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Center for Colon and Rectal Surgery
The following are common conditions that are managed at the Center for Colon and Rectal Surgery:

Colonoscopy Information from the American College of Surgeons


Anal Fissure

Pruritis Ani - "Itchy Bottom"

Colon Cancer

If you are planning to have surgery, Dr. Khoo will discuss the procedure and risks with you during an office consultation. The National Library of Medicine also provides free interactive web based tutorials: go to National Library of Medicine click on Videos and Tools and this will take you to a page where you will find a button for "Health Videos" as well as "Surgery Videos"
Sometimes the link doesn't work, but if you copy and paste it into your browser, you will be sent to the correct page.

Here are some interesting topics:

Colonoscopy Article by humor giant, Dave Barry

High Fiber Diet Guide

Choosing Your Health Plan.

Dear Abby addresses colon cancer screening

Sigmoidoscopy Screening Alone May Not Be Enough New York Times article

How to Get Treated Like a Doctor - when you you are a patient. An Important recent article from Tara Parker-Pope of the Wall Street Journal

American Cancer Society Colon and Rectal Cancer information from the American Cancer Society.

Colon Cancer Page from the MD Anderson Cancer Center

What Your Alternative Healer Won't Tell You

The Bell Curve by Dr. Atul Gawande in New Yorker Magazine

Colorectal Surgeons Have Better Surgery Mortality Rates

To find a colon and rectal surgeon near you - click here:

Looking for a Colorectal Surgeon
To see if the surgeon is Board Certified - look for the designation "Certified ABCRS"

American Board of Colon & Rectal Surgeons

Click to learn more about Board Certification

These are other important Colon and Rectal Surgery links:

American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons

American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Treatment Guidelines

American College of Surgeons Patient Education Resources You will find valuable education brochures, information about surgery, preparation for surgery, and a library of surgical information.

Cleveland Clinic Colorectal Surgery

Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America

Mayo Clinic Health Information

J-Pouch Group - Information for Ileoanal Pouch Patients

International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders

Dr. Fun - Medical Cartoons

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