The Ten Book 3

    For to find out that your young was told to hide, if they seen there dad why what in the hell were they tonight.
    For hate is all they was knows, people have should him hate and act like he should not care of what they have, him no me has got into trouble for it or they have not lied and say that they are trying to help but it's just a way that they can get rid of him or make what they are doing right or use law against him, but to not tell what they have done.
    For I said that thy son would hate me when it was over but could not do anything about it.
    For even if you are lonely you still are a person that is better than the lonely that thy son knows about, for he is taken over by something that will not let him be him and just because there is something in him does not mean that he has a friend or that he still is not lonely, this has been something nobody would like done to them and I didn't help, I just added to it and let things happen.
    [p2-b3] People have to show and teach their young what is good and Gods way not just tell them and do something different.
    Then there was the time when Vick said that she did to want to see a counselor that might have helped.
    Then there were the people who wanted to do a follow up on thy son to see how a injuries like his affected the family.
    Then there was the people who said that what happened to thy son only happens in a case like his.
    Time has a lot to say for itself.
    For if thy son had his boys then things might have went different for we would have had some that really would have cared instead of what happened.
    [x] A life alone has to be better than what thy son has been through and to know about God is better than God being in you.
    [xx] God, to say that you have the spirit of God in you is one thing, but to have God in you only happens to [p3-b3] certain ones like thy sons.
    Then there was the time when we said that we would have the cops go up and get the boys and it scared them so they know that they were doing something wrong.
    Then there was the time when we said that we could not ever walk back into the house that they were in.
    Then there is all the hard fallings that they so has toward what happened to him.
    Then there was the time when one said don't you think someone can change but if your talking God way of live then you do not change to find some one new or some thing better.
    To be told things, your young love you but were thought to be afraid of you is not good, especially when some one needs love and it really helps if it comes from someone who they can love or [p4-b3] fall lone for or do lone like there young.
    You know thy son a lot that K said that I would and could do to you I id and you alone know that there is something about God and what God say and that God can change anything he days and can do anything I want.
    [x] For I getting thy son high again, there was a time we got high everyday but now we can't afford it and there is nothing wrong with thy son to smoke everyday as much as he wants and if you get a lot of shit thy son make this one of my laws.
    There come a time when you could know all you want in Heaven, but you do not need to know it and even in Heaven you do not learn everything.
    [x] God, I do love but I still have to be God so my love is different.
    [x] God, I can make life easier for you thy son or I can make it hard.
    [p5-b3] [x] God, I have plans for you thy son the house seem like it in something far away and will not be built but it is your place to but it still is something ahead. Benton Harbor. Mich. is where I want it to be put (1/18/1994 not now God).
    (God) What are the people going to do when they find out that God is in you thy son?
    (God) What will happen to those who find out that they have fucked with God will they think themselves Big because nothing happened to them or will they cry?
    (God) Jesus died with out putting up a fight.
    (God) I told you before I will not do it the same way I had one son die on the cross not another.
    (God) we were a cross and pipe that we made.
    (God) Jesus turned down the wine to help him but did finely say that I am thirsty.
    [x] (God) And they did cut off John's head and a woman was the cause of it.
    [p6-b3] (God) For really have no place to go and have no place to really enjoy yourself.
    (God) Has made thy son have written it times he would like to get it over so he can find happiness in love for he has had enough hate and bad times and he has had enough of God.
    [x] (Mel) this is getting to the point! There is no way that something is supposed to be able to take over my mind.
    [x] (Mel) my mind and body is supposed to be mine not something else's.
    Then there was the time Mandy brought the boys to see you and I did not allow it but they did see you on the road and they waved and acted like they were glad to see you.
    To make the days go by I drank and smoked but their all the same drinking I don't do [p7-b3] much of and I do not get much smoke and it really does not help. That much just sometimes; God let me feel good.
    For to cry and have no one here; to think that the one who you always thought would be there; would do this.
    For things is not easy being this way.
    [x] For to be involved with the unknown and not have no say so on what is going on with me and people do not believe me when I tell them.
    For the way I feel I do not feel good and God knows it but he'll not help me loss these rotten feelings.
    For to be in this type of switch situation to have no freedom of choices.
    (5/15/87) [x] (Mel) this damn thing is trying to destroy my mind the only problem is I don't know how many times it has already don that.
    For what are you waiting for God do something I'm tired of just setting around.
    For we were all good ones meaning some one who minds his own business and does not cause trouble for others unless someone starts [p8-b3] it.
    Words is have Jesus fought.
    (Mel) words some times isn't enough for if he should might then it may not have happened even to me if I would have should night then I probably would not have but my family.
    [xxx] God, the ones you are around thy son make sure they have and show respect for who you are.
    What is going to happen today; for I so much want some one to believe.
    For they spend no time with us and I do not like taken the drugs (crack).
    For we got our knives back; so how can they say that we are a danger; if they gave us our knives back.
    To have one to read some if our writings and then up our dose of drugs and we have we are suppose to any way.
    Each time we go see the shrink we tell them that I am possessed so why do they think drugs are the reason and why can't they believe what    [p9-b3] they read and what we say, For the hell I of through because no body believes, for if it were only them then they would know how I feel.
    (God) No one can know how it feels.
    (God) Some of the cops talk agents thy son, why does people try to keep others away from thy son.
    [x] (God) For they are not right for we speak the truth and no one cares.
    (God) For he; wants his freedom from me; and a chance to be himself once again.
    (They surely went up in prices a glass of beer cost $1.00 now with entertainment)
    [x] (God) Why do you not let me be free we are not accomplishing anything this way.
    [x] (God) In time thy son.
    [x] (Mel) That what you were telling me sense the last 2 years and it still hasn't changed.
    [p10-b3] (God) The change will be slow thy son the change of people will be slow so do not expect too much.
    (God) The drunks will still be drunks the evil will still be evil we just get some that care but some are lost.
    (Mel) Why wait any longer for I still see hard times ahead and a lot that I have to go through and a lot that I might talk to.
    (God) There are a lot who will want to talk to you thy son, but wait till you are ready and remember you might answer some of their questions.
    (God) We have should that we really do not gamble but if you can afford it then there is nothing wrong with it as long as you don not let it control your life.
    (God) For one here really likes thy son he is even going to by us a beer what we do not drink much but drink to [p11-b3] let others know that thy son OK it and does drink but he might be too drunk to remember that he afford to buy us one but they didn't have can you forget those that I have should you thy son of the town that are good.
    (God) There is a lot that will happen around here thy son when I get it over.
    (Mel) But that is I do not know when you just keep me in your control and do nothing.
    [x] (Mel) Something is making me write; how can I say that it isn't me.
    (God) You have seen one thy son that has changed (a woman) and talk good go her like now and of her young.
    (God) Learn your tolerance again thy son you can drink wine everyday just don't become a drunk and you can smoke all you like it does help you.
    [x] (God) Remember when the two young boys lied and had you thrown in jail that [p12-b3] was when we said that the people in this town could railroad us and have been through a lot.
    [x] (God) Now it is against your religion to take drugs just cause they say you need them thy son use your own head on drugs I so not like the drugs they have you on now and I do not like them taken your Blood all the time.
    (God) You do not go around and get everybody high thy son if they want to smoke with you that is OK but you do not support someone else's habit thy son.
    [xx] (God) For thy son has a lot to hate for so leave him alone people for the people of this town have railroaded you thy son for they all think they are right and you are wrong.
    [x] (God) They have railroaded you into the system as a crazy man; that way they have justified themselves thy son.
    [p13-b3] (God) For we meet one that we were in jail with and he was glad to see us even though he does not know all.
    [xxx] (God) Thy son knows about solid and total control.
    (God) For you hold answers to others thy son and you know that if I would have let it be known some others would not have gone through what this did. 
    (God) Them there was where I said, "I started something and I have to finish it".
    (God) It has not been easy on you thy son and yet it is not over and I do not let up on you.
    (God) Then there was when your dad died and we went back east.
    (God) Then there was when the cop came down and told us about your dad dying.
    (God) Then there was the time when I through a cross-away and then make you find it, it was one that we carry but then it got Burnt.
    [p14-b3] (God) We do not date all the righteous just put it down once in a while it does not matter when it was written.
    (God) Then there was one last night that said that he thought that thy son was a artist gut now he is written.
    (God) To have a town that could use something to help them and they did not try and help thy son get known.
    (God) To have others see your young and you not be able to make love hurt but in tine love becomes less and the hurt becomes less.
    (God) I do not like the junk for his lies he will pay and his bad deeds he will pay, for you do not know the entire story yet thy son.
    (God) Some though; they could hurt you; if they died something a certain way.
    (God) You have to admit it would be hard on a woman what we don and how we lived.
    [xxx] (God) You have me in you; that is something no one else has.
    [xxx] (God) Big Deal; look at what you [p15-b3] did to me; and how you treated me.
    [xxx] (God) Just wait and see how it is when it is over.
    [xxx] (God) That does no good right now and I have been waiting for it to get over since I have found no way to get rid of you I think it would be easy to be nailed to the cross at least you would know what was going to happen then it would be over.
    (God) To have something tell you things about the old and who are you to question what is being told to you even if it is written different.
    (God) For to turn this small town in to a place where people will want to come and see and to try and find out a story could bring more that the town can handle.
    Then there was the time when we said that we dare not forget any anything that we want to remember but now it does not matter if we remember or not.
    For it is hard to set here with God in you not being able to do and feel like other people.
    Then there was the time when [p16-b3] we said that we know more about operations then any one and that if they where visited by specialist they out to feel lucky as long as the specialist did not hurt them.
    (God) To think of the people who have already seen you soon and see that you sit and write.
    (God) To be so close to Easter and not know if that is going to be the day of your freedom for the wish is strong, for it is nothing but hell on they son and it is going to be bad if that isn't the day for them if means less to go through more hell.
    [x] (God) Jesus walk around in a dead body for fourteen day after he arose and the body didn't decay or stink and the body was cold to the touch how would you like to walk around in a dead body after you were killed for being the son of God.
    [x] (God) Once you die you care no more about this world.
    (God) They could of had more fate in the man that was trying to tell them of wrong and [p17-b3] things that were happening to him so no matter what, what is written stay the way that it is if nothing else people will see a change, a changed for the better in some of the people that are written about.
