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recent problems that our advice team has solved.


HELP! I don't know what to do! I'm stuck between my boyfriend and my best friend! I really like my boyfriend. But, I've known my best bud for so long. I think my friend is a little bit jelous that I'm spending more time talking to my boyfriend than him. But, I don't want to lose either friendship. My friend, Billy, is always talking bad about my boyfriend, Dave. I feel bad when I hear him saying mean things! Should I stick with the buddy that I've known for so long? Or should i keep my relationship going with my boyfriend? WHAT SHOULD I DO?????
- Anna, Age 14

Dear Anna,
Thanks for coming to The Basement for advice. We have looked at your problem many times and we have some advice for you. We understand that you don't want to lose your boyfriend or your vest friend. I feach feels jealous about the other try to spend equal time with them. Set out certain days,maybe, that you can talk etc. with each of them. But we think that you should stay wih your man. If things still don't work out, you will have to choose who is more important to you. We can't tell you who is more important, but good luck!
- Advice Team @ the Basement

If you have a problem, please send 'em in and our advice team will be GLAD to help you! If you would like your problem posted on our website, remember to give us permission! Thanks!

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