The Ten Book 4

    For how can people say to one to have fun when he talks that something is within him and that it is in solid control of his body and they do not believe him.
    For what thy son see of the people got to mean to him that his young do not believe in him at all and they really do not know what he is going through.
    [x] Marriage is one way that you show God that you believe in him and his way if it last a lifetime.
    For why try and keep up with what others have for all you do is put a burden upon yourself and you might have something that they really do not and that is true love.
    If women think that they have it hard here in the US then they should look to other places to see [p2-b4] how hard others have had it and the way that others that are hard-core kill someone for adultery and the way if a woman runs off from her husband then they go after her and make her go back, this is some of the ways of the old.
    How does one who believed only in one wife and to love her only say that it is OK to have two, but it makes it easy when he found out that she didn't believe the same and what good did it do too have it written not to let any come between husband and wife if they care not what they do anymore and since not all women are this way then the choice is Gods to say what is right it does not mean that all have to do it [p3-b4] but it shows that there are some who can love more then others and live with out jealousy and if they do not fight means that they really believe in God especially if the women do not leave the man and if the man is mean to them then he will get what he deserves when he dies; for some men take out there anger of others and what is happened or happing to them on their mate; if men and women cannot live together for life then the people of the world to get along with each other and if people cannot get along with their neighbor then how do they expect the world to and if they cannot get along with strangers then how do they expect [p4-b4] the world to and if you really do not believe in God and his ways then how do you expect others to believe and if you do not teach the right way to others then how do you expect them to be right.
    For we have heard a lot say how can people ask for forgiving and then turn around and do the same thing, for it teaches those that they really do not believe or they think God will always forgive them, but to some that are undecided about God it makes them think why should I believe when they do not or why should I try and believe in God.
    For there can be a lot of good in this world if they would care for others but get rid of the bad and if people would not use others [p5-b4] just because they do not want to work it is different if they can't and if there are no jobs around to be had and there are those who like to live just off what they can get, for even a Bag person or a Hobo has the right to live and they like to live the way they are at least some of them for all are not forced into that kind of life, But I do not like the wino who leaves just to drink and there is not much difference between a wino and a person who drinks just to pass the time or to forget their problems or those who drink just because they think that it makes them big like to impress others.
    For I have keep thy son form boosting about himself and thy son has heard [p6-b4] others who have and all it is, is trying to empress others and have even heard others bull shit about things to impress others and it is sickening and have heard others trying to impress people to make them think that they are something that they are not.
    Then there are women who just pick a fight with a man and those who do not know when it is better to shut up their mouth for what good does it do to teach a man not to hit a woman when the woman wants to be a man.
    Then there was the time when we said that thy son son's could have a chance to tell the world their side of the story and the time when we said that thy son's X would [p7-b4] have a chance to tell her side of the story but she speaks bull shit and does not always tell the truth for like most she is afraid of getting herself in trouble even thy son does not like to talk him self into trouble.
    For thy son always learned from his mistakes and he thinks that his biggest mistake was finding out that God was in him and his mistake was that he really did not believe that God existed and boy did he learn.
    For we talked to some young and told them of the take over but it is hard for them to believe.
    For we have talked a house so much then said that it was to be in Mich. Then said that don't care if it gets built but thy son still needs a place to live in peace [p8-b4] so it is his choice on what to do and where to build it for he knows that here would be a good place to live for the people already know thy son and have an ideal what he is about even though they do not believe him.
    For it was great when he thought he knew what was a head, but now he does not know how things are going to go are where he is going to make his home for a place where he can roam with out any trouble would be what he wants and where there are not a lot of people to bother him all the time and around here in the mountains showed good for in the winter a lot of people would not come but it is some thing that thy son has to decide a head in time for he will always [p9-b4] remember what he went through around here, for people who have been through some thing horrible know how hard it is up on them and they really do not forget and a lot show that they do not forgive.
    For thy son seen how one acted toward him like he is some thing different and great and she wants thy son to do a drawing for her maybe for she is real interested in him doing one but if I do not allow thy son to do it or if I do a bad job then it hurt thy son again and would she be surprised if thy son could not draw at all after what all he did to show people that he could.
    For they gave us a ticket for driven a horse less carriage and I told thy son that back in the old days you did not need a permit to drive a carriage you were lucky if [p10-b4] you even had one and usually only certain ones had one and Jesus did not have one at all.
    For Jesus walk just about every place he went.
    For Jesus had a hard life thy son for it was not so great back then for it was hard to live, people were not all that good and there was a lot of wars and fighting for you gained a Kingdom then you lost a Kingdom and even with the 12 tribes it went that way for I sent one agents the other once in a will it was my way to teach them that they were doing wrong and were not good.
    For the place you do know about thy son and no one asked if he was going to get a lesson to drive for he would like to see him get one and yet they [p11-b4] know not what is happening but no matter what they have not miss treated thy son so it shows that if you treat them right like people and no matter what you done you be nice and cause no trouble they will treat you OK and the place have been like those who came after Jesus they like him and heard of him and really did not want to do any thing to him but they had a job to do, for thy son you know if I do it then there is no better place for you then around the ones who will do any thing they can for you and you know thy son the place around here will predict you if you fall you need it and would do things to help you they would even help [p12-b4] keep people away from you thy son, but we have talked about what would happen if you stayed here about all the people that would come and about all those who would just come to see if they could just get a look at you or take a picture and those who would come to see if they could get cured.
    How does thy son tell the cops what is going on or what is going to happen if no one believes him for they are not prepared for any thing like every body else this should be a big shock to every body for they have heard this man that they call crazy for so long and yet no one believes that it will happen
    Then there was the [p13-b4] time when I said that I was going to show thy son my love and it was over a yr. ago and I have tortured him every since.
Then there was the one writing that we are one that said, how do you prepare a stupid people that no matter what this is an addition the Bible for the services, and she said this is true but she is one that turned the writing over so they would have them to read and use against us.
Jesus loved mankind for he know that what they were doing was wrong and that they really did not know God and he tried to help them understand God for God is mean and Jesus know it for Jesus know that God would not let man do [p14-b4] anything that they wanted and that God wanted man to worship him and nothing else and his laws was set forth to help man live right and Gods way and by living by Gods laws let God know that they believed and cared.
    For the meek shall inherit the earth is something that thy son has heard about but does not know anything about it or where it is written or how it is to come about for does it mean that he has to make it come about does he have to have them fight for what is right or is just his recognition enough to do it, for how many things are going to be put up on thy son.
    How can one man straighten out the world if [p15-b4] they do not listen when he finally talks, or try and learn from what is written.
    For when they asked to be ruled by a King instead of God they slowly got away from God.
    For then there was the time when I told thy son that it was a test for mankind to see if they would take care of thy son this time and they really learned nothing from us till they prove them self worthy and we told it to others the same as we said that mankind served depended up on what happen to thy son.
    For people understand something thy son wants to learn to for he really knows little and one thing for sure and that is God does exist and that something [p16-b4] happened to him that he really can not explain and does not have all the answers to why and what.
    Or we said it once take thy son to your scholars and he will prove to be not smart for God wants a thinker for a son not a fast or smooth talker.
    Then there was the time when thy son said that he wished he had never been born.
    Then there was the time when we said that one shall talk about how you should be afraid of God.
    Then there was the time when I was driving a lift truck around in thy sons head telling him that I was rearranging his brain taken information from one place and putting it in [p17-b4] another, I would even peel out.
    Then there was the time when we played space war games with in thy son's head and a direct hit would make a sensation that cannot be explained.
    Then there was the times when I lit thy son's brain up like a rainbow and gave him a good filling at the same time I called it heaven dope and thy son he wanted some ever since but I told him that it was a chemical reaction that only I could do.
    Then there was the time when I said that I would throw him out if his body and not let him back in.
    Then there was the time when I said that I would make it so no body would want to be around him.
    [p18-b4] God tells thy son that it has to be his choice but yet I do not give him a choice.