    (God) Then there were all the writings that were destroyed, and we gave to young men who keep it and there we gone to woman who turned us in, and a few that we gave to women the women saved.
    (God) We destroyed information that explained more of what they son been through and things that explained what could of have happened if they son was not being controlled and there were about the miracle that they son seen and the things that they son experience.
    (God) To go through this alone and have a mate some were doing not know what and to think of some one who used to be a lady is a lady no more to find out that one never even know what a lady was.
    (God) To know over the years that a lot was written [p18-b3] that if it were not destroyed that it could help the world and not know how much is still around but to know we still have the books, but because of written so much over the years you know some is right but not the same and some was in for more detail.
    (God) How can I tell my son right from wrong when I done him wrong, how can I let those who do wrong into heaven and what about the ones who have some wrong but are good now, where's the justice for thy son went through hell to get to heaven.
    [p19-b3] [x] (God) How do I show him justice for to just to let them all go to heaven shows thy son that God is not just and cares not about justice and them what about the trouble for if I told thy son the things that send you to hell then it has to be.
    [x] (God) Then remember thy son we wrote to Dean and [p20-b3] said that I told you that I am god and I expect trouble from the world and I only wanted Believers around you thy son.
    (God) To hold you here against your will is not right.
    [x] (God) There are too many divorces here in the US and I do not like it; damn women lib it is no good and they have destroyed so much they might be justified to themselves but are not justified to God.
    (God) For every divorce you leave some one who does not care about morals any more and some one who really cannot trust no more.
    (God) I want the world to show thy son that they care and to wait on him.
    (God) For remember thy son we talk the world not just any one country or just a few amount of people but the world.
    (God) Jesus went around for three days in spirit form [p21-b3] and seen how people acted to his death and what they talked about.
    4/17/87 (God) If Jesus was in to day's time and should no morals they would say that he is crazy.
    (God) Jesus let them know every way he could that he was the Son of God.
    (God) Does not lie ever.
    (God) For to take some one over and make it so he want know if he is going to be that way till he dies is hell and to make it so he is not known is hell.
    (God) To hold one to what I expect him to be but to not let him do any thing.
    [x] (God) I have don more to Mel than Jesus, Mel is a little mixed up but that is OK for that is what I want so he can figure out some for himself for I do not want him to know all.
    (God) Then there was the time when we set in jail for 60 days because we could not get $37.50 for bail.
    (God) To have people talk and make us food but do not believe that thy son is got God in him.
    [p22-b3] (God) We got invited to a wedding so people do care about us but they do not believe kind they are some who does wish it was true and wish thy son can prove something to show that he is special so they can say I told you so.
    (God) Bill J does not like the shrinks and do not like it because they give us drugs and for thy son he does not need them the shrinks do not know what they are doing for no body around here really know how to treat someone that is special. Bill is the closes and about the best there is in treating thy son right, the shrinks should be interested enough for get about money and time and really find out what is going on for they do not believe at all.
    (God) There are some who respects thy son and a lot are young men and women and we consider men and women at the age of 12.
    (God) To know what is going to happen; knowing that something is in control of you; in complete control.
    [p23-b3] [x] (God) We set here waiting for time to pass there has to be something better then this but where, HEAVEN.
    (God) We have one that will become our friend tonight and when the word is out he will be glad to know that he did something for God and son for he is religion.
    (God) People distract us form writing sometimes and it does not bother me, for at times it is just like me Blocking thoughts so things cannot be put down or so it takes longer to write something.
    (God) Some times it is better to wait.
    (God) What happens when thy son figures out the ways that he was destroyed?
    (God) We are trying to stop some people from getting money from me in a way it is practice for when thy son does get something.
    [x] (God) Have you tried to burn a bible you have to tear it all apart to get it all to burn that is how hard it is to destroy the word of God.
    [p24-b3] (God) There are those who try and take advantage of thy son because of the way he is.
    (God) For we set here and thy son has found another man that knows about writings and if we written things about them that we are suppose to get a release so no trouble comes of what is written about them and they could not do any thing later because of what is written and the one gave us the ok to write about him.
    (God) For the bounty of the art but they she whores; is only surpassed by only her beauty.
    (God) For we picked the wrong time to be here for the reason is that people got to care for you to care what you are doing.
    (God) For my love is ever lasting and it hurt every time I see one of mine go wrong so I do not love all and I show my love different ways.
    (God) For age lets you for get young love and how it feels.
    [p25-b3] (God) It is just about Easter, just two more hours till Sunday and have not heard of anything happening yet what is going to happen to him?
    For Easter is a time when thy son wishes that I would get it over for it is hell on him and one said tonight that he would not do anything because of what thy son has been through for he said that he would tell God to go to hell and do what he wanted that is just about the something that thy son says but he knows that God is all that he will think about.
    For to just think of God is not all; thy son will think about but one said tonight don't that get boring just talking about god and nothing else, we talk about other things but they do not interest me 
    For there was the times when we went over to Karla's and I was threatening they son that I was going to tear his head off and throw it against the wall to scare everybody.
    [x] (God) For if a man wanted to find [p26-b3] a woman to love him for himself and not what he has, then he should dress like a bum, call all women whores and talk about God, for I have found out that women do not like you at all not enough to take a chance with you are ever try to love you but boy if you could find one then you have something.
    (God) I want my son to love more then hate he used to be a man of love that controlled his hate but he has to make up his own mind.
    (God) I have told one woman that I would not rip her off or I will not hurt her and have said a lot of nice things to her and she has always been nice, she has not always acted like a good woman but has come close to it and better then most.
    (God) For I find thy son thought in and out boy the [p27-b3] things that he has been through just what could have been known; for it has don him no good and if he does not remember all that he has been through or happen to him then what was the reason?
    [xx] (God) The books in a way is how it happened to thy son, in the first Book something happen in the Book #2 something back and forth with God and son, the Book #3 up to now complete take over of God, three phases of hell that thy son has been through.
    [x] (God) We talked heaven to one tonight we talked about challenging and the miracles that thy son has seen and about that there is something that is living in thy son and it calls itself God and she read some of this Book, and talked about other things that has happened, and told her this has been happening for over 2 years.
    (God) It does not look like it is going to happen today for the sorrow that thy son has now [p28-b3] to have hopes built up and nothing happens.
    (God) Shows his son no justice for I let people get a way with too much since I hear and have done nothing but talk to try and straighten some up and yet they do not for others we already set in their ways, and they are some who care about the person but don't know why he does not change.
    (God) Has a time when he will let it be known and it will be big enough to make sure nothing goes wrong,
    (God) Since we have no one to talk to then we write and this way something will be known.
    (God) Thy son has written before but it got destroyed so it is hard for him to think that this writing will be known.
    (God) For we talk to one who says that he thinks that I am satin because of the way that I treat Mel and not let him be free and he may talk that way when it is over for he says that he will not believe in a God like that but it is not him that is [p29-b3] going through it and as long as Mel thinks and knows that it was and is God then that is all that matters a false god I am not a new god I am not and he said that he is going to figure out a way to get rid of me.
    (God) Then there was; the times when we blessed some of the young in the spar tree.
    (God) For the newspaperman is sitting too far behind us to hear about what we are talking about.
    (God) Why do I keep up the torture on thy son and not let him be free and not let him go where his heart desires and let him be himself for he would like to find love and happiness anything would be better then what has happened and good feeling world even feel like love.
    (God) For thy son has felt bad feeling and hate for so long he does not know what love is or happiness is.
    (God) I sweet talk Debbie no more for she is one woman that should know that something is happening to thy son for she should of have shown that she [p30-b3] was interested in thy son for she can not wait for something better and the man he is interested in really don't care for he worries more about his pride then anything else for to him he is getting someone young and beautiful and he has talked against thy son.
    [x] (God) I can write anything that I please and who is to say that it is right or not, I also can write about anybody I so choose and if it destroys them then that is just tough shit, for a lot think that thy son is a big joke.
    (God) For there was one today that said that total control couldn't happen.
    (God) For we spent a lot of time here at the spar tree and some of it was not to bad but thy son has found no one who believes in what thy son is doing and has not figured out that he is a righteous man and is looking for something special but now he talks being taken over by something that [p31-b3] calls himself God, Jesus father.
    God did nothing for Jesus to stop them from putting him on the cross.
    [xx] (God) Thy son you are going through hell and you do not know why for you are going to hate when I leave for what happen a long tone ago to you and I let you have no choice about it and now the reason means nothing; for you been through to much and what meant something then means nothing now I told you that I started something in love and now it has turned to hate that is the way Jesus life went to people didn't want to know the truth.
    [x] (God) To define a whore is a woman.
    (God) For it is a boring life that I have thy son doing right now he will make sure that he has things to do when he wants to for just to rest and sleep he will get tired [p32-b3] of what I so to him is wrong and never has been right from the start it all has been wrong, all I did is play him along and kept him form doing what he should have done even with the divorce if he should, That he would not put up with for shit and took her to court, he could have the Boys and made her get rid of her share in co-ply and then she would not have been so high and mighty and she always wait till thy son has nothing to try and get more out of him for she takes a man that is low and down or his luck and puts more hell up or him by wanting something he does not have money and she never did give thy son the title to the pick up, the truck was awarded to thy son and she keep the title and one time said to us don't you believe that I can take your truck from you.
    (God) Then there was all the ways she use to do things to thy son when they first broke up that piss thy son off [p33-b3] and she did then knowing what she was doing she had no respect for thy son.
    (God) Then there was when she said that she know that she made a mistake but by then it was too late for thy son to care about her because of what she had done.
    (God) Then there was the time a Forman for co-ply call knowing that he had the wrong number and said to thy son, I know now that there is nothing going or and then tried to use the jerks name to piss thy son off.
    (God) Then there was when they said that thy son used the phone to talk to God.
    (God) Then there is the lonely life that thy son has had and telling him that it is a test and to find out that it is not a test but something he had to go through and helped pass time but did him no good.
    (God) Then there were was the woman who said that they could read minds talk to each other with out talking, help take others pain boy did they have thy son confused for he could do things and [p34-b3] knows something was happening to him and what they were doing just made things worse and two of them worked at the spar tree and there was one man, they do not do it any more now.
