
In a Quality driven universe, there are only Quality Events. These events can be broken down into two parts, Dynamic Quality and static quality. This is of primary importance in the understanding of the MOQ and the significance of what it says. Our everyday world of reality is composed of static quality. This makes up the four layers of the MOQ. But this static quality is operating within a much more expansive Dynamic Quality, which we are not capable of perceiving other than by its passing. Nonetheless, Dynamic Quality is what gives rise to our static everyday reality.

Please note as well that Dynamic Quality is always capitalized, while static quality is not. This is also of primary importance, and I failed to notice it until a Lila Squad member, Anthony McWatt, brought it to the forefront of my attention. Thank you Ant! This is a clue as to how precessional Dynamic Quality operates in our universe. In its passing, it leaves tell-tale signs which may at first seem insignificant and unimportant, so it is ignored.

Dynamic Quality is responsible for our awareness coming into being. Therefore, at first I felt awareness must be tied to the MOQ Wimple Model implicitly. After much pondering on this, I realize it is too hard a question to solve so easily and so I am currently developing a different way of categorizing awareness within the MOQ.

For now, we could say that static quality represents everything we are aware of. Our awareness is being driven by Dynamic Quality in a precessional fashion, inside-outingly, represented in the MOQ Wimple Model. Within the Metaphysics of Quality, there is only quality, but that quality manifests itself both within our awareness and outside our awareness. We can see this clearly in the model by labeling the four layers of the model as Static Quality (SQ) which is so named not because it is static or permanent, but because quality has manifested itself in a form that we can call static. That is, a Quality Event has occurred where an observer and an event have formed a relational agreement between each other.

We will call the yellow part of the wimple model Dynamic Quality (DQ) which means that although we know DQ exists because we observe Quality Events, we cannot form agreements with what DQ is exactly as it is beyond our ability to perceive it in the model, and in reality as well.

So What is Dynamic Quality?

In our model, we have placed labels indicating where SQ and DQ belong in relation to each other. What the model tells us is exactly what Pirsig has been trying to tell us, that DQ is beyond our awareness and so cannot be defined in any way other than to say it is outside awareness and yet permeates reality because it is reality...a much more expansive reality than we can possibly contain within our awareness.

When thinking of Dynamic Quality, it helps if instead of confining the model to this monitor, if the reader will imagine instead that the yellow part of the model, Dynamic Quality, extends out from the monitor into the room you are sitting in, and out past that into the universe, as far as the Most Powerful Telescope can see. Now, the reader will have some inkling of how vast Dynamic Quality is, in regards to our everyday static quality reality.

More MoQ Wimple Pages

MoQ Wimple Start Page:
Putting MoQ to Geometry:
A Mystic Reality:
What is Precession?:
Subject/Object Metaphysics:
What is a Wimple?:
MoQ and Evolution:
A Quality Driven Universe: For those who haven't yet read Pirsig's Lila
What is Awareness?:

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