    For I torture his mind about nothing just to pass the time away for all he really knows is touchier, torture that can not be explained it just happened to him for no reason.
    Then there was the time when we was getting paper and the woman said that he is writing something and they know that thy son was doing a study but all did not know what about.
    Then there was the time when we said that we so not hate for our hate destroys, we dislike for that means that we tolerate.
[p19-b4] For there was the time when we told one that we were protecting the things in the house because it was all holly then we got rid of the stuff did not want people to just came things holly just because it belong to us or try and sell it to some and to make many and we have tucked and been places over the years so it does not mean that it all is holly.
    Then there was the time when we told people that there will be some that will consider the grown that I walk holly and some said that if you are the son and it is proven then you are right.
    For God to take so much hate out in one for to be with one that tried to destroy him would be better than keep on going through this.
    Then there was the time that we eat wild peas, Blackberries, [p20-b4] cherries, pears, apples, in order and some we eat before they got ripe and once in a great while we would go to Bill J. and they would fix us something to eat that was a hard summer and thy son for it was the yr. that we went with out any thing lived in the cab of the truck.
    When thy son just got married the woman ask if he was ready to take the responsibilities of a family and it turned out that she was not.
    There was the time when we said that we could write a story on what people were saying and a lot though that we were writing a story about the town like the book of Payton Place and we have had some say that that is what this town was like.
[p21-b4] For this thing with in does not let the body of flesh feel good unless it does what pleases it and it usually only let me feel good if it talks God or about God, for this thing that calls it self God does not give me no peace of mind or body and it is in complete control of me how do it ever get rid of it for it just is using my body for what ever it wants and does not let up it wakes me up to mess with my mind it has me dreaming of things then does not let me remember what it was about for it starts in on me as soon as I wake up it tells me it wants me to be with some one but will not let it happen it will not let me be known so people all over would know how rotten it is it does not want me to [p22-b4] pay the people back for the bad things they done to me, it will not let me have some one so people will know that I can love and at one time it would not let me do what others do and that is yet some one new and it did not let me find some one at first to show a woman what it was like to have some one else if they had falling for me.
    Why teach one how bad it is if God does this to a man then why not do it to a woman so they would know what it is like.
    Then there was all the times that we were in a bad way and God said that ht was going to bring help so others could see how people around here did nothing to help some one.
    There was so much that [p23-b4] has happened that should that even neighbor that even said that he did not want us around his place any more when we went over to visit him but that was when some of his friends were saying that we were a nark.
    There have been those who have let us come to pray at their place and did not care if we were there and they know that thy son has some thing to do with God.
    Then there was when we said that thy son couldn't hunt any more for he could only kill some thing to serve for thy son used to hunt for sport.
    Then there was the day that thy son seen what I told him was a dove from heaven, it was a rainy day and the dove was [p24-b4] just gliding with out flapping its wings and it had a split tail, it glided in a up side down arch and it was not that far from us, we were standing on the porch.
    For God makes me feel bad when some people are around at one time he said that he did not like now believers and that was one way that he let me know who was a believer or not.
    [x] Then there was the time when God said that he wanted to walk and talk and go fishing with thy young and told me stories on how he would do things to me so they could see that God was nice and make them laugh but they were dreams and talks of good times and things to pass the time.
We can not help as [p25-b4] eating out for we are not all that well off and do not save any money for all we do is just live and so not have any thing of our own to call our own.
    Then there were things that we said would get to the young once we died, for what thy son thought was some thing really was nothing.
    There comes a time when man has to make up his mind about God and there comes a time when God has to make up his mind about man.
    [xxx] God, does not go around and plan every bodies life and does not plan all the things that happen to them that would he control and thy son is the only one that knows about control and what it is like for all the bad things that has happened to him and has done since I have been in him I [p26-b4] have made him do as not let him get away from the trouble.
    For because of the trouble that thy son has been in some people will not believe thy son for some say that God would not do that kind of thing.
    For it is hard to set around and not talk for what a world it would be if people did not talk but what they talk about does not interest one or my son thy talk about them self a lot and to a thinker it means nothing unless it is about something of interest and some really do not think or wonder some talk about their selves because it is about all they know and some do it to try and impress some on how and what they can do or have done how do you let [p27-b4] things be known if you do not talk for to talk God all the time people get to where they do not listen unless they are interested.
    For the hell that is happening to me why does not some thing stop it, if the holly spirit is around then it must know what is happening to me so why does it not try and help me, if this thing is not God then why hasn't the holly spirit got hold of God and let him know what is going on.
    Thy son never did talk much he always kept to him self unless there was some thing be wanted to talk about and there was the time when I made him talk a lot so there were some who have seen a change in him.
    [p28-b4] Then there was the time when we said that thy son was teaching his x family a lessen for what they had done to him and was letting them know what it felt like if he did nothing to let them know that he cared.
    Then there was the time when one time out of the yr. that thy son could have seen and been with his young for a will I would not let it happen because they where with some one who called the cops on us for really nothing we were eaten cherries for a tree but the cops just told us to stay away because they did not want to see us get in to trouble but because of what she did it hurt thy son because I would not let him be [p29-b4] around that woman.
    Then there was the time when we said that we were testing people.
    Then there was the time when we said that we could say any thing that we wanted just to see what kind of reaction we got from people.
    We get a lot of reaction from people but no help or believers.
    Then there was the time when some people would come to see if we would cure them.
    To think one cure and thy son would have had help and may not have had to go through this.
    To have seen so much and yet know so little for thy son has heard and seen how people make up lies just because they do not like some one ever some of the respectable have done it.
    Then there was the time [p30-b4] when we said that the women ran this town because they controlled the men, we did not get many friends out of what we were telling people.
    There were some who said that people do not like to hear the truth about them selves some times because what the truth is and what they try to show are two different things.
    For there are some young who like us and say that we are a person who writes Bibles.
    Then there was the only time thy sons x would get hold of him is when she needed money and some other time when she was hurt.
    I would still like to know how can you trust some one who started and got a divorce for some one for they all read should that they can not love some one [p31-b4] for there love is only temporarily.
    For thy son thought that he found some one once and thought that it was true love and some thing happened and he really does not know what for he blames the woman and co-ply for some how he feels that they are the blame for I should him even before it happen that the woman of the town were doing some thing women lib is part of it and should him that some of the things that were happening and the way that they were happening was in women's Books, and some of it in the Books were the way that they said to do it.
    There have been plenty of men around this town that have had their women torture them, either in divorce or by separation or running around and I wonder [p32-b4] if they will stand up and talk about what happen to them or are they afraid of what the woman will do to them, thy son even knows of some that say that what there x were doing was destroying their minds and even some have said that they wanted to kill themselves and one wanted to kill his x and (there was one in the hospital for what a woman was doing to him well we where there on different circumstances and this we told to some in the spar tree) we had people named once that went through it in the study some women use the act that the man did not have no money and could not get a lower.
    [p33-b4] For the body of flesh considers Jesus his savior but only worships God.
    For it is hard on thy sons mind for when I talk some time it can make me look like Jesus, for I told one that for the body of flesh I consider Jesus as my savior and thy son of God but I only worship God and it is hard on thy son for he knows that I am God so how does meanings get across if we can not speak the way it is for there is some thing in this body that calls itself God.
    For one said that because; thy son smokes cigarettes that he is not a chosen one for you can see how hard it is because of what we do I let thy son smoke because of all the things that I have done to him for I would rather him smoke [p34-b4] than do worse things if every body knows what God will allow and will not then why is this world in such bad shape for we have even said that a car pollutes more air in a yr. then we do smoking a lot life time, does more people die because of cars than smoking is some thing that thy son would like to know, K do not say that smoking is good for you but I well not send thy son to hell for it and we say that it is not good for the young for we are to prepare them for space in time and in space you can not waste air and God not have storage space for it if you plan a long trip some as there is no room for make up.
    For once we start talking [p35-b4] to some and they believe differently from what we are trying to explain they shut us out some have even started chanting so they could not hear some have got up and left in other words no one really wants to hear what we have to say.