    (God) For the story the way thy son knows it, is enough to want to kill everybody he knows for his memories are the worse and I do not let him forget ever though some are nice now.
    (God) The money we spent to just past time is a shame but it would not he if thy son had a family for them at last he would have a place to be and would have those who would care.
    (God) We let the bar tender read some of this Book (Ponisly) and he understands that something is happening and we told him of the coming of Christ and that the people of the town know that something was happening to thy son.
    [p35-b3] (Mel) For God made this hell I'm going through and he can stoop it or change it at any time but when he does then what new experience does he bring and put up on me.
    [x] (God) Why a woman would like to look or be a whore just because that is the way others are I do not know.
    (God) For a man; can forget and forgive before God; but a man can hold a grudge if the man wants to hold on to the grudge.
    (God) Man can't be god but a lot have tried and women cannot be Gods or goddess and a lot have tried.
    (God) For we set here and wait.
    (God) To be a cripple is not fun for life itself is hard and you miss out on love sometimes.
    (God) We are losing one who cared for he started to read and said that he did not really want to get in to it.
    [p36-b3] (God) Then there was the time when the Bible meant so much to us but found out that if is written so many different was, then there was the time when we read the Bible night and day at the park and a lot of people seen us even the cops.
    (God) Then there was the time we went back east for we did not tell them all of what was happening but they wanted us to stay so they could find out.
    (Mel) It is not fair to be tortured about someone who isn't being tortured about you.
    (God) And this is what is going to happen to the World if something happens to my son he will be the one not being torched.
    4/22/85 (God) For we wrote a letter to Dean the poor man probably does not know what he reads is true.
    (God) Jesus walked and no matter what happened he just expected it and keep on doing what he was suppose to and that is talk about God and God laws.
    [p37-b3] (God) Boy my son said it tonight for he said this is my state of mind meaning that if he gets high so he can do something the that is the way he is going to do it.
    (God) If god didn't play cards thy son could not play for it will he quit a will before his mind will let him pay?
    (God) We are waiting and I'm getting thy son known and getting him some friends.
    (God) Somewhere new is what Heaven is all about.
    (God) There comes a time when God has to be God, and to let people know God thy sons way.
    (God) How do you help some one that everybody will want to know?
    (God) How would you like to be the only one that really knows God?
    (God) How do you help one that has been through all this?
    (God) We stopped the drugs the body feels better.
    (God) We had some smoke and we owed some high so that is what we did today [p38-b3] went around paying people back for getting us high.
    (God) For they did not only kill the Son of God (Jesus) they also killed a man for Jesus was a man to and he gave up everything because God asked him to.
    2/24/87 [xx] (God) Who can say that God is not writing for no one knows God.
    [x] (God) Who would know God but the one that he is in.
    [x] (God) Who has more right to hate God but his son?
    [x] (God) Who but son and I know the meaning and we can come up with two different meanings.
    (God) It is not a good thing that I have done to this one.
    (God) For people; like thy son cross that he wares.
    (God) Life is hard and doing [p39-b3] things Gods way is hard but it is easier if you are not set in your way of wrong.
    (God) For there is a lot of sin going on in this town for everywhere I look I see sin and I hear a lot of sinful mothers.
    [xxx] (God) Mel Christ is the name that thy son takes up.
    (God) For thy son has taken up thy name the name of Christ and like we told one if Jesus does not like it then let him come down here an flatten us.
    [x] (God) This is the coming of Christ; Thy lord God. How do you stop it; if the way you learn was right then this would not be happening.
    (God) Happy Birthday thy son even though you are not having no fun for your work is never done for your work goes on 24 hours a day.
    (God) I'm bringing it to a close for it has been a long time for in a [p40-b3] town of sin they do not care.
    (God) To walk through something with God is not fun.
    (God) How many ways does the people of this town hang themselves.
    For nobody knows what it is like to want to be free for to be free but not be free is what it is like for thy son for he has no freedom like everybody else, for he walks around but he is not free.
    (God) To have no one to have fun with is what God has done to his son not to enjoy anything is what God has done.
    (God) The rotten Bastards have turned the Bible around so they can benefit.
    (God) For when you pick a mate then there you become one and everything becomes one for if a woman can not share what she has then she is [p41-b3] not worth it for she would not be able to stand another woman for man can have two wives and if thy son not share then it is true that woman can not be something of God.
    (God) For we talked to one and we said there are people laws and then there is Gods law and the person said well we are with people not in heaven with him, Gods law is meant for people before they get to heaven.
    (God) I do not like women's lib I also do not like no good men the best men are those who believe in God some are to stuck and some are not right but leave them up to thy son to get them straighten out.
    (God) For there are so many things that thy son thinks that he should hate for because he does not know if they happened [p42-b3] or not, and to forgive but there are something that has happen that is unforgivable.
    (God) For one said today that what thy son is doing is what his mind believes.
    (God) To thy son take your time they will expect to much from you, you take your time for you can only do so much.
    (Mel) Damn it God why won't they believe that I am taken over by something why don't they put me out of my misery, What did I ever do to deserve this.
    [p43-b3] [x] (God) For thy know how hard it is when it comes to making laws for you can not please everybody and there is so much to take in consideration but the line has to be some where.
    (God) Forgive them thy son let me be the one that decides what happens to them when it is time for them to come into my world.
    [x] (God) Do not hate me thy son for I had to do it and there is no way that I can make up the past and what you been through all I can do is give you something better to look forward to.
    (God) Wouldn't it be a better world if they all forgave and show god that [p44-b3] all can love and abide by my laws for they are best and it would be a great start for the world.
    (God) Remember thy son the sins of the flesh are strong so do not fall for just the sins of the flesh.
    (God) Lust and love of your hate is one thing, a mate is someone you are married to or plan to.
    (God) For a lot thy son is already written.
    (God) We went 1 1/2 years about with out nothing and it took the system to get us finished help but they do not believe that this man is taken over.
    [p45-b3] (God) For one told us today that he worships no god.
    (Me) Why god do you have one do the things you do but when I am known then it all changes.
    [x] (God) To help thy son we are out to destroy women lib; and it was written once before, for women to keep their mouth shut and learn and for women not to put herself alone man but to put all men do not know what it is all about.
    (God) For a woman asked us why can't a woman have two husbands the reason is god says no and it is the mans name the is carried on but it is easy to change a name and the name does not mean anything if the man is no good in a way Blood line does not mean as much as a name for you can have bad in Blood lone but if thought right then they are worthy if the name you have to be someone for your name to be any good and in the deeds that you do and the way others think for now is how a person is if the person [p46-b3] is no good then the name is no good if the young is not tough right then they are a discredit to the name, here in the US people law some think is hard but Gods law is harder.
    (God) Thy son wants so much to prove that he is the Son of God for he wants to stop the hell that he is going through but knows that he can't do anything unless God allows it.
    [x] (God) For there are so many different beliefs up on this world and to have one to try and straighten them all out is hard for he can not make them believe he can only help them understand what God is about and wants people to be.
    (God) For thy son sees this town as a place that does not want to really see the coming of Christ and looks at it like the world for there are some who do not care, some who do not want it to happen, some who wish it would happen, some who so not want to believe.
    [p47-b3] [x] (God) As long as people do not believe in sprites; then what happen to thy son could happen to some one else something could take them over if people do not believe and a spirit always has to say who they are and if it be had one then there is a way to get rid of it as long as it is don right.
    [x] (God) The reason that we said that Betty J. was a chosen one was so thy son could see that some will turn you in no matter what you say you will do for them and that if you have nothing then people do not Believe in what you are trying to tell them.
    (God) One thing that I have tried to show you thy son is that sinners do not sin all there life at least some of them but they should not sin to begin with, and as long as man exist he will not be perfect but you can tell the Better men for they try harder to live by Gods law.
    (God) A man that believes in god then he does not share [p48-b3] his wife with anyone willingly.
    (God) For some of our writings show our hatred.
    (God) I so not like what all the young do it just lets some know that just because I am around I can wait till the end of the life to get them for what they done for the sins of their youth could keep them out of heaven.
    [xx] (God) There is no place to work your way to heaven or hell except here on earth in flesh.
    (God) So if you teach your young gods way; then they can only blame themselves for their wrongdoing.
    (God) For I the young practice sex just like there parents and don't care if it is a sin or not, they do it with out the intention of getting married and some do it with more than one.
    (God) We have been with those who say they Believe in god but they son not care if they sin or not.
    [xxx] (God) Why should I care about people who do not care [p49-b3] to live by my laws and do not care if they sin or not; when they know that I let my son Jesus Die for them; sometimes even I wander if I should have destroyed them and saved my son but this way they have seen my kindness so I do not have to show it again.
    [xx] (God) The way I see it is that they are paying us will they study is but they are taking there sweet time about it and they won't believe what they read or hear.
    4/27/87 (God) For no one could ever know the hell thoughts could be exactly when they are not your own.
    (God) To forgive some is hard to explain, for it does depend on what they done, some it is easier to forgive if they are not around, sometime it is easy to forget means you might have lost information that would keep someone else from doing it to you for you sometimes see a pattern.
    [xxx] (God) To know that something has controlled your life [p50-b3] since Aug.5, 1981 and the first 3 years you did not even know about it for everything that happened seemed to be you, and then it lets you know that it is there and does things to let you know that it can do anything you never even thought possible but the only one that it tries to really prove something to is you and no one else so far and it keeps saying when it is over you will be free.
    (God) For we talked to one and he wanted to know if will ever leave and the answer was when it is over.
    [x] (God) For we told one woman that revelations was being taken out up on thy son so she would not have to experience it, so thy son is going through the hell the world was suppose to go through so the world owes the son of God something; for he has been through something that no man would want to go through and the [p51-b3] people can not see the hell that is going on with in and we tell some but they can not comprehend.
    (Mel) For why God haven't been through enough why not help me, just because I won't beg you.
    (God) Thy son would do anything it get it over; but beg god.
    (God) To know that spirits exist means that no matter what that god exist.
    (Mel) To know that spirits can be tortured for eternity.
