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I like to think I've come a long way since I first started this page back in January 1998. Ok, so there isn't really much here, but there's a hell of a lot more than when I started. This origially started out as the only two things you need to be happy. 'Friends' and Leonardo DiCaprio. Well, as you can see I haven't even started the Leonardo DiCaprio page yet and I've been spending a lot of time working on the Teen Angel page which wasn't in the origial plan. I've learnt one thing through all of this. It doesn't pay to plan your website. You'll end up scraping it anyway. So, I'm just going to carry on doing what I'm doing and listening to your comments. Please keep sending them, and keep coming back, because I'm adding new things all the time. Enjoy! By the way, I've learnt some HTML which is always a good thing when you're making a webpage, so my pictures are now links too! Just click on the picture you want and you can go there! Yes! It's true!!! Picture links!!!! I hope you appreciate this.
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