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Serious Things

  • Sure, they love your Kids. So They Say !!! BUT Don't Let them "Love" Your children their "Way"
    Especially, While You are on the Road, and your child is taking comfort in a "friend" Cuz Mom or Dad is on the Road Alot.
  • They take and spend lots of time with your children, get YOUR Trust, get the childs trust, then Wham, like Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde something Like this happens !!! and before you know it that are molesting your children all in the name of love!
    Parents for Internet Safety
    Truck Stop Links and General Information Links


    76 National *All American* Ambest*Pilot Fuel Stop

    M.V.W. Most Valuable Website's and Resources

    HOMEROAD If you Can't find information CAN'T BE Found!!!
    North American Transportation Brokers

    Drivers: I urge you to view the Missing Children Page below
    In your travels, and in Truck Stops, while these abducted children are being forced to travel from state to state with their abductor, you may have come across one of these children and don't even know they are missing. With help from you, we may be able to bring some of them back home....


    Other WebRings

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    The Donut Shop Webring

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    The Golden Donut Award, received 5-2-98

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