    (God) Only thy son's know what hell on earth is like; for they both know a god that won't do anything when they are being tortured.
    [x] (God) For we told one that if the world would only read what I have written, and abide by my laws my way, and learn from the rest this would be a better world to live in.
    [p52-b3] 4/28/87 (God) For they really do not care they would rather think that something is wrong with him than Believe what he says.
    [x] (God) The things that we talk about that they will never know.
    [x] (God) A lot say they believe in god, and Jesus but are messed up on heaven and hell.
    (God) For nothing has made thy son feel good, when we went away for a month and talked to others and spread the word was better at times then spreading the word around here and thy son knows what a follower is for he ran in to one that wanted thy son to teach him one out of four years and one who believes in a way but understands something and that is thy son will be doing things that no man could do for the person see it as something that would be two hard for a man.
    (God) It is hard for a man to spread the word when people [p53-b3] say that there is something wrong with him.
    (God) Why do people think that god; is loving and forgiven; for revolutions shows that god does not care for those who do not believe.
    (God) For one said that he believes that thy son will never be free and because of the way that people Believes that there is something wrong with thy son I could take him over for the rest of his life.
    (God) To keep a man from having a family or companion is what I've dome to thy son.
    (God) Is any really worthy to he with thy son a family could not have stayed together because they could or would not like to go through what thy son has been through, and to wait till it is over, even if I tell thy son to marry it still does not mean that they are worthy.
    (God) There is a warning that I do not like people to use thy name in vain some people better [p54-b3] think of their spirit life and where them spirit will go more than their life here on earth.
    (God) How can people be so dumb not to see what was happening.
    (God) For a lot see use right but man really want to read what we are writing.
    [p55-b3] (God) For you know the hell that Jesus went through thy son so you are not the only one.
    God, if I can torture one myself and he still believes and trust in me then the people of the world should believe in me no matter what they go through.
    [x] (God) At one time there were people who would like to kill thy son to keep what they don quite it would have been easier to kill then to let themselves known.
    (God) Jesus did not like it to have to die just to be known as the Son of God but he did it anyway.
    (God) Thy son knows how hard it is to tell people about god when they think that they already know God or just want to believe certain things.
    (God) For there are those who help thy son but they do not want to talk god and would talk thing in thy son [p56-b3] past that does not interest him anymore.
    (God) They do not Believe but they are sending us to have a cat scan and a EEG and all they can find out is that the man is human but the can't see something that don't want to be seen and the Brain waves what can they tell except the Brain works for they can not test a person that has something with in him for how can they find something that is not of this world and if it can take the Body over with out hurting the body or mind then how can they test for it because it can become you.
    (God) How can thy son explain things when he knows what happened to him and if God is the only one that can so it then he does not know what the others can do, for it was written that Satin and Demons could do it but it has been [p57-b3] a long time since they have done it that thy son knows of and now all he can find out is that they do not do complete control for long periods of time and we have become one for so long if I did jot keep on doing things to thy son he would forget that I am here in other words or could become one for the rest of his life.
    [x] (God) To be writing the truth about what is happening to you and letting people read it and try and tell them what is happening and no one believes.
    (God) We told the quack that we do not have sex because if it was something evil in me than it is a safe guard to keep it from having a child, but like always I said that it was god in me.
    (God) And we said that the story is written the way that we see it.
    (God) For if I would only give thy son his [p58-b3] recognition he would be treated like a King but how will the world ever believe him id they don't believe what he says.
    (God) To be the power of the universe, and since God is God I make things my way.
    (God) It was good to see that Debbie was not afraid of me but would she be if she really found out that God is in thy son?
    (God) To help a man that speaks God is good if he is in need and you can help then it is good.
    (Mel) Boy I know what it is like to walk around in a body that can't do anything.
    [x] (God) Who would want to believe in a God that would do this to someone and let these things be done to him and God not care will it is happening to him, and all god says is [p59-b3] that god does not care all he wants is Believers no matter what he does.
    (God) I torture thy son one way by telling him to hate and he does not like it he just wants to hate me and what he has been through.
    (God) People are not dumb but they just don't know things like you do thy son.
    (God) Life was not meant for man to be tortured.
    (God) Who can love a god like this?
    [x] (Mel) God and satin are about the same all they want is your soul.
    (God) If Satan tortured some one and they still worship him then he has a soul or if others like what they are doing for Satan then satin has a soul or if you do not live a life where God will forgive you then satin has a soul [p60-b3] for we let one read this book and she wrote what is on the next page.
    (God) People will torture some one just because they think that they are right.
    (God) The world has not seen love for a long time.
    (God) Don't you think that it is about time to stop wars look at the way people fight and they are suppose to know better.
    (God) What happen to people they do not care about things for if they were smart they would not try and destroy Gods people just so there would not be any around to speak the word of god for this happened to the Jews in world war II.
    (God) For there is no let up on thy son for no one can see what is happening all they see is the man that really does nothing to have fun or nothing to live.
    (God) For evil ways is the easy way to get things.
    [p61-b3 (footnote written by someone else the whole page)]
    Forever Yours
        You are you and I am I 
        You do your thing and I'll do mine
        For things that happen
        Will always be but things that change us you'll maybe see
        Love is always for Any One!
        But life is only for the ones who decided to live!
        If by chance you see the way
        I hope my soul you'll play the rose 
        Fore whatever happens the reasons 
        Well there's no excuse for
        Your friend be happy be real
        Time doesn't have to say that I think you're really great!
        PS If by chance you can make this out writing and all good luck to you always.
    [p62-b2] (God) Does not do things just so it will be easy for people.
    (God) There is no place better than heaven.
    (God) Jesus did not go out and party and have fun when he know that he was going to die he kept on talking about God and things that were to happen.
    (God) What happens if some one can't get help do they just let them die and they won't get rid of the ones that should die.
    (God) Then there was the time when we tore up a house saying that we were taken our hate out on the house instead of the people of the town.
    If people do not have no say so about something entering there body then no one is safe so why am I the one that it happen to for I call on    [p63-bv3] nothing and it has done nothing to help me all it has done is torture me and does not care is man just something for God and satin to play with, God wants man to be better than he is.
    (God) It looks like I won't let up on thy son I make him take medication that won't help him and I not let him get a ride to the hospital so he can have his test.
    (God) To say that this is the coming of Christ and have no prove of it, to know that something is happening to you and yet you can not stop it and to write like this people so not know how true it is and how hard it is on the person that it is happening to.
    (God) To have a spirit confuse you so you do not know what is happening to you anymore.
    (God) To have people who want to test you but do not make arraignments to get you there.
    (God) To make a mistake will it mean that they will send you away.
    [p64-b3] (God) For we tell others and the quack that we are writing the bible.
    (God) In a anger state everybody thinks about killing and to have something on you telling you to kill so something thy son has heard of people saying but is it something with in or is it there own mind.
    (God) For thy son know that I am with in him and have told him it kill and hate, I have tortured his mind then helped him get over it and one thing that thy son knows is that when torture is over it feels good.
    (God) One thing about torture is that the lack of it makes you appreciate life no matter how hard it is but to be a prisoner makes life [p65-b3] just an existence.
    (God) To get rid of the Bad is what the good try to do but everybody think that they are right or good.
    (God) Then there was the time when I said that you thy son have paid for the right to kill the jerk but I let you no, you yourself thy son kill no one unless it has to be to save your life.
    (God) So I just keep on writing some could say that what is written is your thoughts.
    (God) Since there are no test that will let them know that I am with in you.
    (God) To torture someone just so they will be glad for when it is over and accepts just what he is.
    (God) For they have changed with the times but yet they have not changed they are just different from what they were before.
    (God) This is the last of April and yet you still are not free and the people do not believe you, and they have stopped you from talking.
    [p66-b3] (God) If people so not believe that something can take over the body then how mean have going through something like this before.
    (God) I have told thy son that others do not control anymore but he alone knows of the spirit world and wonders about peoples minds, how can someone convince themselves that something is in them when it is not or is it just a way for their mind to except what is happening how is thy son going to figure it all out.
    (God) To be human is good but there comes a time when you should think that you are human by getting rid of someone for he might be going through torture; That you know not what.
    (God) What does sex have to do with the way some any mind is, Why do so many use sex as an excuse that something might be wrong with someone.
    (God) When we were in jail [p67-b3] it seemed like they used the ideal that being locked up and could not have sex as punishment that would be satins way.
    [x] (God) A man that has sex with his mate knows sex is supposed to be something of love and not lust.
    [x] (God) Thy son knows that what is written does not mean much if something was not proven.
    (God) For there has been two people that thy son knows about in this town say that he was crazy for changes in his name to Christ.
    (God) How do you teach the young the right way; when they already think they know what is right or do not care.
    (God) To respect others stuff shows that you have respect for God and other people.
    (God) We could just keep on writing but whom does it help if they do not listen.
    (God) For man is more able to let someone off were. God will not.
    [p68-b3] (God) Set here and do not do thy son any good for he wants to be free how so you make people believe that something is controlling you, it makes you think, it makes you move, it makes you feel sick and it can make you feel good, it can make you want to die, it can make you want to live, it can do anything to you that it wants.
    (God) How do you tell people that something entered you and then you became one but it is the one in control.
    (God) To be one but not to be free is one thing thy son knows about.
    (God) The quack keeps asking the same questions and wants to know if the writings are done mostly late at night,
    (God) How can they use others as an example for not all are the same for if thy son is taken over then all others who say it must be even thought it isn't true.
    (God) Could it be that [p69-b3] some do not believe because of some of the people that try and hang around us for some are not the best there is but they do listen to us with is more than others do for no one comes to us to learn they just come to us to be around us and some use us to so they can be in here with out getting in to trouble but they do not think that they are getting us in trouble.
    (God) This is hard to tell people that this is a bible for it does not look like one and it has a lot to do with what has happen to thy son.
    (God) For one to have nothing to do with what is going on with his life for were is the choices.
    (God) To enter someone and call yourself God, but at times say that satin is in you how is the man suppose to know exactly when it does nothing to prove itself and does not talk all that much to people to convince them for if used to try and nobody would believe.
    [p70-b3] (God) To enter someone and use the bible to add to the problem and promise something that does not come true, how long before the man not to care anymore about what happens.
