I'm a firm believer in giving credit to those who deserve it. So here are the people, places, or things that have helped in the advancement of this site.


L.J. Smith
Of course the most important thanks out to L.J. Smith for creating the wonderful "Night World" series for us, without which we would spend many lonely hours. Okay, not really but the books really are great. *S*

Though no longer with us, I still want everyone to know my thanks to this former Council member. Thanks bud, you're still the best!

NW Council
Thanks to those on the Council as well as to everyone else who has contributed ideas to NW. Keep 'em coming. *G*

Graphic Artists
Since all graphics on this site were either made by me or Alanae, I don't see reason to put a thanks to anyone else here. However, in the case that some graphic that wasn't created by either of us ends up on here, thanks to those respective artists.

Whoever invented Skittles
The wonderful, colorful, little candy of which I have consumed more than my fair share. *Deal with it.* Taste the Rainbow!


None Anymore, perhaps again someday..


For aid in the creation of graphics.

Adobe & Paint Shop Pro
Also due to aid in the creation of graphics.

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