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Home >> Instruction Book >> Authors >> Grandmaster Ming Pang

Prof. Ming Pang - Founder of Zhineng Qigong

Professor Ming Pang is the originator of Zhineng Qigong, and founder of the world's largest physician-staffed energy-healing hospital in China. A famous qigongist and powerful healer with rare gifts, who has studied ancient healing wisdoms since his infancy under nineteen qigong grandmasters, he is deeply versed in both Eastern and Western medicine.
Development and Achievements

Professor Ming Pang (Heming Pang) is a Chinese qigongist. His development was nurtured and influenced by Traditional Chinese Medicine, especially acupuncture, as well as qigong and the martial arts, the practice of which he commenced in early childhood. and which subsequently continued under the tutelage of 19 Grandmasters.

As a medical expert, he was invited to attend the 1979 Symposium on The Combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, and the 1980 Symposium on the Fundamental Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, held by the Ministry of Public Health.

He was one of the initiators and organizers of the First National Convention on Qigong in July 1979; the first chigongist to initiate the founding of the Beijing Qigong Association at the end of 1979; one of the first chigongists who gave academic lectures on qigong in Beijing, commencing in 1979.

He was the first person to systematically sort out and summarize the theories and practice methods of traditional chigongs, in 1980; one of the first chigongists to compile and formulate the new theories and practice methods of the new chigongs, giving instruction in them in June 1980; the chief leading lecturer in the First National Qigong Teacher's Training Class, held by the China Federation of Trade Unions in 1980.

He was the first to teach the External-chi Technique, in the spring of 1981; the first to bestow the title of Qigong Science upon Qigong; and the first who scientifically and thoroughly clarified the nature of illusory practice-reactions coming under the description of "the real conflicting with the unreal", and their related phenomena, in 1988.

Teaching and Writing

Professor Pang is the creator and inventor of Chi-field Technique, teaching and applying this pioneering method in 1984, and publicizing its theories and methods in 1986. He was one of the chief lecturers of the First National Study and Training Class on Qigong Theories at the end of 1984.

He was one of the founders of China Qigong Science Correspondence Institute; the chief lecturer for the first class of college-level chigong students at the Haidian Day University; one of the founders of China Qigong Association; the founder of the Theory of Unity of Consciousness and the Hunyuan Entirety Theory, publishing them in 1990(serial text book in nine volumes. An English translation book was published in October 1999.).

In 1997, he participated the compiling and composing of the National Teaching Program of Qigong Science. In 1998, he participated in the examining and approving work authorized by China Association of Qigong Science on fitness chigongs.

Further Positions

Professor Pang Ming has been the associate professor of Physical Education at Hebei College, President of the Zhineng Qigong Branch Society of China Qigong Science Association, President of the Center of Qigong Intelligence Science, President of Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Training Center and Recovering Center, President of Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Science Institute, Chairman of the board of Zhineng Shen Food & Drink Corporation, Director of the Consulting Committee of Beijing Qigong Association, and managing associate editor-in-chief of The Orient Qigong.


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