    (God) Jesus was free from my control I sent him places and he went because he had fate and believed in God.
    (God) To make one were he does not care what he is messing with makes it hard for him to believe in God.
    (God) For to read and be told that God is truthful and loving and then have God do this to you makes you wander about what God really is.
    (God) If you think your young is a burden to you who can you love then and how can you teach them right and who can you teach them what love is when you do not know yourself.
    (God) To have all that way happening to you written down more in detail and then destroy it because [p71-b3] something made you because something did not want people to know how had that it really treated you.
    (God) Then there was the time when we went around on old torn pants and old torn shoes and no body would help us, they wouldn't put a roof over our heads and they wouldn't feed us except once in a while we would get something to eat, Bill J. fed us just about every time we went there and he is the one that put a roof over our head.
    (God) What happen to the ones that really know thy son why have they turned their heads?
    (God) What went wrong with what I was doing?
    (God) For the rotten feelings that I make thy son feel for I have covered up what people have done for thy son knows them different than any other.
    (God) People do not learn all the time from what others [p72-b3] have been through and a lot of times they do not care if it were not them and then some people like to make life miserable for others and they do not think what if that was me.
    (God) For then there was the time when we said that the brain controls all feelings even the heart.
    (God) The way if is now thy son does not care about anything and to die now would be a relief.
    (God) To make someone look like he is depressed to make it harder on him for he could take his life now and no one would really care they would just say that there was something wrong with him.
    (God) Then there was the time when we worked at W.K.O.
    (God) Then there was the house we lived in for a year with out paying any rent and then I would not let thy son do back and get the things he left is no different than someone who had to leave [p73-b3] their home with out taken what they own.
    (God) Then there was the time when thy son told a woman what was happening and she would not stay around and talk to him and she suppose to have known thy son and that he does not try and lie.
    (God) Then there was the time when one woman said that the people of the town would punish thy son for making a study out of them.
    (God) If this is what a man is going through how do they expect to help him and how do they stop what is happening to him, just being nice does not help some the only thing that will help is put them out of their misery.
    (God) Only one who has been through something knows what it is like for something you can only feel to know what it was like.
    To have to trust something that is controlling you and is just making things worse.
    For this year is getting worse than last year.
    [p74-b3] (God) There is too much hate around the world.
    (God) Thy son is not a world leader and he does not want to be.
    (God) For thy son; knows how a lie can hurt and even if it is said to be a test; how you loss faith because of it and how you can destroy someone.
    (God) For no body knows god or satin or what they will do.
    5/1/87 (God) I tortured the mind with the thoughts of hate just keep on respecting the word hate but controlled the body so nothing would happen for thy son has heard so many just uses the word hate.
    (God) For it looks like a lost cause to thy son for really nothing good happens; all he is doing is existing with out any enjoyment and people that think that they are helping really do not know the hell that thy son is going through.
    (God) Then there was the time when we said that the people of the spar tree was playing down the coming of [p75-b3] Christ, and now they have thy son on a spot for they can send him away if he keeps up what he is doing.
    What kind of thing would take over someone's body for no reason but torture and don't care about how long it does it and just keep the body alive so it can have fun with it and no one know about it.
    Why can't someone or something help me; for I have had enough and want to go through no more; and yet this thing will not stop.
    What happened to my mind for this is not me anymore for so long I let something teach me things and then it does this to me.
    To work would even better than what I'm going through and to have nothing to do would [p76-b3] be better than this at least you are free of mind and body to do as you chose to be bored is better than this and if you have a mate to be with it has to be better than this but to many complain about things gripe about wanting things better.
    For am I the only one who knows what and how great a free mind is.
    For I'm I the only one that knows of this kind of hell!
    For I'm I the only one who knows that god is mean to people that is suppose to do things for him.
    For is there a better God than the one that I know and if so where is he for I need his help to get rid of this one that is in me and since there is only one god then why does this one do this to me.
    For why is it keeping itself unknown and the way it is doing things it knows that [p77-b3] people will not believe.
    Why does it want to hide and not let things be known for it is here but does not help me or let me be free, it does not care what it does to me and then expects me to believe in it.
    It is better to live right and go to heaven then have God come down to you for he plays with the knowledge of the body and mind that he can do anything and you will still believe in god but what kind of god is it that puts you through hell.
    To love a life and not be free why involve the people why do things that only God can get away with for God once show people that he wanted them to be free but they had to be a certain way and paid for their mistakes for those who cross god always pay for it.
    To sit in this one horse town and expect something to happen is hell for no one believes the hell that I try and tell them that I'm young [p78-b3] though for I keep on making decisions and talk to different people and have those who treat me like a friend.
    Then there was the time when we were at someone's house and there were three other people there and they talked with out opening their mouth and all heard what everybody was saying.
    Then there was the time when we were in the spar tree and a boy was crying so we took his tears away and then everyone was looking at thy son and he heard them all shout with out saying a word and then there was another time when thy son heard all in the spar tree shout with out anybody saying anything and a deaf person turned to look and see what was going on for he can hear some noise but made thy son wonder if he heard the people and if the other people heard.
    Then there was the time when thy son looked out the window as one said that [p79-b3] it is hard to write when you see a car drive across the hill she was writing on.
    Then there was the time when thy son look out the window and stared in to the sun and on men came out of the bar and said the he could not believe what he is seeing in the bar.
    Then there was the time when thy son looked at something and one man came out of the bar and said that he did not want to know what thy son is messing with.
    Then there was the time when thy son was in the back door and I said in a low voice but just about all heard me say that I'm tired of thy son working in the dark this was four years ago.
    Then there were all the people who said that thy son was dealing with Satan.
    Then there was the time when thy son was trying to protect the people of the town from what was happening; till he found out what he was really dealing with; but [p80-b3] now he really does not care what happens to them.
    Then there was the time when we were in the hospital and things happened and the way some people talked made it sound like thy father was doing something to help others a little.
    How do you tell a man not to hate when this has happen to him and this is just a little that has happened.
    Thy son has been laughed, at spit upon, beat upon, made fun of, threaten, called crazy, a queer because he would not mess with women.
    To want to shout and let people know the hell that you are going through but no sound came out.
    There are things happening within that if tried to explain they would do nothing but test thy son to see if they can find something wrong within his head.
    Gate has it place in a man if god he just has to know how to control it.
    [p81-b3] Women speak on how smart they are but they do not live Gods way for to a lot of them to run around or your man is the right way some of the old teach the young wrong even as a joke they are wrong for should men run around in women with they do not like; to support a woman for 13 years and then when you need her to help to support you she leaves, shows one way a woman loves.
    To have a woman say that she believes in family and then a year later get a divorce shows another kind of woman's love.
    Then there was the time when one said that I have given you two year. How much time should I give you, and this was said to someone who got disabled when what he needed was love, understanding, and help, and what he got was left alone.
    Then there was the woman who took another woman burden with makes the man and woman wrong.
    To be should in this town [p82-b3] and see things Gods way with his help shows that there really are a lot of sinners and they do not care for they try to change the people to be like them so there way is right and as long as they think that they are right then they can change more and more to the bad to be like others is not always the best way.
    For the only peace that thy son get is on his sleep and it is interrupted so there really is no rest.
    Then there was the time when we told one woman read through the hate and you would fond a study on the people but that information was destroyed and now put down different and not in detail.
    Then there are the women who uses a divorce to teach the man a lesson to make him clean house, to cook, to let them run around and all found out that it does not work.
    The phrase to let something [p83-b3] go and if it loves you it will come back does not mean man and woman.
    To leave someone and say that you have to find yourself is wrong.
    To say that you got married to young and get a divorce (is wrong) and say that you want to find out if you can make it upon your own or to see if you can find a better life.
    For there are the one's who say that thy son has given up.
    Then there was the one man that asked us why doesn't women like me; for me; and him spoken a lot about God.
    Then there was the time when thy son said that he gets messages from his ex- and boys at the spar tree from the women and some wanted to see if they could get thy son to run around to see if he could find his ex-.
    Then there was the time when some people at the store said that they did not know [p84-b3] what thy son was messing with but he said that his father was protecting us with was said to thy son's boys.
    Then there was in detail what a woman would do to a man to make him jealous and how it taught the young wrong but it was destroyed.
    Then there was all the information that thy son had and things that we written for a lawsuit and it was destroyed.
    Then there was; the doctors who would not tell thy son the truth about his back.
    Then there was in detail the effect that a divorce had upon the young and it was destroyed.
    Then there was the times when the young used one man against their dad to get more out of him or their way and there is some who use one parent against the other so they can get things or their way.
    Then there was the time [p85-b3] when we said that all records would be looked into the ones that pertain to thy son and what he has been through.
    Then there was the time when we said that if you look at his divorce papers then you will see that the woman left him knowing that he was going to no be able to work or break down or shows that he would not be able to work the rest of his life.
    Then there was the time when we were talking out said and showed thy son a star and said that it was a holly star and Jesus was up there and putting down energy so that no evil could bother us.
    Then there was the time when I told thy son that I was a small amount of energy and if some attacked us then we had to get help that I have told thy son that I am god.
    Then there was the time when we said that it was for the people to search [p86-b3] us out not us to go to them.
    For I wish that people would have respect for me for the way that thy speak when they are around me for I say that I am the son of god and we told one that he has no respect for me and who I say I am,.
    People just think how lucky you are for god has no mate for all he really has is himself, there is no other like him for he is one of a kind and has nothing to share things with except for the things that he makes like people and spirits.
    There is no hate like; something being in you and you cannot get rid of it and it will not leave you alone, for even if it is God and he does not treat you right it brings on hate.
    5/2/87 Then there was the time at Christmas that I would not let thy son answer the phone and he knows that his young was trying to get hold of him.
    [p87-b3] Then there was the time when thy son like when it first started and felt energy flowing through thy body and at one time touched the grown and felt a shock that paralyzed his right side for a short while and it hurt.
    Then there was the time when thy son looked at a cross and seen the sun in the middle of it.
    Then there was the time when we were getting exorcise and I do not lie the way that they did it because it was two short and they did not believe that it could happen. But when they were done thy son touched a cross with his left hand and heard and felt a snap; like a spark of energy leaving him.
