
  • He who does not travel does not know the value of men ...Moorish proverb
    I am fortunate to have been able to indulge two of my passions: travel and photography. My two other passions... well, I don't know you well enough to discuss those just yet!
    Most of the images on this site were taken with either a Canon 35mm or Mamiya medium format rangefinder system. Transparencies, primarily Fuji’s Velvia and Astia, were commercially scanned and edited with Adobe Photoshop. I have recently acquired a Canon digital system, so expect a new batch of images soon.
    After years of hopping on and off airplanes, I have learned to travel light. So, although I have a cupboard full of photographic equipment, only a few pieces are frequent fliers. One camera body, two or three lenses, an exposure meter and film are all jammed into a carry-on bag. That's it. The less there is to carry, the easier it is to travel. Fewer choices mean that I can spend more time on trying to capture the moment.
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