    For how do you get people to believe even the quakes think that what they read is just thy sons thoughts.
    To hold one in torture for were and when is it over if Jesus had to go through this things probably would be different for Jesus was tortured by man not God.
    [xx] Then there was the time when we said that because of all the different ways that revolution was written there is no way that we could prove God if they did not want [p36-b4] to believe.
    [x] So this man is in hell and he does not know if he can get out, for I told him that hell is a place of endless torture and that is what he has been through and he does not really know if it is going to stop for life on earth can be like hell to him, for even if I stop and help him what are the people going to do to him.
    For who so ever help thy son and live his way is going to be forgiven even if it is spreading the word some were else so it would make it possible for him to walk there in peace for there are so many different beliefs, Jesus had those who went a head of him and sent some out so the word would get spread out be for he came [p37-b4] and yet there were places that turned him away.
    If what thy son has been through is what he has to look forward to he sure isn't going to be a very happy man.
    Then thy son is going to remember that some one might shoot him and he even does not know if it will happen or not so he will walk and will not know if it is his last or not, and then there was the time when I said that he would live to be about 140 so how does he know what is going to happen to him this is the way that I have told him of what is going to happen for how can he let you know what is a head for the world if at this time he does not know what is a head for him.
    Who is going to take [p38-b4] care of him because of what I have done.
    Then there is the fact that no one will ever know if I'm in him or not is there any brave enough to be with him and if people do not believe that I am God then how is he going to have a family and love.
    Can women look him in the eyes knowing that he is the son especially if they have done wrong and this is not a test to see how strong willed women are.
    Can people look him in the eyes knowing what they have done?
    For thy son does not like to look in to people's eyes all the time just once in a while.
    [p39-b4] For Jesus and God talked a lot more than people though.
    Then there was the time when we said that thy Father and I are one meaning that God was in thy son.
    Then there was the times that we told people that they were in the present of God and that one we never got a reaction from for that is one that no body believed.
    There are some who has said that who wants to help a man that will not help himself, but no body offers him some thing with in his limitations and a lot do not want some one if they can not put out 100%.
    For thy son looks at things from his point of view and what he has been through and with [p40-b4] the help of God for he does see some answers but does not know how to put it to use so it would not help others if they do not want to believe.
    For you come in to life not knowing anything and leave this world knowing God.
    For I said that I would wait till last possible chance to help thy son and now he knows that to him it has passed many times and since no one will kill him to him it looks like it won't happen for I walked him over a yr. with out nothing and every day looked like it would be the last and then there is all the trouble I've gotten him in and it all ways looks like it is the last chance that he has for he does not [p41-b4] ever know when people are going to get tired of him being around or stop helping him so he has never known which is going to be his last for there are even the times that I have run the thoughts for him to kill himself.
    Then there was the time when I held a gun to his head over a yr. ago but would not let him pull the trigger a couple of different times.
    Then there was the times when I make him do some thin and stopped it from happening and then telling him that I saved his life.
    Then there was the time when I told thy son that a couple of priests were coming from NY to help us that was over a yr. ago.
    And now thy son does not [p42-b4] know if I am going to make him burn all that we have written again.
    If God cannot love his son then why is there a son, God did a lot for Jesus he let him be some thing that no body else can be and that is his right hand.
    So once again thy son is tired of writes, written of things that he sees not how it is going to help others and of the torture that I put him through for it is hard to have some thing with in that keeps saying things that mean nothing and wishes that it would stop there has been a lot of people that have gone through a lot of hard ships and pain and misery and some of it was brought up on by others for not all have had a choice in what they go through but all have [p43-b4] had one thing and it is a mind that is free.
    Help me make this a better world for people for they dream of some thing better a world of peace and a world with out war and torture to have to live in fear of your neighbor is not good not to know if he is going to kill you just because he does not like you or because of what you have.
    To think that life is just to be fun and games is not right and to kill for money is not right for money was written that it is the root to all evil but it is the greed for it and what it can do for you that makes it evil, and Gov. has all ways taxed people so it has made it so if you had no money you had nothing, there have been people who have lived with out money and lived off the land [p44-b4] but others have changed their way of life, there is a way and that is to worship God for he can and has done more for you than money for God made everything, if all people were the same it would be different, for some times it is easier to say what we mean than for us to try and write it for it could take a lot of paper to get all the meanings down and when you know that a lot of answers are all ready written down.
    [xxx] (runs for about 9 pages) How does one at this day and age straighten things out for people who are getting into the age where robots are getting more in doing work then the people have less to do to live so some one has to support there home how and house them no if you make work a necessity [p45-b4] then some where you lose for how can people live if they can not work, so if people get Bored because they have nothing to do then there is no place for them ahead and yet parties and games are not the answer, to see things thousands of yr., ahead and see some how there has to be changes other wise people will not make it or a lot will be destroyed so others well service and who has that kind of right to say the ones to live or die, even if you took only those who lived and believed in God you can have a problem some where if you do not think of Space as a answer to some of the problems, Birth control can help now but if you get to another world that can support people then you have another place to go to multiply.
    [p46-b4] For there are two many who live just for today and do not care about tomorrow.
    It is not wrong to party and have fun but to live just for it makes it wrong.
    For there can be Cities under water, and there can be cities in space. 
    There can be better cities on top to the ground but you have to teach people what love and family is about and how to enjoy one and another and how to get along with other people, you would not want a thief or a killer in space with you and that goes for a rapist and so forth and some how you have to feed them and some body has to make the food would you destroy just because people are in a place that [p47-b4] can not grow some thing and they have nothing to buy with, these are things that all Gov. should think about so they may have answers when the time comes and it is better that the world finds peace before they get into space for even if there was a world close by and you populated it but was the same as you are now what would you have to look for word to but a war of the two worlds and what would this world do tax the other world, take all the resources and bring them here even though you may not need them, so it is better if you learn how the help one another, Why keep making the same mistakes.
    Even in the old days [p48-b4] they had many but the 12 tribes every 7yrs. gave their excess away to the less fortunate and there was places that people were considered rich because of what they had but it was, things so thy could service with and provide for their families and yet helped and gave things away so others could have a start and they took care of those who did work for them but not all were nice, this is what some of the old writings lets people know from there to now is just like a study on how people were then and how people are now and how there has been changes and yet there has not been, how then people got away from Gods way and how now they have strolled [p49-b4] away from Gods way, how some used Gods word to do as they please and now how some uses Gods name to do and get what they please, how some thought that they know God, and now how some think that they know God; how people believed differently and the way they believe differently now, How then they would not believe a man that called him self the son of God, and how the people of this town do not believe a man that calls him self the son of God and all others that we have seen and talked to in other places; Then there are people who only want some thing from some one else but do not want to help others when they need it or ask for it.
    For it is hard on this man to see things that I show him and yet [p50-b4] know that it is so far ahead that even he does not know if it well happen but does know that it is possible but he sees that the way people are now could not live then for they could not live in that kind of a world with out a big change.
    For this thing in my head that calls itself God won't leave me alone.
    There were those of the old who were considered rich not for what they had but what they done for Jesus was not rich like others but rich in his deeds, and things that he did for others, and in the knowledge of God.
    To feel pain while God is in you and know that some of it he brings on and gives no reason.
    [p51-b4] For it would be a better world if people lived and did things Gods way and if God ruled it, it would be a lot different and he would rule it with a iron fist for he would not let people become what they were before, for he would not let them get away from what he wanted them to be, for he has changed some things to make it easier but he would not let things get the way that they are today; for do you not think that the goodness of God he has all ready shown for he has not destroyed this world yet for it is not a good world, and God is some thing not to mess with for in his anger and rage he can destroy so fast that no body would even know what happen and he would not care for God does [p52-b4] not like things that he does things for and do not lesion and think that they know every thing and do not believe in God and that God will let them get away with any thing just because they did not know for sure with how many times and things does God have to let it be known that there is a God and some thing other than people and that there is some thing after death that people can not explain; for even just the knowledge of spirits makes it so that there is another world that can not be seen. [xxx
    For I work this mans mind and heart over and yet I know that if I put the power of love in him that it could destroy him for he alone has to heed [p53-b4] my warning that I have told him for his life depends up on it for he could walk to his own death in love not knowing it was going to happen, for there is no one up on this earth that can be like him.