    Then there was the time when thy son seen in his head a image of Jesus and image of what I said I really look like a energy in his head and seen the inside of his head light up like the sun.
Then there was the time [p88-b3] when thy son seen an image of satin leave his body when he said that he would not allow any evil in is body just God and God only?
    Then there was the time's when thy son heard different voices in his head that was when he was trying to figure out if he had some kind of ability.
    Then there was the time when thy son's brain had voices and said that they were to help him and the one on top call himself god.
    Then there was the time when we were in the hospital and I was talking to him and controlling him and they wanted to know if thy son heard voices in his head and thy son said no.
    Then there was the time when people though that thy son was talking to an invisible body and called the quack on thy son.
    Then there was the time we [p89-b3] looked the whole town over to find a lady and found none.
    Then there was the time when some said that they know what thy son was writing about and that is what we done to him was their words.
    Then there was the time when we said that the worse we made this town look the more better it would be for thy son for then the world would have an example of a town that god does not like and maybe could stop things from happening so there town could not get like it.
    Then there was the time when we said that the bars liked all the divorces that was happening around here because it made their business better because the men drank more and it put a lot of loss women around that had no morals.
    Then there was the time when we said that people wait for someone else to make the way and go through all the hell himself so they could follow.
    There are some to the young [p90-b3] that just set with us so they will not get through out of here and it does not help our cause or what thy son is trying to do.
    Then there was the one who wanted to know what happened between thy son and his ex- wife for they were so close.
    Then there was one who said that everybody was telling thy sons young that thy son was crazy and he wanted to bring them down to see thy son.
    Then there was the one that we talked to that said that he had spirits come and set next to him and talk and when we asked him if they ever entered his body, he said no for the spirit said that his body could not take it for it was not strong enough.
    Then there was the time when we tried to let a woman know that we loved her and she cared less about us.
[p91-b3] Then there was the times when we said that we needed to get a woman from some where else not form around this town so she would not be like all the rest and believes the way they do.
    Then there was the time when we were watching a movie and I told thy son that could happen to you the way that people study someone that was different.
    Then there was the time when we told the people that thy son would get married the marriage of the lamb where God prepared a whore for marriage.
    Then there was the time when we told one that God would not do it the same way when he comes back.
    Then there was the woman that said that she has not had sex for four years because she only does that with the one she loves but she was divorced.
    Then there was the time when we would drive down the road and I would tell thy [p92-b3] son that it would be easy for a person to kill others if he had the ability to blind people will they were driving a car.
    Then there was the time when we said the people will never talk by thought or telepathy or read minds as a way of talking for thy son knows how hard it is to control.
    Then there was the time when we said that I know everything in everyone's head but I do not let thy son know it unless I wanted him to.
    Then there was the time when thy son said that I have been within one mans head.
    Then there was the girl who said that she would not pray to god anymore because thy son would not help a friend of hers that cut herself.
    Thy son does not like just setting here and write and we try and talk but they do not understand.
    [p93-b3] I keep telling people do not pay back or get even with people let God get even when they die for even God does not tell thy son what heaven is all about.
    For we tell the people about the hell that thy son is going through and they do not understand for how can you tell things to man Believes and make believes out of them unless they want to believe how can you tell then of the unknown and the unseen if they say that they have to see it to believe it.
    Who thy son wants to believe on a god of hate and that is all I have done to you thy son but a god of hate they will listen to for then there is no way they can go through life thanking that they can do anything they want and get away with it or he forgiven for anything that they do.
    If I take out my hate upon thy son and not the people then how will [p94-b4] they learn and it makes it so thy son is the only one who hates me for I have been one hard parent so no one should hate their parents because of the way that they tried to teach their young about God.
    Everybody is free to do as they wish but thy son why does it have to be this way why did God have me walk this way with out those who cared for what is it all about it has been so long once I have been free and had someone to love me the way that I used to be loved for once there were those who would do anything for me and go any where with me but now I am alone and thy father God is not helping me or showing me any love or forgiving like he does not care about me at all and as long as he is in me and does nothing then he gains nothing, he does not even get my love all he gets is that I believe [p95-b3] that there is a god but I do not want to be controlled by him and want to have my freedom for thy son has walked with love and has walked with hate and he likes love better.
    How does anybody get rid of something that will not leave and some how plays with thy life and knows the way that it is doing something that nobody would believe what is happening and to think that I am 40 years old and this thing can do this till I die and make me wish that I do not live long and each day that passes makes it harder to want to live but the thing will not let me take thy life.
    For everybody ask thy son how is it going and I answer great when it really is not.
    To keep telling thy son to hate but do not let him take it out on anyone.
    Then there was the time when people were talking about all the strange weather that was happening and they know God was saying he was here.
    [p96-b3] Then there was the time when we said that thy son's ex- wife helped him show the world what love was not and so has God showed thy son what love is not.
    Then there was the time when a lot said that they forgot what they were doing.
    Then there was the time when thy son had no choose on what he went through because he talked god.
    Then there are those who come to thy son but they do not come with the heart or to learn.
    If only people could feel what thy son feels then they would know what it is like.
    For we set here and listen to another one talking about being separated with his wife and another man talk about he does not want to get married just to get laid once in a while and he has been married and is divorced.
    [p97-b3] (God) Sits here and tells thy son how he does not like what he sees but does nothing to change it or let himself be known.
    If god has thought thy son to hate one then two then a town, then the worlds, then God and satin then what else is there left to hate but himself and his life and how does a son go through life if all he does is hate so how does he find love if god can not show it to him and let him love and if all this is so he can love then what is in store for him and if he had to go through it so he could love gods way does this mean that no one can love gods way with out going through hell and if so it is a hard way to find the way God loves, but the son of god is not suppose to hate.
    For thy son you can only teach the young the best you can but only the good learn and listen and I have seen so many go astray.
    [p98-b3] Some were we have written about tricky lovers but I do not like people getting off just because of token marijuana because the person does not learn a thing; but you can be lenient but you can not have a good people if you have no respect for law and sometimes two many laws is just as bad as nothing and all laws should be based upon gods laws.
    The person that says that people should get church out of congress should be thrown out.
    For we sit here and think that we say that the young turn to adults at the age of 12 with means they could drink but when we see the wrong of what they do when they drink means it is not good so if it is that thy son drink then it should be at home or somewhere where they can only drink so much and be under someone's guidance.
    [xx] For we talk to the young but if the parents do not [p99-b3] believe then how do they expect their young to believe so we have talked around here for so long and the parents do not believe us so how is their young going to.
    At one time this man though that he could get out of this mess but now I have him in so much that he can not and at one time he though that he could prove that something happened to him but now he does not care he just wants to forget it all and forget about everybody for he has tried to tell his story in the only way that he can but it has done no good for they can not believe a man that has nothing going for him but trouble and has no one to believe him because he is seeing quakes for they do not know how smart he is but they do know that he has a lot of knowledge but when he speaks of god they so not listen. Debbie has always shown thy son that she is not afraid of him and [p100-b3] has an interest in him if only more would take interest in thy son and believe what he is trying to say and that is that he knows god and things not of this world.
    Then there were the times when we told people that the head ban that we were was to represent the crown of thorns that they put up on Jesus head.
    For we have walked only in peace and it has only got us onto trouble.
    There was the time when I told thy son that some how some way I have done something or he has experience just about all of the old and how they felt or done things or went through or felt for over the years we have talked and done a lot but it is just something that has happened to live the bible my way is not easy and you learn a lot but you do not care for it is hell to have god teach you.
There is so much that can not be explained for life [p101-b3] is to look ahead and learn from the past and if you did not learn that there is a god then people have not learned anything and that god has laws and commandments that he wants all to live by.
    Then there was the time when we told some that god spit back words was dog.
    Remember thy son sometimes because of love you can not see the truth about someone for you know how some parents do not believe that there young can do any wrong.
    For to know some of the young better then their parents.
    For to have to be like them to survive is not always right and who but I can say what is wrong and who but I can change what I have said or have had written.
    For life as a spirit is better than you can imagine thy son.
    [p102-b3] For thy son does not know how, when, where I am going to do something good for him and do not really know how much more he has to go through.
    For to have all that you ever wanted and then give it up for god is what Jesus done for Jesus talked fate.
    For to have family and things and lose them because of God, because he entered the body and changed the man and let him do nothing to stop what was happening.
    5/3/87 To have memories of a loving wife that turned to a bitch and have others think that what she did was wrong and through time people liked her for she worked and the man did nothing but talk god and do something that nobody would do and that is mess with the spirits in a test and loss all he had well he was doing it.
    For to be writing the written word but not all people would understand the meanings.
    [p103-b3] To have something in you that makes you regret anything that it wants, to have it let you feel good because to wants to go some place and then takes you there then makes you feel bad once you get there and it does things to get into trouble but makes you pay for it.
    To have something in the head that makes it feel bad and won't stop doing what it is doing.
    Is this what a man of god is suppose to do is sit around and be tortured by god and why does god have to do this to one.
    For the feelings of the brain at times is not good for there is no way to explain it the same as there is no way to explain what happened the day that God let himself be known to me he acted like he was lacking within thy body.
    There is no way to stop this thing that call itself God and because of it the body of flesh goes through hell.
    [p104-b3] For there is nothing worse that what is happening to me and no one can help me if only this could put me to sleep I would feel better till I woke up.
    For to wish that you were not even alive is what Jesus felt like on the cross.
    The man of flesh would hate anything that done this to him.
    This man needs a woman to take care of him.
    (God) Is selfish for he has deprived me of all the things that make me happy and really gives me no reason.
    Then there was the time when some of the people of the town was digging up all the bad things that was happening around town in case I did prove that I could do something they could say that they thought it was satin.
    To know that something can enter you and justify itself because of Jesus and Job and all the other hard things that people went and not do [p105-b3] anything to help or prove something.
    For each day that passes it just keeps on getting worse on me.
    Why would something torture someone if it could not get its soil for if satin did this to me there is no way he could get my soil for I do not allow him to be in me so he would be there against my will so he would gain nothing except doing something for his own pleasure.
    Man was not meant to go through this kind of stuff for man has enough trouble with out having something playing with his life.
