***Talisha And Amanda's Site***
About Us | ShOuToUtS tO aLl My FrIeNdS | LiNkS | CoNtAcT uS | TaLiShA's FrIeNdS PhOtOs | MoRe PhOtoS | FuN ThInGs To Do | FaVoRiTe SoNgS | Our favorite Cartoons and Characters | GuEsTbOoK
***Welcome to Our Site***

Hey everyone whats going on? Well this is a class project but im actually having alot of fun doing this so take a look and enjoy yourself......

Hey everyone whats happening? Well this web-site is gonna tell you all about my life and about all my friends and upcoming events that are happening.......
Well to all my friends in Bellefontaine, Ohio i miss you guys alot and i didnt forget bout you guys in this web-site. I can't wait to see you all..
To all my friends at Tucker County, West Virginia i wanna say thanxs for being great friends and i have had alot of fun here with yall. I also encluded you in this web-site........

Hey whats going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
             Everything below will be the dates of what is going on in our crazy lives............

Prom at Tucker County High School:: May 8th

My Littler Brothers 10th Birthday is May 9th
Last day for Seniors at Tucker County High School: May 25th
Graduation date: June 5th

Be sure to sign my guestbook and tell me what you think!!!!!!!