Hi, my name is Austin. I am 6 years old so my mommy is making this website for me, but I sure do tell her what I want on it!
I love Pokemon! I have a gameboy that I play the pokemon versions on and I have Pokemon Stadium I & II that I like to play. I also play the Pokemon Trading card game with my brother and my dad.
This is me!!
I was born in Germany but now I live in Texas with my Mom & Dad, my big sister Kaicy, and my big brother CJ. I like playing ball and playing outside. I have a cat named Sheba, a puppy named Lancelot and 2 Iguanas named Zula and Gratch.
I should have some pictures of them up here soon.
Here are some of the Pokemon sites that I like to visit:
Pokemon Village
Pokemon Elite
Richie's Pokemom Page
Pokemon 3D Image Gallery
Check out our new Art Gallery!! We have posted pictures that we made there and you can even send us some pictures to put there if you want.
I adopted a new baby Elephant!! Yeah I know he has nothing to do with Pokemon, but he was too cute to pass up. *grin*
Click on the graphic below to go visit him, his name is Billy.
Well, I hope you enjoyed you visit to my page. If you have a web page and would like to be added to my links please e-mail me at drlnangel@yahoo.com. Thanks for visiting!!
Dont forget to check my brother and sister's pages:-)
Click on the Dragon to go to my parents home page!
All the graphics on this site are either custom made by DrlnAngel (my mom) or they are freeware. The banner, link buttons and separator line were made by my mom so please don't take them without permission from us. To see a list of credits where the other graphics were obtained go to my links page.
This site designed and maintained by Destiny Web Designs © 1999-2002
Any questions or suggestions please email us at drlnangel@yahoo.com