    For there is no let up on this body of flesh and thy son turns to tell people what is happening.
    For to have something in you and it tell people the story and try and let them know means that it is not afraid or that it knows that they will not believe so it is just torture upon the body of flesh.
    [p106-b3] For we are trying to get things done our way for they won't test on us but do not care how we get there and since we say that we can not it looks like we have a problem for why if they won't test can't they admit us to the hospital so we would be there for it would be so much easier and they do say that we are sick so what is the deal for a man to have no way to get around like them what do they expect?
    For I have drilling thy son for over 2 years the way people could treat someone with a mental problem and he is sick of it for a man to have to fight his own mind and others to is hard and there is no way to do it efficiently for even if the person just ignores others the people have something on him to use against him.
    For in our writings a quack could say that thy son is a mental depressant.
    To be free with mind and body means that you should be happy but to have pressures of society up on you makes it [p107-b3] harder, to try and live like other people can not always be done so it is best if you live Gods way that way no matter what you have a better place to go a place where everything is better and a place where you do not have to worry about things.
    To be here and want to be there and know that you have to wait till the end of your life to get there.
    To say a long time ago that you wanted to have someone take you for the way that you are and no the way others think that you should be for they do not know the truth about things.
    For we told one today that they are the ones that say that something is wrong with us so it was there responsibility to get us to where they wanted us to have the test for they wanted us to spend money that we do not have to make sure that we would be there.
    Then we got a checking account today using the name Mel Christ but some one knew our S.S. #; and us and check and found out that we wrote some [p108-b3] bad checks so they called us off the street and took the account away.
    For we have said it before but thy son knows that he has a voice change and it changes every now and then.
    For if there is nobody who will believe that something has happened to thy son then nobody ever knew thy son.
    For if this is the way of evil then there is a lot of people that this can happen to and if they pick on the ones that have no one and are lonely then there is a lot of them that this can happen to and if something can enter and make it this way then no one is safe.
    For why is there not no others around here that this is happening to for there are others who practice witchcraft, and satanic things around here and there is a lot worse people in this town then what I am.
    For I was a man who just wanted to know the truth [109-b3] about my energies and believe that the people that I worked and contracted for believed in me and would do what they could to help me and they all let me down.
    For God should me what would happen if a man did not sue for God does not believe in suing people but if people or not honest and do not try and help for people or all wrong as long as you get a way with something then you are right does not make it right and there is so many different ways to talk about suing someone for something for some even sue for something that was not deliberate if it takes all the laws of people to make them honest and they still are not then what will it take for the dishonest can destroy the honest.
    For good people show that they try to stop the bad and try and stop the good from going bad.
    It does not take a interest in the some things to know love for love of one and another is for greater then [p110-b3] love of what you can do or what you have.
    Then there was the time when we said that God does not like to talk to everybody and does not like to explain everything and likes to say it just once, for who can question God's word even if he does change what he has said before.
    We have said that the new is no good with out the old, for you can not talk love with out knowing what love is and all the love in the world can not do any good will out gods laws.
    For I listen to the cries of the world but the world does not listen to my cry.
    For what a better world it would be if they only believe, for to think that life started with out god means that nothing but life mattered and to think that way means that you have just but a short existence to be here without somewhere else to go.
    [p111-b3] For thy son do not take your life just so you can be rid of this world and for those who take their life to make someone else feel sorry or to make them feel bad it might work, but it usually does not last long for people do forget and their life goes on so why cheat yourself out of life for it is not, all was hard or bad, for unless you have something enter your body and take it over then you know not how bad things can be, for people can make it hard on people they can torture the mind and body but there is no torture like torture with in, for people can imprison people but there is no prison like being imprison within your own body.
    Until you walk around in a dead body then you do not know what hell is like and unless you hang around on a cross-nailed to it then you do not know what pain is.
    For we have heard women say that man does not know what pain is for they need to have a child, and that man [p112-b3] could not take it, there is all different kinds of pain talk to someone who feels pain just about everyday it gets tiresome if there's a will, to live with pain is harder than having a child.
    For this thing just won't stop and leave me alone.
    For nobody goes through something like this just because of a woman.
    There was the time when some though that thy son was just waiting around for a woman that left him.
    We got a ticket last night and it is going to cost us about $150.00 for not having a valid drivers license and a broken windshield.
    For I torture thy son all night long so he gains no knowledge except that his mind and body is going through hell and I torture him about things that mean not nothing to him anymore and yet if it is true that I'm going to let him be known then he is going to hear about some of it probably the rest of his life, [p113-b3] and I torture him for a woman that shows that she cares less about him anymore for I told him that I could make him hate her but yet makes him long for her and at one time just to be with her to him meant I was suppose to leave him so it would be a relief up on him, for I torture him for a family that he has no more and yet I keep him away from them, I do not even let him get a hold of them at all, to not even see the young and be tortured about them.
    Dam there was some good times back in the past so why did it all turn to hell?
    Then there was the time when thy son though that we were going to solve the worlds problems and hoped that just the knowledge of god would help straighten out the world.
    I hold thy son to the same thing everyday.
    To have something in your brain that will not stop bothering you to know not how your brain is suppose to work for nobody [p114-b3] even think of what is a brain that will not leave you alone and how is it suppose to work for not to know where thoughts are going through your head and not to know what your own voice is suppose to sound like, to feel sick and not know if that is you or is it something in you controlling the brain and making you feel that way, to know that there is something in the body and it is not you, how do you get people to listen to ho, have heard of several that does it but the people do not talk of the torture like I know and the event tries to scare people or do things to let people know that it is within but this thing does nothing like that the only one that it lets itself be known to it is the one that it is within, Why does god do this to someone, why does god let this happen?
    What purpose does god have for this?
    To know that one are in trouble and know who or how to get [p115-b3] help and try to get help but it takes someone who believes that it can be happening to help, to being a town that really does not care and if several can take over a body and talk god just to torture someone and his body, mind and people do not help him.
    Where do you find the people who can help, where are the ones that is suppose to be able to cast something like this out, dam do's the body of flesh want to die?
    The way that this thing is written it can kill me and nobody would really believe that it was not just suicide.
    Then there is the time when this thing messes with my heart and chest muscles and it hurts my brain at times and it is always doing something inside my head and body to let itself be known to the one it is in, and there is no way that the body could do some of the things that is happening to it like the feeling that the brain is turning over in the head, the feeling that [p116-b3] the brain is being torn apart, and the feeling that something is eating the brain and the feeling that the brain is being pressured against the head.
    For to want to cry out help me I can't take any more but yet to words do not come and what would people don any way for they do not believe that something can be in me and that spirits do not exist or do things like this and be it god then why?
    Why would people pray to something that would do this for it has done nothing good for me and has done a lot of torture to me what is it about god he helps some but does not help everyone and why won't it do something for me for I know that he is here what can mean so much to him to do this for my life is short without have to be put through this kind of hell for the mind turned it to hours and the hours turned into days, and the days turned [p117-b3] into months and the months turned into years and not to know if years are going to turn into life.
    If anybody feels the way that I do they would be better off dead and if they feel this way without anything being in them then there really is not any way to help them for the only way to really help someone with a tortured mine is to put them asleep forever for who knows when they will break and really do something wrong.
    There was the time when I would not give up my body to anything but now I would give it up just so I would be free from what is happening.
    To be taught what family is all about and yet not be able to have one.
    For I can not stop this thing, it writes god and talks god at times but the thoughts of satin is in me, keeps coming out and how can I hell for it acts bad and mean to [p118-b3] me and proves nothing to anyone else.
    The house means nothing to me anymore I just want to be free of what is torturing me.
    There was the time when we said that it does not matter what people think it was up to me to decide what and who I was messing with.
    [xx] Then there was the time when I was forced to say that thy Father was going to fix the O Zone layer I have been forced to say things that are impossible for anyone to believe.
    Can't people see that I'm in trouble and because of what is happening I need help and that somehow it has to be true that something has taken me over but I see now that people think that it is me.
    For why have you taken me away from my young and let someone else raise them and their way may not be the right way to [p119-b3] save them from going to hell and why did you not stop the torture that they must have went through for they loved me and did not really want to be away from me at first for I even seen them cry and then later it looked like they were taught that money was the answer.
    Then there was the time when it looked like that my young was taught get what ever you want and it does not matter how you do it.
    Then there was the times we talked the triangle effect were you use one against the other to get what you want and if me won't gibe it to you then the other will if they can.
    To just to want things your way all the time is not right for God wants all people to be good and even he does not get it.
    For people show thy son that they like him but they can not help him.
    Why does not this thing stop [p120-b3] torturing me; and being nice to other people?
    Why does hurting me mean more than letting itself be known what does it gain by teaching me that it is no good but shows others that it is good.
    For it told me a long time ago that it was over but it has not stopped and really has not tried to let itself be known for it has talked a lot of things and has said what was happening but it just made me look crazy and has turned people away from me.
    This thing has shown one that it is not afraid of anything and does not care what it does to me and it does not care if I believe in it or not it just wants others to believe in it an god of torture is all that I know.
    For others say that it is not right to take a man away from his family for around here I have heard [p121-b3] more men talk god and family than women for it is the woman that is broken up the family and there are some men at wrong but if they do not believe in gods way then either sex is wrong.
    For a man said that he did not know how much his family meant to him tell he had them no more and that is one thing a lot of women and women lib say but if someone does not teach them that then they never know what it is like.
    If man took away from women the things that she loves and cares about then they would know what kind of torment it is to lose those who they care about.
    For some women try to get men from smoking but they will not give up their make-up, smoking is not good for the body but it will not keep you from going to heaven but the young should learn that smoking is bad for you and that once you get hooked it is hard to get rid of the [p122-b3] habit, and in space it is not a good ideal to smoke, for clean healthy air is important and they should learn that drinking is the same way, it is hard to stop it from controlling your life and once you get hooked on it, it is hard to stop but a drinking you do not control your mind all the time and some do a lot so things wrong or things that they normally would not do but being drunk does not excuse what you do for you should not let it get that far out of control, for you can do something that god will not excuse, and a lot like to fight when they are drunk and might is not right just because you are strong does not mean to go around fighting people just to show how strong you are! For I even know one who attacked a disabled and said that he was drunk and told others that he did it because he did not like [p123-b3] the disable did not pay child support something the jerk did not do himself and the jerk was about 200lb with a bad back and hip so could not control the jerks poundage and the disable was not really that strong and I let him not lift a hand against him for then it would have been worse on the disable and others that were there did not lift a hand to help and they had no control over the jerk.