    So would this world destroy him because of what I have done and ask of him.
    Life was not meant for what people wanted but for what God wanted it is not for God to please people but for people to please people God for people to please God.
    For there are all different kinds of religions but there is only one true God and Christianity was started by Jesus and being the son of God it has to be the true religion, I'm him to help straighten it all out God has been all over but not all [p54-b4] religions was started by God and all do not believe or worship the true God.
    [x] You can worship any God but only one well let you in to heaven.
    Witchcraft was a belief and a religion that worshipped Satan and I wrote it is not wrong to practices it but it is best if you do not for a lot are asking for power and it was written before that Satan's powers are intriguing to people, so worship as you please but I only want those who believed in me, and there are some who really do not know what they are doing and witchcraft was mainly for women so what kind of religion is that so even though you use it for the good you are not really doing things [p55-b4] Gods way and to be involved with the spirits in some thing that not every one can do you can learn things but not all are telling the truth and are working for Satan, for a spirit from God always let you know and God does not do thing that way and usually those who have known a spirit from God speaks of God and does things Gods way and really get in to the Bible and others writings of God.
    For remember thy son I said I choose and I make the decisions on if man kind live or not.
    For this yr. all ready has been harder on this man than last yr. for he see no end to what I am doing to him.
    For a lot of people do things to relieve there mind and practice thing that other people do but do not make [p56-b4] religions out of them and all ways remember that there is only one God for there are a lot that benefit for dealing with spirits and yet thy son has had nothing but torture he does no chanting or other things to try and let people know that some thing is in him and how just said that what is in me is talking to you right now and thy son does talk with a different Voice to a lot of people a lot of times and yet they do not notice the difference, thy son does not go into trances and does not take a trip with in his mind he does not do any thing to clear everything out to be a ease, he does not and never did yoga are anything like that, but from young days he thought that he [p57-b4] had some kind of ability and would try things once is a will to see if he did but all ways found out that he could not do what he tried so he just didn't worry or let it Bother him and once in awhile when the feeling was strong he would try but never was able to do any thing and he never talked about it or tried to get others to believe he just let it be all he did was try and prove it to himself and thought of if he could on how he could help others and like a lot he believed that spirits exist and just wanted to find out for sure but didn't want to find any thing bad that would hurt him or take his ride and just look at what he finally got hold of and he was not trying for I came to him so [p58-b4] that makes him chosen and I am the one that chose him.
    We wrote once and gave it to a woman hat the writings were what you call being inspired by God.
    For a man walk around in torture for so long and it is torture that does not belong to him for it is torture of the mind but it is because of what I am doing to him and he is not sure if his mind is going to be tortured once I leave for some have it has to be tortured because of what happened to him and yet has to cope with it all and all that well happen.
    For thy son hears of things new from others that I have not talked to him about and the way [p59-b4] that others believe that is new to him that he has not read in a bible.
    Then there was the time when people seen and heard thy son talking to himself and yet it was God talking to thy son and a lot said that there is nothing wrong with it as long as you do not start answering your self and I told some why for at times I am the smartest one there is.
    Then there were the times when we called every body in town stupid.
    Then there was the time that we said that it what others had written about what thy son was going through that well be known and one woman used to set at times and say what she seen happening to thy son like she was keeping a book on him and what was happening.
[p60-b4] Then there was all the times when people seen thy son setting around drinking coffee and weaving and bobbing, for we talked so much about the bible and different religion and what was right and what was wrong.
    For what we have done shows that people really do not care and really know nothing about what God has done upon this world to let himself be known and know really nothing of what others went through because God chose them to do some thing like Mary Rosemarie and how a town would not believe her.
    For I have had thy son read a little about people who worshipped Satan and what they did like the one that called [p61-b4] himself the mark of the Beast and how others eyed to call up on demons to do things but he has not read much about it and he has read some about profits and what they have prophesized but it was only about three of them and Nostradamus was one of them and about a psychic in W.D.C. and we have talked to others about them here at the spar tree, so we have shown that thy son knows more about things that most do not even think of around here and have been telling them of things of the Bible that they did not know of and has all ways called himself the son of God but he has no great knowledge for it is things that I have had him say so people would know that [p62-b4] he did know some things but we talked the laws and about sin and it has not made any difference to the people around here and no one that is a religion leader or really in to the ward of God, has come to talk to thy son even though we have help some because people did not like their beliefs for they all know so much but do not know when a man is taken over by some thing.
    Do these people thank that they are so good that some thing like this could not happen in this town or because of what they have done and has happened around here that they are afraid that it is true, and a lot of the women know what we [p63-b4] have said about them is true but they still do not care for they want to be some thing that God does not want them to be, and that is put them selves above man.
    For tomorrow we are suppose to be in court for a ticket and thy son does not even know if I am going to get him up for I usually keep him up all night and have him sleep all day for there is nothing for him to do and I do not let him do anything but right in these books and just let people see him around and about but they see that he does not enjoy himself and he is different from all the others.
    For if Gov. do not believe [p64-b4] thy son and what has happen to him and what he is then how do you think that their people well believe or is it going to take the people to make the Gov. believe.
    Then there was the time when we said that if it were left up to the people of this town to let the world know that thy son is the son of God and his life depended up on them then he would be dead.
    For thy son knows this town and has talked about it in a way that they don not like it.
    For there was the time when I even make it look like all the people were out to get him and he talked about it which did not help him for some used it against him saying that is how a crazy man thinks but how does some one let [p65-b4] others know the truth if no one believes.
    For thy son wants the people around here to pay for what has happen.
    Then there is the time when we told some that the real story well never be known for the people well just lie about things and thy son well not remember all for you can just remember so much bad until it all seems bad.
    Then there was the times when we spoke of marriage and how things were suppose to be consider ours and not this is mine and this is his that when you got married that you became one and not individualist.
    For then there was the time where we said that I have to stay neutral when it comes to country because of the way it said that a [p66-b4] country well stand up with the anti Christ and some people called us communist.
    Then there is when I said to thy son whose it is over I want you to take a test for about 2yrs. to figure some things out and to get over what has happened.
    And then there was times when we told others that I would be in and out of thy son through out his life and that I told thy son than when I leave that I would not be back for a while, and then there was the time when one was worried that maybe thy son could not handle it when I first leave him and I said that I would be close by to help him if he needed it and if it was because of the way people treated him them it would really piss him off because they did not give him [p67-b4] time.
    [xx] Then there is the times we have told people that this world well ask way to much of thy son for there is a lot of people who believe that God is going to rule the world and we have told some that it is Gods way that well rule the world.
    For thy son and I have talked about a way to set up a world Gov. that would help but it would only work if all believed in God and the ways of God and they would have to know that God is some thing to be afraid of so they would not turn away from God and turn this world in to evil and evil ways.
    Then there was the time when we talked to a young man (boy) and he asked us if there could not be a in between in what we [p68-b4] were doing and we said no, and he asked if any one messed with us then they have had it and we said yes but that was a yr. ago and has seen a lot mess with us and get away with it, but we did tell him that we can wait till they die to send them to hell and we also said that we all ready know people from this town that were going to hell and said a lot of hikers were going to go to hell.
    Then there was the time when we said to people that when Jesus told the one woman to go and sin no more, that they did not do a follow up on her to see if she still did the same thing because women were using that as an excuse to justify what they were doing and that no matter what they would be forgiven.
[p69-b4] For the last supper was hard on Jesus for to hear the others talk and laugh and yet not hear for he know of the hell that faced him for he had no feeling of joy at all in him for his cared less about their happiness and their talk.
    [x] For the problems of the world are to great for one man to handle.
