Welcome to my second on-line story page!

As you know, I have planned to write dragon stories on these pages. This page is dedicated for that purpose. This story is called the Dragon Key. It is about a group of teenagers from Earth who discover a magical key that can transport them to various places and worlds. It’s limited by only the imagination. Sounds cool? This story started out really weird. When I wrote it, I was writing the middle of the story. I did not begin at the beginning like you are supposed to. Well, I only have the Prologue to this one as well. Most of my Christmas vacation was spent on pondering about which story to do first. This is one of my originals. It is full of dragons with amazing abilities and powers. Not all dragons breathe fire, you know. I hope you will enjoy this one. As, I said, only the middle chapter and the Prologue has been written, so give me some time. I’ll get this story in soon.

The Dragon Key

The Dragon Key

The Prologue

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

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