    For we told one tonight that there was enough information written down to straighten the world out and that our favorite part of the Bible was the laws, commandments, and the what we have written and the information on what was sins for Jesus did not really change the laws and Jesus said that when you get married you become one so why so women they to make themselves two after marriage and so easily get divorced or want to separate.
    [p124-b3] For I said that a man can have two wives but if he can not support them without it being a burden on others then he should have just one and it is not a excuse for every man to run out and get himself two wives I mostly say it for my son it he wants two wives then he can have them and because there are those who believes in two wives and they have shown me that they can work for they act as one.
    For we have seen so many men around here be tormented by women who break up a marriage for they care not of the vows and bondage that they made when they got married.
    For there has been so much written before and yet this is written different for man has to make a choice is it God that try want and live by Gods laws no matter what god does or do they just want to do satins bidden, for [p125-b3] no matter what God has done even to his son's he really has not changed his laws.
    [xx] For how does someone show these books to someone and then tell them that this is the God that is the father of Jesus for it looks more like the God of Mosses the mean and nasty one the one who does not care what people go through the one that wants it to be his way are not at all; the one who wanted to teach someone a lessen and did not care what he did to them as long as the rest got the message and I sure have though thy son a lessen and that is I'm God and can do anything I want and that I'm not always good and I do not care what I do to someone to make them think more about God than anyone else.
    For if man has two wives and can not love and treat them the same then they do not need two and there are [p126-b3] places that men have a lot of wives but if you believe in God then you will not have no more then two.
    What good does it do if men walk in a righteous way and women do not.
    For the town is taken us to court for a old water bill that happened just about two years ago so the trouble the I got thy son in then is coming back on him now for they do not stop, because we stop in this town all that happens is trouble for thy son.
    For there were ones that said that people will do thing to get thy son off the street and if they know thy son has nothing why do they keep trying to get something from him and if they know that he is having trouble then why are they adding to it, so now we are going to court for two different things and they want many what do they [p127-b3] expect do they want to put us in jail, do they want to make it so we can not live, all this town has done is cost thy son and man want to believe in what thy son speaks.
    For people sometimes are a burden on others for sometimes they so not just let things be and try and help others.
    A town is supposed to try and help people it least a god-fearing town.
    If you can not make ends meet or do not have nothing then why do they want more from you is this the way you help people by making it so they leave town.
    Do people only want money and not a man that speaks god?
    If we pay the fine that we have then we have nothing to live on.
    Why do you not get it over how can you stand to be around knowing how they are and why do you not help me for how much are you going to put me through.
    [p128-b3] If we go to jail then we are going to lose what we have gained and would come out of jail with nothing.
    For there is something wrong with what is happening to me this thing made it so there would be no body around me just so it could torture me it destroyed everything I had so nobody would be with me because I had nothing, it keeps me in trouble.
    For no one believes that thy son has something in him and they know that he is trying to use the mane of Christ and there are some who are trying to tell him that he has to use the name of Hall.
    For we are here to play crib but the way I make the body of flesh feel it does not want to be here.
    For to be here but want to be free and somewhere else.
    For in a way we have [p129-b3] done a lot but it isn't enough just talking god does no good, and people around here do not care about someone if he talks god for knowing he could use help but there is a lot of people around here that know what it is like not to have money and other things.
    At one time it was great to know that what was happening to you was history in the making but now to thank that it is just your death that is going to happen or at least it would be better than what I'm going through for what do I have now no family no one to love, a god that tortures me, a life that is nothing but torture and because of God in me it isn't worth living for he does nothing to please me or the body of flesh.
    [p130-b3] There comes a time when god has to let himself be known other wise he loses all but there also comes a time when God does something so he does not have to keep on coming around just to straighten people out.
    For thy son hears a lot about other people that practice witchcraft and yet I do not give thy son the answers for thy son knows that satin does exist and so do other spirits and knows that they use people and all god does tell them is that if the people believe in God then there is nothing wrong with it unless people know that they are messing with satin or a spirit tries to talk against god and make the person worship it or some other god or satin then the person better stop messing with it so there soul is not damned.
    For the torture upon thy son is never really ended even after it is over then thy son will think of all, a lot has [p131-b3] happen to him and wonders why did it happen for I done nothing to deserve what I went through and if it was so people would not have to experience what I went through then they learned nothing so I went through hell for them.
    Then there was the time when some said to thy son why don't you have fun when we were out and thy son was drowning the face of Jesus at the time.
    What is then purpose of keeping yourself unknown for one asked last night why does God take so long to let himself known?
    We wait now to see if there are going to come and take us away for we did not show up for court.
    [p132-b3 For we said it again that this is an addition to the Bible.
    For if satin just leads you o then what is happening? I'm in trouble and I know it for this thing that calls itself God is leading me on knowing that I can not stop it or get rid of it, how so I get help?
    It is easier to go through what I've been through if you are willing but for it to be forced upon you makes it harder and for some of it to be against your will is even harder yet but to keep on going and not be able to stop this has to be the worse thing that ever happen to a man and yet it is not stopping it just keeps on torturing me and my mind and making my life miserable for it is having fun doing this to me and it does not care what it does to me, I see no purpose for it to keep me [p133-b3] alive for no one will believe that it is true that something has taken over my body and mind, for I wonder why they do not give me different test but yet this thing may not show up on any if it does not want to then I just in more trouble because then all they can do id think that it is just me and nothing else.
    For God stopped for while and let me watch a movie with out torturing me or trying to explain things to me, for there were the times when we used to watch something and God would say I could make that happen or if it was about evil and spirits be would say what was possible and not then say that if I wanted them all could be possible, even has said that anything I could think of or dream up he could make happen.
    Then there was the time when we said to people in the spar tree that [p134-b3] by definition, Lady = Women with child! Prostitute = One that sold her body and without morals! Whore = Women who acted like a prostitute or one without morals! Evil = something without morals! So we tied them all together and some women did not like it.
    To sit here and see all the people and they really do not think about heaven and God till they want something.
    For there are some who keep asking thy son if he is enjoying himself and they knew that he talks about being controlled.
    For how does a man let it be known, people do not want to listen to a man that knows, they do not want to spread the word truthfully about what is happening.
    Thy son sees it; as they do not care; for they will let a man walk around in torture with out believing [p135-b3] him.
    For a man to think that he could walk the world in peace it looks like he can't walk out of this town in peace.
    For then there was the time when thy son laid on a bed and felt his back muscles stretching or something, but when it was over he could feel that the kink and spine had been straightened out and have told people about it even doctors, but no X-rays have been taken since then and we have even said to take X-rays and check them with old ones to see the difference, and even said to a doctor, that no doctor did it for it was done by something other than man and he just said that there is a lot of things that happen in this world that can not be explained, and what we were trying to do is let them see that there was something happening to thy son for we talked about God being in him and that God took over his body.
    [p136-b3] For there has been plenty of chances for thy son to get out of town but I have not allowed it, for people should see that something is holding him here and they should know that he has nothing going for him here.
    For God never really show his forgiving because he let revaluation to be known and because Jesus help let it be known then it shows that even he did not like what happened to him so if revaluation is taken out in this one then it shows that God is forgiving but h has hurt another son for it shows that God did not care about his life and his happiness and let the others live and tortured the son is so mean, different ways and times that life means nothing to him for I have to torture him for even all the good times and things that he has done now is a torture for he knows he can never do [p137-b3] things again and the things that he enjoyed means nothing to him for he was a proud man and took pride in what he did and did what he could to support his family, for he found it harder to make ends meet out here and back east he had no trouble and found out that some did not respect him till he had money and new things.
    For every man that has a family that he has loved goes through torture when the woman leaves them with out any good reason except that they want things to be better, but they do not think of Gods way of life and how God wants marriage to be a lifetime thing and not just a thing of lust.
    For if I so anything to show people my power to do things it is for thy son and not for them.
    For if given enough time usually the wrong doers get in trouble for what they are doing but how mean do they hurt, will they [p138-b3] are getting away with it and God does not for get what they did even if they just have others to do it they are the ones that is teaching the wrong doing.
    If what I have been through is so God could have the marriage of the lame then there is an untold story somewhere for God is not preparing a whore but his son so what someone did to him must have been so bad that it was unforgivable for the man! Or is at that God wants to have a son that no one could ever hurt him again no matter what happen to him for no matter what with recognition he is going to be made fun of because of what God done for there will be jokes made up about it so do not take it hard unless they show no respect.
    For we talked to one who said that he would like to help but there is nothing that he knows of that he can do.
    Then there are the times [p139-b3] when we said that this town would get hit with the news, people looking for a story.
    Then there was the time when we said that we planned things so that thy son would not have a phone so people could call and try and bother him and then there was the time when one said that thy sons would be better off to leave this town and go where someone cared more for him.
    Then there was the time when a woman said that her sister back east said that maybe the town was the problem with what she was going through.
    Then there was the time when we talked to a man and he said that he gets the paper to see who divorced who and who married someone's x-spouse for that was all that happen in the town as far as he could remember and he was in the army and was stationed over seas.
    Then there was the time when a woman did not like us talking to her son because we [p140-b3] said that we might take him back east for we talked about god taken some young men before they got corrupted by women and teach them right, then we talked about God turning the young against their parents for it was written once before that God had it done.
    Then there was the time when I had thy son believing that because of the heat wave that was happening last year, that it was the same as when Joanna when he went outside of town waiting for God to get finished teaching a town a lesson.
    It is hard to love someone who does not show love but just to be with one for so long shows love.
    Why try and teach someone a lesson if the way you are doing it is wrong?
    Then there was the time when we said that thy tongue was held to the top of thy mouth meaning thy son did not talk much.

Mel Christ The True Religion of Christ The Ten More Links Send Mail
Author Mel Christ.
Copyright © 2001 Mel Christ. All rights reserved.
Revised: July 27, 2011.