    For let thy son be in peace and talk God.
    For I have tried to show him that it is hard to try and solve thing that could happen before thy do and he cannot come up with the answers.
    One thing for sure I have thought thy son to have some thing take over your body sure is not fun to just set around and have to take what ever it does to you is hell.
[p70-b4] For God is torturing me for some thing that was not even my fault.
    For I have thought thy son that there is so much happening on this Earth that I do not like and I give people a chance to straighten up for I do not guarantee that I well not destroy if they do not learn once and for all what God wanted people to be and learn to get rid of the bad for bad people are like a pelage they and their way spread until all are affected.
    Street gangs are no better then some biker gangs for they are up to no good and a lot of them do more harm than good and drugs is a problem and the way that they think that they have to have a lot of money so they can have the things that the other [p71-b4] no goods have; like the pimps which with all that have well not get them in to heaven but buys them a place in hell.
    For no matter what Betty J. has tried to let people know that thy son is different and has should that see though that he is special!
    For the burden that I put up on this on just to let things be known makes it great for others but not him.
    For there have been a lot of people who have call Betty crazy from this town so it shows that the people of this town do not know how to learn from others that have learned some thing the hard way and some use what they have learned for the wrong usage.
    For then there was the time when I told thy son to look and make sure that [p72-b4] their mouth was moving so he would not answer some thing before they said it.
    For it has been a hard Battle up or thy son and it has taken its toll up on him.
    For thy son has had no sleep last night and we wait for the court house to open there is no rest for him for all the things that has been going on with him makes it hard for him to understand why for last night we looked at what would happen if the Industrial age was finished and what we saw was not good for people would not make it for the change between Industrial age and space age is different and people are not prepared for it for they value the wrong things and we look ahead at the way things are going [p73-b4] now and there was only destruction ahead, and we look ahead it how the coming of Christ can change all things and some would get worse before they get better.
    For I have should thy son so many different things that could happen and different ways that it can happen that all he really see is that there has to be some big changes for this world to make it.
    Then there was the time when we said that the 3rd world war was supposes to be in the yr. 2020 but the coming of Christ was going to stop it.
    For I not let up on him for the way I make him feel and the way that I hurt him makes what he is going through even worse if he had to go [p74-b4] through it on his own and it make me some thing that people should know and that is mean and do not care what I put some one through.
    For thy son heard once that God choose those who has suffered the most but never heard of God himself the one that was doing it to some one.
    For thy son knows how it feels to be lonely and wonder about your young, to wonder how they are doing and what they are doing even just to hear their voice and know that they care, or just a letter would help.
    For God forsakes me for he tells me that women is suppose to be man companion but yet he lets me have none.
    For people just do not understand what [p75-b4] thy son is going through for they some how do not talk for what kind of people there is that do not want to talk about God for there puny lives mean mare to them than any thing, for as man has been talking God and take over for over two yr. in the same place and yet people act like they do not know about it and others just don't care; and now that I have should thy son that I can become him and nobody would believe what he says and no one really care that some thing has become him, for how they would worry if I did things to them.
For I have done him wrong and I have should him that people do not care what he says but thy well take him for what they can, when he had nothing a lot didn't care but now that he does have a little and manages and [p76-b4] they have nothing they want something from him and a lot doesn't care what kind of trouble he gets into or what kind of burden is put up on him as long as they get some thing to make their life easier.
    For God is doing nothing to prove that he is in me he says things at times but does not let it all be known and all he is doing is making me look humor at times like he really does not want people to know what is happen or that he is tired of trying to tell people some thing they won't believe any way.
    For there is men that says he is convinced that thy son is possessed by some thing and is dealing with a greater power than what people know but he is not convinced that it is God.
    [p77-b4] For the brain to search for some thing that well not let itself be known any more how long well it search until it figures out or excepts that it isn't there any more and how long well it take the person to realize or except that the thoughts that he has is his and not something with in, for I let his mind be his first thing this morning and it felt good not to be tortured but all the thoughts were is where are you I know that you are in there; and with out recognition he does not believe that it was his thoughts and as long as I am in him he well not believe but if it took me to answer him to ease his mind how hard is it going to be on him when I so leave and with out recognition and I leave then how does he manage and conical people that this has happened and if [p78-b4] he is troubled about what went on no one would believe because of how people think that he all ready has a troubled mind and he finally went over the deep end.
    For a man to wonder more about what he is than any thing else and what really is in store for him for he sees where there are a lot that well hate him because of what he has to do and what has been known for a lot of people do not like it when they have been known to be wrong and there beliefs have been changed and they have to change the way that they live if they expect to go to heaven.
    For once there was one who said to thy son; wouldn't it be better if you were around some or those who believed [p79-b4] the same as you but we have found none that believe the same as thy son and only some who wish his way was true.
    For thy son knows what it is like to have some thing hold his life at stake and make it better or worse or to give him life or death.
    For then there was the time when thy son dared me to spear before any one in town and he said that they still would not believe or help him.
    Then there was the time when I said that I had some in town that I could spear before and they would help and thy son did not believe for he does not see how any one around here can help him the way that he needs it and sees that they would be afraid to take up his cause unless they were afraid [p80-b4] of what would happen to them if they did not and thy son says it would take others to come here and help him to make believers out of them.
    And then there are the times when we said that others would come here to help thy son and that they would hear about it over the news the same as we told some back east.
    We have should people that thy son can do other things besides write for we have played cards with other people but they are things that can only happen now for the time well come when thy son well not give a damn.
    For to have made things so bad upon him that he really does not care what [p81-b4] he is dealing what because he just wants it to be over and felt alone, but wants it to be known what happen.
    For I am the only one who knows the truth of what has happened around here and to thy son for he does not know all.
    For it would not do any good for thy son to see all the people from this town to get on their hands and knees and beg for forgiveness and what good would it do them for when he wanted them to believe they wouldn't so why should he believe them about what they might say and it took God to make them feel sorry other wise they would not care.
    All the writing and talking in the world well not straighten people up if they do not want [p82-b4] to listen.
    There is a right way and a wrong way to teach the young but there are some young that just don't care and there are some young that you can not teach the right way to and thy son knows some where it was written not to spare the rod but on some that does not even help but it would help all if the parents teach the young what love is and that it exist the same as God for if you teach the young that there is no love and family then they do not know what it is all about and if you teach them anger and hate they teach them not Gods way if you can not love one and another then how can you love God.
    I do not like it when the laws help women destroy families and I do not like it [p83-b4] when men go wrong, just because I say that man is above women does not all ways mean that man is right for if man does not know Gods way then he does not know any thing and it does no good if neither man or woman believe enough in God to live his way for if you live for the body of flesh and that you think is right because you are flesh then you care not about your spirit which is unknown to you really till you die and if you care not about the unknown then how can you say that you care about God.
    What else can thy son say but read the old and what he has and learn from it, for should God make it hard on people just so they well learn what God wants out of them, do people think that they can go through what thy son did [p84-b4] and not think of God and why he wants people to be a certain way.
    Samson shows what a woman well do in the name of love and think only of greed and herself and not about God.
    Then there was the time when we said that how do you claim your priorities so by name and when you get married the man gives the woman his name for we have talked so much and yet no one listens.
    For the young are happy about bring life into this world and the old do not care about it any more but a lot of the young do not do it Gods way in marriage and all are not taught to keep yourself pure till you get married, for a lot only see sex as fun and last because of movies and [p85-b4] some see it as a way out or a way to get ahead in this world and some are looking for love but the man does not care about doing it Gods way for not all are taught right.
    For thy son keeps on telling people of the hell that he is going through and can not stop it.
    Then there are some people who think that thy son is writing the story of his life.
    For to be tortured of the things of your mind and of the things that you did in the past the good and bad is what can happen to you if some thing entered your body and took over your mind it makes it where life it self is not worth living as long as it keeps up on you and well not give you no peace.
