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The Big Youth Theatre Festival
By Corin McKenzie 17/05/00

Every year Cumbernauld Senior Youth Theatre try to get the money together to get down to London for “The Big Big Youth Theatre Festival” so that we can show off our Scottish talent (I don’t mean the guys by the way!) this year will be our third year down there.  This year we are going down there with the plan of actually performing something that we have rehearsed, because for the last two years we kinda just decided to do it when we got there.  The first two years we did a couple of short plays written by our resident genius Charles Scullion, but this year we will have to make up our own as Charles has decided to desert us.  (poo!!) 

This year we are all writing one together it will be about the 7 deadly sins which won’t be hard for us since we tend to do them all without thinking about it.  The bad thing about me telling you this is that if you are not part of the Youth theatre or if you are not going to Epping forest the same time as we are then you will not be able to see our brilliance (shame!!), but maybe if we are really good we may be able to put it on at the theatre??

Anyway we are going on the 13th to the 16th of July.  It is going to be so much fun because as we are the only Scottish Youth Theatre that go (not to be confused with THE Scottish Youth Theatre!), we are going to all wear kilts and drink Irn Bru and have a pet Haggis.  We will also speak incredibly fast and in a broad Glaswegian accent.

This page will be updated when we come back to tell you how it went.