In a perfect world, that would be ideal... but shit happens and we're using old site again for the moment. Which means I can update it! WHOOO! What's new in Pinko land? Voting party was held yesterday, in which Ian, Colin and I all threw away our votes with pride. I threw away my vote so hard it blew out the windshields of cars parked in the parking lot. Go Nader! Also, we've succeeded in building a t-shirt screen printing press thingy and Ol' Nate Rainey is hard at work drawing up desings for t-shirts. What crazy limited edition printed shit can you exepct from us? "Action Boys Do It Fast" thongs? Hmmm... the sky's the limit I suppose. Ian bough a bunch of mics and we'll be screwing around with recording this weekend. I also put up some new song lyrics, and... that's it. Halo 2 crazy LAN party at Action House on saturday November 13th. If you're interested in coming call us, and beware the New World Order. Peace!