    For thy son knows one who uses what happen to him to try and make people feel [p86-b4] sorry for him and he is not worth anything for he cares about nothing but himself and does nothing to help people all he does is destroy for he care not how much and how he does destroy as long as he gets what he wants and cares not about others and there property and thinks he knows everything, and he ran off from his family and then helped others to destroy theirs and has taught his way to a lot just because he thinks that he is something and he tries to use charm on women so he can use them not caring what he does or what happens and thy son and I call him a jerk one of the worst things that can be up on this world for it is man like him that destroy Gods way and should have been [p87-b4] eliminated long ago for all the ways that he defied Gods laws for I just do not like the man for he has never should thy son no respect and used what he had been through and know to try and destroy thy son instead of help for all he cared about is his self for he is known as a crazy man and the only friend he has are no good.
    For the hell that is going on in thy mind and it is without let up for every min that this thing is in me it has taken away a min of my life some thing that it can not replace and can not pay me back for them and all the time it is there it just distress a little of me and my happiness that I could have.
    For this thing well not let me be happy and it won't let me be free for it makes all decisions for me it [p88-b4] does not want me to do anything to make my life better than what it is, it has me living in a way that no one could really care for me and won't let any one take care of me well it is torturing me, it does not have no feelings for it teaches me that others are wrong and yet it well not do any thing to let it be known and to let me have a life of my own and then tells me that it does not want me to do anything but be the son of God and have others to take care of me for I am something that this world well never have again and that is a man that God calls his son but get he does nothing to let it be know for you can only go so long before you do not believe what it is saying if it won't do anything to [p89-b4] prove it, for all it has shown me is that it can only do something to one to destroy all it can of that one and let all others live on with out doing anything to them, for if my family would have stayed with me it would have to find something else to torture me about for I would have some to take care of me and would have probably noticed the trouble I was in and would have probably tried to find some one that could help for they would of heard my cry for help and the way that I was asking for help because something was in me and other people would not have something to use against me for then they could not say that the way I am and the way I talk was because of a divorce.
    For how long is this thing going to be in my mind and keep doing things to make [p90-b4] me regret that I ever know that it exists and that I can not do anything about what it is doing to me and yet tells me that it isn't going to do anything to other people of the world till they die and it is having fun playing with my mind and life and it has me to the point that I do not believe that it does want to help me or to let me be known and that it can not do anything to let the world to know that it is God.
    For is it right for God just to take things out on one and just teach him things that no one else well ever know about and well not really think that God was that mean to him and to others it is going to look like God love them because God did not do it [p91-b4] to them for he spared them the torture.
    How do I justify all this to thy son for I even told him that Jesus Killed but it was after he had gone to heaven for I explained that it was Jesus that took the life of the man and woman that lied in the church about hiding some money when they wanted to join the church so how does all this look right to thy son for it shows him that even Jesus was able to take his anger out on some one to show others that he would take a life for doing something wrong but waited till god let him but only he could know that the man and woman were living so it does show that for even a lie and trying to cheat god can cast you your life or spirit.
    For everybody wants [p92-b4] to know if thy son has fun doing things when he talked being controlled and tortured, for to bad that a lot won't see what kind of a affect all this well have on him.
    There has to be a point where he well enjoy life again and to have fun is just a word for to have a moment of happiness could be said that he is having fun got to have fun like every body else there just is no way for he has been through to much to be like others for God has changed him and has made him different from others, for all I can say if people do not help and protect him then I do not need this world or people any more and I well not claim people to be my children any more [p93-b4] for my children believe in me no matter what I do for my children I have made heaven for them and I made hell for those who do not care.
    For all my children or lost thy son and they have gone astray from what I want and wanted to be known, for there are those who do try but they need help and really do not know what it is all about like you do thy son for they need the writings but do not know what well help and do not know that if you just teach what they want to hear then they are only doing half of a job.
    For one asked us to do something for them this Friday and to let it be known that we do condone it we well do it for our presents is enough to let it be known that we are not out to destroy [p94-b4] everything that they do if only I would get it over but then it would be awhile before thy son really gets out and about for he well just not care about crowds and well do something to see how things react to him for the people in this town is not afraid of him but things can change with the truth being known of what he is and what he is messing with for in the past people have been afraid of one that is able to bring God around or that God is coming to talk to, they were even afraid of Jesus but he told them that he would only prove what he said after death so they had nothing to lose for he was telling them that it did not matter and that God would let it be known his way and not the [p95-b4] way that they wanted for no one can force God in to doing anything and that they should believe in what God is doing for it was written how God done things before and that they should of have believed Jesus for what he was doing and saying.
    For there are a bunch of Jerks in this town for all that some can say to a man that talks that he is the son of God and that something is happening to him that he can not stop is "get a job" and there are some priest that think and say the something like all life is to work or do not help those who can not work.
    For you can not base everything on what happen to thy son for what has happen to him is different than what any body has been [p96-b4] through but the meanings are to help others if they believe in God and do things Gods way and one way to help prove that you believe in God is to go to church but not all people can go on just one day so the church should be open all the time so people can come in and pray when ever they like and bring their families and it would not hurt to read the Bible at home to the young so they would know more about it and what it does say and it does not hurt to discuss the bible and talk about God when you are with or around others for it is better to talk God than your puny little lives and one way to tell if some one cares about God is to talk about God but God does not expect people to [p97-b4] talk about him all the time otherwise people would not know what is happening around the world or what is new.
    For I do not like smart asses either for they are no good they do nothing but show how stupid they are and they do not impress me or thy son at all for it is smart asses that well make fun of thy son.
    For we set out here at night on the court house lawn writing so people can see that thy son is doing something and they should know that he is doing something for no man puts him self through what he has gone through just for the hell of it and that he is doing something to let people know that he means what he said for he has talk God for so long and people know it because [p98-b4] so many have said that he is crazy.
    There has been so much that has happened to thy son that it would take a lot of writhing and paper to put it down and you can figure how much it would take for thee has been something happen to thy son every min. that he has been awake for so long and then truth is all that happened to him before I started in on him you can say that every since Aug. 5 1981 something has been happening to him that was different from others like him for he ever should people that he could do things that he was not suppose to be able to do; but all it did was hurt [p99-b4] him for people thought that he was not hurt as bad as he was and is expected to much out of him.
    To have been doing something for God for so long and no body knowing it and when he did start telling people they did not want to believe him because of what they have all ready done to him it was easier to try and destroy him than believe him for to believe him means that what they done was against God.
    The world is not for thy son to rule and is too big for just one man to try and rule for thy son and I have talked about a world Gov. but it is not up to him to do it or make it would be better if it was like the Geneva convention and work on world problems and for countries to listen to them; For one man can not solve all problems for even Mosses even said that [p100-b4] he could not take all the problems and whining, crying of the people so God had him get others to help, For it is time for people to think of this of being a world in stead of just a country and there are some good points in All gave but some Gov. are better than others for it is good to have people to chose but if the people are not God's people them then you well not know if you get a good one or not, and not matter what you really do no know what one man really has on his mind to do, so it is not all ways wise to give so much power to just one person and a man dealing with God is that only one who should have that kind of power and only if God says so and God himself let it be known that that is what he wants for there [p101-b4] are a lot that thinks that God is going to rule the world when God wants it to be his way that rules for if all lived by Gods laws and rules it would be a better world and it would be a better world if people could live in peace with one another.
    For I am completely against Drugs for it is a problem all over not just here in the USA and I son do not like the practice of free love and sex and I still say that it is unclean to have sex will the women is on the rag.
    And a man that just sets around and stares at a women's crotch his a problem and can be signs of a sex pervert and shows that he has not the beauty of the women in mind.
    For a man to offer a women to give her a house and help break up a family is a man [p102-b4] that is headed to hell especially when the man cannot have any young and because of his past he could not adopt any young.
    For all thy son waits for is the day that people cry because of what they are and what they have done to him and because of the knowledge that they have been around some one that God say that is not worth helping.
    For how bad it must be to know that you have done things for some one that is not going to go to heaven and to have been seen with one for so long that it could destroy you if it really was known it is like walking with Satan and it does not help you at all.
