people should share *my* opinion. ;-)

Do you agree or disagree with my beliefs and opinions? I'd love to hear from you. Check out my "Contact Me" page to send me e-mail.