The Pythonic tradition is based on fundamentals taken from Gardnarian Wicca with a good eclectic blend from Cunningham, Buckland, Starhawk, &c. We also found that among the more traditional ways of practicing magick, that there was a source of power raising left vertually untapped by modern wiccans, HUMOR! Using laughter and mirth, we have raised energy for prosperity rituals, housing, and depression banishment. I'm an Artist (as stated above, I've designed a Tarot Deck) To see examples of some of my artwork on-line, just click the bannor below.
p> I've HPed a few covens, like the Crafters and Pheonix Circle, but am now retired from covens for awhile. As far as pagan organizations are concerned, I'm affiliated with FOCAS, Federation of Circles and Solitaires, but don't hold that against them. There's a link to their webpages to the right on this page.
For those who want to learn more about Wicca and things related, I've compiled a recommended book list. By no means complete, just books I'm familiar with and, well, recommend. Just click on the bannor below to get there. And we said something about humor. Well, I guess some people need examples of that so here are a few extra banners to click on to find some jokes. AND AND AND
AND...a poem!
This is the cover of the book I co-authored, a sword & sorcery tale of epic proportions. It can be ordered on or at most retail book chains.
The Federation of Circles and Solitares is where I do most of my public works right now. I was voted in as one of their elected clergy back in Samhain 2006, and my wife, Mara became legally ordained by them in 2007. I also served as a trustee on thier board, but desided not to run for any more offices. I still hang with them and attend most of thier rituals. The Federation is a fine group of pagans from the "down river" area of Metro-Detroit. They hold public rituals on all the major sabbots and host a pagan chat night every first and third Thursday of the month. Update on what they are doing now can be found on thier webpage at Just click here. That way you can know where and when their events are. Paganfest just started up in May 2010, but next year they will be having their event on Laborday weekend. They hold the event in Bellville, MI at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, a nice venue. Their first year they drew such headliners as Janet Farrar & Gavin Bone, Raven Grimmassi, and a concert by the Australian Band Spiral Dance. More information about them is at their website: If you want more information on any event you can e-mail me at the below address. Please do not expect a responce on the day of the event, cause (duh!) I won't be here, I'll be there. A while back the Crafters (my former coven) came up with the Manifesto of the Unwelcome, a bit of humor based on people one would rather not show up at public pagan events. Manifesto, just newly added to the list of links in the previous column. This Manifesto has not been adopted for events hosted by other groups, such as FOCAS. (Though, why not is a mystery to me) So, I'm updating this page to show all the new things going on.
This is a picture of me with Rachael Watcher, the 1999 CoG National Recorder. For those worried about such things, I do have Rachael's permission to post this picture here. Word to others, only post pictures or names of persons with permission of the people involved.
This shot of me was taken by the Detroit News.
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