    [p103-b4] For to have walked with a man that is nothing but Satan material because he has something and have cared less about a man that has walked with God because he has nothing.
    For the impact that all this would have on people and those who have left thy son and those who have tried to destroy him for I hope they learn one thing and that is I really do not care for them or their ways.
    For if God helped destroy a family and break them up then it is up to God to put them back together if that is what he wants but God can not make up for all the pain and torture that one went through and knowing that one would not be satisfied just to have them back with out them going through something to let them know [p104-b4] how bad it was.
    [x] For to see those who you cared about walking with something that Satan likes and can not warn them and when you try they do not listen or they do not get the information the way it was said so they really do not know and with out God letting it be known they would not listen for they see nothing wrong with it as long as they do not bother them.
    For thy son know how God feels to see those that you care about go wrong and do Satan Bidding thinking that they are right.
    For we said once and had it written for the only evil that I know is in me and it calls itself God.
    For we let one read something's that was written before and yet they did not [p105-b4] learn from what they read.
    How can some one read about what hell some one went through and not care about them and do nothing to help and do nothing to show that they have learned something.
    For some know what was written and turned around and used it against thy son happen something would happen to stop it from being known.
    For this town has eight churches and yet no priest has even sent word to thy son that they would like to speak to him what do they do just wait for someone else to do something or do they not know how they are suppose to record things like what is happening to thy son and send it to their leaders so they would know what is going on or is it now days that a present does not have to answer to any one [p106-b4] and just care about people that come to their church and if they hear about something happen to someone that is different and says that he is dealing with God and try not to find out for them self for if because there are two many beliefs and two different churches that they would let something like this go unnoticed then there is something wrong with the people who runs the churches and it would be time to unite so people would know the truth and that is if you all believe is the same God then you should help one another, for what has happened to thy son shows that there are something's of the old that should not be changed and that you should not [p107-b4] just take things for granted, for what kind of people is it that do not care to learn more about God or the spirit world for if people are dealing with spirits then why are not priest talking with them to find out if the spirit is good or bad and record things for isn't information of some kind and could probably find out that some are facts.
    For a man to think that he got something when he helped destroy a family well ask him how does it feel to know that it is probably going to cost you a life in hell.
    For to tease some one for taken something that was theirs shows that you do not believe in God for if you did you would not take it in the first place and you sure would not tease [p108-b4] them if you did for then all you are doing is making them hate and a person of hate really does not care what he does the same as a person that all ready knows that they are going to go to hell for then they do not care about what and how they destroy or get even.
    For I have heard women say that they are being used well the way I see it a lot are being used by Satan because what they do is not Gods way so Satan is using them to destroy Gods way.
    For how would you like something to be in you and use your body and you know about it but cannot stop it.
    For how would you like something to torture you and say that it is just teaching you a lesson and well not [p109-b4] stop just because it knows it can get away with it.
    Time has been hard and rough on thy son, time does not look good to thy son, time does not stop for any one, for time is something that has no end even if everything was destroyed time would keep on going for there is a God and as long a God exist so does time.
    For life is something that happens in time, for why wasn't time in hate, why wasn't time in anger, for there is no way you can replace that time, time goes better when you are happy, time goes better when you are in love, and love that you started with last till the end of your time then you can say that you really know love.
    For think of some of the people of the old that had only one mate for over [p110-b4] thousands yrs. and some a lot longer then that and they never got a divorce, so this was one example that your ant sisters thought you in the old writings so what went wrong with you people for really you have not learned anything.
    Because of so many divorces thy son have I told you that man can have two wives for they have shown me that they know nothing about love and choice has not done anything for they choose one for awhile then want another for where does it stop; for the people are stupid thy son for they really do not know what they are doing for all they are doing is provoking on, for a lot just care about themselves and how to have fun but in my anger it [p111-b4] can be a short life for them.
    For why ask this man what lays ahead for people when he knows that God is angered for he alone knows of the destruction that can happen if God decides that he has had enough of it all.
    [x] For force thy son to defy me; and this world well wish; that God does not exist.
    For thy son all ready knows that I have done too much to him and he knows that there are things that he does not even want to think about and that no matter what his life well never be the same.
    [x] For thy son; knows how in just impulse that his anger can destroy.
    For thy son really does not know what all is being [p112-b4] said about him around this town but once in awhile one shows him that his really care and respect him but it is usually the same ones and they are far and few in between for if only he could have one like that to help him then he might have a chance for it is a big world and he is just one that has gone through living hell and he really does not see no end to it, for he lives just because God would not take his life and he's done something to him and his mind that he really does not understand.
    [p113-b4] For I do not give a damn thy son for they are defying me and if it weren't for women's ways and men that want women to be loose then thy son would still have a family for my hate is Building up and people better understand that thy son does not give a damn for the world could end tomorrow and it would not matter to him for what happens when his mind understands that I have made him love some one that he's shown him that she does not love him and through all the torture and hell that is something that he needed was love from that one and no matter what I have done or she I made him feel that [p114-b4] love, and yet even though he has been made to feel love he wants to pay her back because of what she done and to teach her a lesson that she well never forget; for he would even destroy her to let all woman know that what she did to him he could care less if they even live, for if I would put the power of destruction in thy sons this world would be in trouble for people have thought him that talk is cheap and that love they really do not mean, For all I can tell this world is that they better show thy son love for he well not live in a world of heat for he well go in to a world of his [p115-b4] own and just tell you all to go to hell a world that only God can pull him out of; Damn the people thy son it they can not understand my warnings for I know what you face and even Jesus sheds a tear for you for you know what happens if I prove that I am God and call you. thy son and understand this that thy son hates Glean Dealahom for reason that I make him to for thy son knows things about him that no body knows for he knows exactly what was going through his mind when he did things to him and God calls him crazy and God has warned thy son about him because of [p116-b4] what is going to happen he has nothing to lose to take thy sons life and there is a lot more like him out there thy son and I have told you to protect yourself the best that you can, for I ask this world not force thy son to kill for I said that he can carry a gun but damn it do all that you can so that he does not have to use it for see world I have told thy son not to run and hide for if he had to, to stand and fight , and I have told him that under the right circumstances that I well join him and then he and I go to war and we do not stop till I say that we are done, for I have [p117-b4] even told thy son if he had to call up on a army and let a army stand for him damn it how thy son do we tell this world that all we want is peace and please do not force us in to anything else because God is gambling a lot on thy son and he knows it, for we have said that the only game that we really play is life and death and the world is at stake how would you like all this floating around in your head a long with everything else that has happened and been talked about and written.
    For thy son has a hard road to hold for he has found out that there is nothing that he can say to make people understand [p118-b4] that he is involved with something that people do not want to believe for why should God care about them for he did not destroy people for Killing Jesus and yet I see where people have not changed for they can not believe what I say and when I say that I am writing an addition to the Bible they just think that this person is crazy but some like the man but they really do not know exactly what he is up to even though he has said things awhile back to let them know.
    For it is as hard or God to see that people do not want to listen to us but they want us to listen to them for they all ways try and change the subject when [p119-b4] we talk for we have not found any that want to listen and those who do get tired of hearing about what we say is this what thy son has to look forward to is people that get tired of hearing about God so they do not listen any more is that what happens to people they just quit listening for people come to the US when they left England for freedom of religion but now a lot do not even want religion and they have so many ones that people do not even know what to believe.
    For really thy son even thought they are some that care about you here this is no place for you to make you home.
    For it is hard but thy son knows that all men are not good and a no good man [p120-b4] does no good things and they are like a sickness for they spread their no goodness.
    For then there is the time when we said that there is three generations up on this world that are corrupted and each generation gets worse.
    For we have mostly talked to men so they are not as smart as they think for they have not the smarts to talk to us and we have talked to the young men for the old well not listen and we have talked to women but usually only when they ask us and some women have should more smarts about something's then man but when it has come to God they have not known that much for a lot talk about other things.
