Program links

The links below delve into how the MoQ wimple model operates, and therefore how the universe operates, thus they are called Program files for organizational purposes. As these pages grow, there may be further subdivision later.

The MoQ wimple model operates as a complete system and the model itself, with the four layers inside-outed by yellow Quality, can be said to be a model of reality itself. By using the four-ness of the universe as a clue, we will say each question concerning reality can be made clearer by inserting any four-ness of attributes into the model.

Each layer of the model is discrete and interacts in a precessional fashion with the higher layers in the model. The model itself is complete, and no further layers can be added or subtracted from it and the model still exist as it does.

The following assumptions are built into the model...

1) The model itself is a model of reality and everything we are aware of, therefore the model could be said to be awareness itself. It exists because the observer is aware of its existence in a relational manner.

2) Time is treated as precessing the model in an outward fashion, and the yellow part of the model is treated as non-time.

3) No other model will be used other than the four-layer model. The model can be cloned and filled in with attributes from within each level as well as attributes which do not fit into any level.

4) The model is really 3 dimensional tetrahedron based, but will be treated as circles for display in 2 dimensions, and could be thought of as spheres inside of spheres in a 3 dimensional model.

The model is really composed of only one 'thing'...Quality, part of which we perceive as reality, or static quality, and the vast majority of the model is composed of that which we are not aware of, or dynamic quality, denoted by the yellowness inside and outside the four layers.

Hopefully these Program links will familarize the observer with the precepts of using the model to clarify its use and the idea behind its development. I will continue to clarify certain points which are hazy right now. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Program links

What is a Wimple?:
What is Precession?:
Back to Start Page:
Loose Ends as Enabling Devices:
The 5 Levels of Moral Conflict:

Using the model

Each of the links above lead to pages describing different operating rules within the model. By following the Program links the 'rules' governing the operation of the model (and the universe) will hopefully become clearer.

This page has wimpled times.