Look For complete new Site Design this May. FinallY!
The Ladies' Cello Society,Rasputina Welcome to my Rasputina page, while it is small it was made with the best intentions. I hope you enjoy my little niche. The Ladies' Cellos Society is Melora Creager(Cello,Vocals.), Nana(Cello) and K. Coperthwaite (Cello).Pictured above(from l to r)Agnieszka Rybska, Melora Creager and Julia Kent. The music is hard to label, but it is beauty and very unique from the cello to the vocals. Also they are the best corseted band around.
Keep your eyes on this page, majour rehaul inc. design and new pics! coming soon! I promise.
Tour Dates
Click here to see tour dates.
News What's New&Rasputina News 21 April,02
Click on thumbnails to see full version. Art by me, please do not take
The Albums
The EP.
The Olde Headboard Single
click on albums for the infomation
~New~ ~New~
Click on Above Pic to see Screen Caps of Rasputina Performing on Late Night w/Conan O'Brien
This is a cassette sampler, that has ex- cerpts of "The Olde Headboard" and "Diama- mond Mind" on it , (about a minute and forty seconds each song) that were given after Rasputina's set along with the post- card (above album pics) and sticker (below) each piece is backdated, so I'm guessing that these are left over promo goods. Below the sticker, are poster flats,with a fancy pic on each side, which was attac- hed to a pic of the album (HWQTF)cover and on the reverse side touting the first sin- gle "The Olde Headboard"..These are the f- lats that a re posted in clubs & record stores.
The Third Chairs Click here to see all five ladies,who were the third chair.
Click on above image for info about the longbox version of "How We Quit the Forest"
Agnieszka Rybska, Melora Creager and Julia Kent
From L. to R. Carpella Parvo, Melora Creager and Julia Kent
From L. to R. Julia Kent, Melora Creager and Agnieszka Rybska
Please note, this is a page to entertain and maybe bust some more exposure for this trio, not to purposefully infringe on copy rights or to make money on this. It is pur- ely a fan page made by and for fans of The Ladies' Cello Society, aka Rasputina. A lot of the images I scanned in myself,so please link back to me if you use my pictures, I made this page as an homage& to be unique. Also don't forget to visit the Official Site.
mail me New email address-
Julia Kent, Melora Creager and Lisa Haney.
Link to Me
Here's the code, just cut and paste it
<center> <a href="https://members.tripod.com/~Baby_Fox/corsetier/cellohome.html"> <img src="https://members.tripod.com/~Baby_Fox/corsetier/rasbanner2.JPG"> </a> </center>
Pictured : Lisa Haney, Melora Creager & Julia Kent
Places to Go
More soon.
Pictured : Julia Kent, Melora Creager & Agnieszka Rybska
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