    [p121-b4] For there is one man to night that finally noticed that thy sons voice changes and all we said is that it comes and goes for there is something happening to me that is a little hard to explain right now.
    For remember thy son those who really care about you well follow you if you ask them to no matter where you go.
    For to be hung up on where to live to know that there are the one here that would do anything to help you and because of them you would not have to even deal with the rest of the people and you all ready know that not every body is going to be able to be around you even those who we have set and talked with but it is for some to go forth and talk about you thy son for [p122-b4] it is not up to you to do it all and I do not want you to just go around talking to people for you are thy son and this time it is going to be done different besides you know that I want others to help you and that I want you to be protected; for let people that know you help you and your house and let priest do a lot for you and we have talked about you choosing 12 so you can do most of the talking to them and let them talk to others.
    Belief even if I prove something it still takes Belief one hell of a thing to stake your life on isn't it thy son and you of all have to believe more than any for Jesus walked to his death because he believed that no matter [p123-b4] what his father was God and because he was the only be gotten son of God for you see thy son you are like Jesus for there was nothing written about God going to have a son the same as it is now for there is nothing written about God going to have another son.
    For we keep saying that thy son has no choice for he does not want what happen for it has been forced up on him.
    For can you remember the good times we had, for remember all the laughs we had because of (sally) who was making a movie about what was happening to you and all the funny things that could happen and was making up things that was happening to other people and how we got a smile out of it and the way that he was telling you of how the people were acting [p124-b4] to the way that things were happening but it was something that happened to you that just past the time away, then there was the times when we walked along the railroad tracks talking about things we spent hr. on talking about how and different was that you could dematerialize something and then materialize it against and it all ways came out that it could not be done; then we talked about the continental shelf and about things and ways to support it but it was just something to talk about for I used a pitcher the thy son seen once to fuck with him about something that does not need to be done and it made a good discussion for awhile and we talked about underwater mining, and we were dreaming up all kinds of different machines [p125-b4] to do it with and different ways that it could be done, we talked about how the mountains rainy underwater helped as for as tides and currents but they were things that was just talked about to pass the time for it did not matter if it was true or not it was just interesting to thy son to be talking to God about things he never thought of or really know anything about there was much at the beginning that was different and now to thy son and he knows that now that I was just messing with him, for we talked about clouds and how they were made and lightening but he never got any answers and then it was sort of far to him but now it is nothing but hell.
    For I have all ready made thy son the loneliest man there is for I do not let him enjoy anything really and do [p126-b4] not let him enjoy any ones company.
    And then there is the times when I would tell thy son that I was letting him know how I felt about things that we were writing by doing something to him, like make him cry about something make him smile about something but he well not really remember which ones for they are just something of the times, and there were some notice that thy son was crying about something when he was writing but only one or two.
    For how and why should my son want to live for he does not like what happens to him for I let people set with him that he does not really like and he would never let some one like them ever get around him even if he was not the son of God, for they [p127-b4] care not what he really talks about and do not try to act accordingly to what he say he is for there were times when he would not let any one set with him that talked nasty or cuss and that way before he know that is was in him, and he believed if there were women around then you should not cuss for thy son never really cussed unless he was mad.
    Damn he wishes that some one would come and take him out of this ones that he is in and wishes that he could be free of me for it would be so good to get out of this how does he do anything really for he has not been prepared for what is going on and really is not prepared for what is going to happen for he always was a loner and did not like big crowds and only wanted to be left alone with the ones he loved.
    [p128-b4] To just set and wait, wait for the unknown when the unknown is torching you, waiting for something better, waiting for freedom, waiting for some one to help, waiting for a better life than what you know it is now, waiting and wishing that some one would come and take you away even to be put some where and be tested is better than what is happening but if they could not find anything then you are back in the same hell that you were in before with out no one that would believe that something in happening to you.
    For there are the times when we said that it takes God to prove himself for man can not prove God I can only prove what God has done and then it takes belief that it was God.
    For the words they all are [p129-b4] crying for justice is the way that thy son feels.
    For thy son has gone through so many changes and he has seen the people go through changes to and yet all the changes have not been for the good.
    For thy son really does not know all that is happening over the world he does see a lot of bad on the news but yet does not know if all places and all people are going through it and do not know how many lives it fear of there Gov. for there are so many false roomers and propaganda that he does not know the truth and the different Gov. all say that there way is best and yet he see fault in all, for he sees that there is no perfect Gov. and could not have one unless you have perfect people.
    For then there was the time [p130-b4] when thy son call me a commonest because he sees it as it is my way are not at all and that is what it takes to get in to heaven.
    For every body complains about something and I did not pick a son just to set around and listen to all the people's problems and just because he is the Son of God does not mean that he does not have problems.
    For I have not should thy son love for love comes from the heart and I do not have one so true love is loving my way for the mind can over ride the heart for the feeling of the heart is to let the mind know that there is something there and then the mind is suppose to make it last.
    For the flashes of the past is hell for God does not care [p131-b4] what he does to my mind.
    For I have made it so that really a lot do not believe because of the things that I made thy son say that would happen has not, for now a lot just think that he is nothing but talk and that he does not try and do anything to help himself for he is but in God and does not know what he is talking about and he well die with out having anything because he well not do any thing to save himself he just keeps on trying to tell people that God is his father and that God is in him, and that God is going to do something for him.
    For if the ones that the talks to and known him do not believe then how can any body else for there where some but they even got tired of waiting for him to become what he said he would become.
    [p132-b4] For it is not fair for God to put all this burden upon one and it is not fair for God to take everything out up on one for it has not been fair for God to be in him so long and has done nothing to help him for what a big difference it would have been if I just gave him an ability and let him go on his way but that is not what I have in mind for him as it is now I owe him a lot away from every one a life in the garden of Eden is what I owe him a place where he has to do nothing but live out his life in what happiness he can find and what I would like to see is this world help God pay him what I owe him, for can this world make it a world of peace so he can [p133-b4] live in it, for can this world help him build a place where he can live in happiness since there is no garden of Eden any more, a place where he can be away from people, a place where he can go from but come back to, does all the troubles of the world mean more than the son of God.
    For thy son has seen so much wrong and has had so much wrong done to him that he does not care any more and to be known as the son does him no good for he knows that it took God to let him be known and when he tried to tell people they did not care and would not listen but after it is known then every body well want to know him, but well he was going through hell they just did to care [p134-b4] and only made things worse for him. for they would not believe a man that tried to show and tell them of how he believes in truth and honesty and yet has been forced to do something wrong to serve and then tell them that he has been taken over and no one believe not even those who he kept his word with about things he could do but did not.
    For thy son and I danced a slow dance with some one and thy son had forgot what it felt like to hold a woman in his arms for in a way it felt great but to it is just more torture for he knows that I well not allow him to have a woman or be with one right now for thy son is a chosen one and he has to walk [p135-b4] the way that I tell him and do things that I tell him, for he answers to no one but me, for he does not even answer to Jesus for I made him what he is and I am the only one that takes responsibility for him for I put him alone all things except thy self and Jesus.
    For to be a chosen one this day and age thy son knows well not be fun.
    For all he can hope for is that people treat him like a chosen one because he see that he is going to have to talk to a lot of different people through out his life but the first is the worst for that is when thy son is going to have all that happen up on his mind and really well not be interested in talking a lot for he he's never liked strangers and [p136-b4] never has opened up unless he knows some one well and considers them a friend.
    For all the different stories that are going around about thy son for he is a man that could be Killed and not know why for some of the lies if thy son knew about them and who said them he would want to Kill for; but he is a man if now violence and never did like it for life of peace is better than any for you have a better chance of a long life and love.
    For we heard one woman tonight say that she did not want to hear about the way that a man thought lied ahead for the world and that is the problem with a lot they just want it to live and have fun and do not care about and thing else.

Mel Christ The True Religion of Christ The Ten More Links Send Mail
Author Mel Christ.
Copyright © 2001 Mel Christ. All rights reserved.
Revised: July 27, 2011.