fwelc1.gif (3241 bytes) To the Clean Up the Unions in Local Government Campaign 2000

Crusade For Freedom

Freedom from what you ask?

Freedom from the weekly tribute paid to these Union Bosses. Freedom from the Union Tax. Surely we pay enough Tax , and this extra burden to pay for the debts owed to the politicians lackeys is an onerous burden to bear for the lowly paid Local Government employee

Freedom of association , that is to associate with those whom YOU decide you have a commonality with , Freedom to associate with those whom you choose to associate with.

Why should you need , in fact why would you want to associate with those that the Union Bosses associate with.

You are not a Bludger , you do not parasite of your fellow man , is this not the whole substance of the Present Day Union Boss.

Freedom to decide what your value is , not some illiterate Union Employee negotiating to the lowest common denominator. Why should you not be paid more for doing more?


How do I obtain this Freedom?

Resign from the Union!

We know these people represent no One but themselves . One only has to read the garbage put out by the Labor Council. It spends more resources attacking the rights of journalists to write what they see as important public issues , than it does on the advancement of the Common Man. We see pictures of a grown man trying to act like an adolescent , we listen to the puerile garbage trickle from his facial orifice , in fact we can make more sense of  characters in South Park , that we can of these unrepresentative swine.These are the "people" , that you are paying to represent your interests in the earning of your income. They have totally ignored the mature worker , that is any employee over the age of 25. These mature workers are the very people who provide the backbone of the Unions , these are the people who should resign from the Unions.

The clean up the Unions In Local Government Team , refute the fabrications published in the recent Union Ragazine. , that expensive publication , that you the , members pay for . This absurd publication of Self Promotion.

The claims of thousands of members protesting against C.C.T. , was   not only a fabrication but also an embarrassment to the Union Employees. Read the September 17 Press Release.

We are also shamed and embarrased , by the Hypocriticial Obituary to our Esteemed Sister , Heather Smith .  This is a heartbreaking saga , one that should be broadcast among the membership . For a different perspective on the sad loss of Heather, contact us at "02 9776 6206" and we will ensure that the TRUTH IS REVEALED.

Why did no one from the Union Attend the  Funeral of Heather Smith?

We also unreservedly condemn the attack on Fairfield Council , and the disgraceful misuse of the misfortune of drug  addiction and the suffering addicts. Of course care must be taken in all areas were needle sticks are a problem. And protective clothing and gloves are available for employees who may be exposed  to these risks . The risks involved in garbage collection , and amenities cleaning , are no greater than that of the   Doctors , Nurses , and the many VOLUNTEERS , who provide care and sustenance for these unfortunates . These Volunteers working through Charities such as the Salvation Army and St Vincent De Paul. But , we believe that this is a serious problem , throughout not only the Sydney Metropolitan area , but many large country Towns.  It is the   misfortune of those who suffer from these addictions , their families and the community as a whole. But this is a societal problem  , one that has  been despicably grasped for disingenuous purposes ,  by greedy , grasping and unfit hands , to be  used as a red Herring by these incompetents..This deception , being used   as a cover for their inability to deal with the real issues in the workplace. We also believe that to personally denigrate management at Fairfield Council is not only demeaning to the Council , but to all Union Members Particularly as the new General Manager  , is one who has experienced all facets of Local Government , and has a reputation as being a fair, reasonable and empathic employer . To continue this Industrial Action through the use of Strike Action , or other forms of Industrial Terrorism , thereby   putting the HEALTH of the Fairfield Ratepayers at risk , beggars explanation.

The Ratepayers should be up in arms demanding "Best Value" principles be implemented immediately , they should also be referring these issues to the A.C.C.C. ,   thereby by passing the Jobs for the Boys  Brigade.

For Garbage Collectors to strike  , is surely an open invitation by them , for Fairfield Council to  Contract Out the garbage collection . A course of action many other councils have taken to the Ratepayers advantage . Fairfield Council should now be considering this option , in fact , it is obliged , by law ,  to consider these options. The same applies to Child Care , which can be provided at a Higher Standard and cheaper cost by private operators.  Why should a Ratepayer or any other Citizen "BE HELD TO RANSOM" , over the appropriate care of their children. In fact we would call to your attention , that behaviour such as this, from those whom you have entrusted the care of your children , is totally inappropriate , and we would call into to question the fitness and ability for such  persons to be entrusted with the care of your children.

We advise that this is an option other councils are adopting.

We also unreservedly condemn , the ridiculous call for safe injecting rooms , and condemn this Union for getting  involved in a matter which is totally alien to its charter. We would also question the reasons behind these  ridiculous   statements.

Why would you want to associate with people such as this , resign from this Union.

Visit Resignation.htm , for a print out form.

Visit Deductions.htm , for a print out form.

Regain yourself your esteem resign from the Union


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Click"HERE" for Video Clip of Union Negotiations.(Large file may be slow)

Below is the Bill and Ben Story
Bill , Its just great now that I have resigned from that chicken-livered Local Government Union. The Wife talks to me now , the Kids don't get bagged at school.Best of all I have another $1350 a year to spend on goodies for my family.I used to feel real bad about paying out this Union Protection Money and getting paid less. I got a pay rise , and now have the support of real friends , ring the Employee Advocate and get the Good Oil.

Its a free number "1300 366 632

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