Hi, my name is Kaicy and I live in Texas with my family. I have two younger brothers, CJ is 11 years old and Austin is 6 yrs. This page is for me to share the things that I like and to tell people about me:) I hope you like my page!
This is me.
Ok, to tell you a little bit about myself. I love to draw, I love to listen to music, I love unicorns (as you can see!) and I love to annoy my parents and kid brothers! I am 13 yrs old, my birthday is Sept 5th. I am in Jr High and my favorite subject is Math. (You may not like it but I do!) I love being with my friends and going to the movies and to Skate World. I really love sports, namely football, soccer, track and volleyball. I played Volleyball this year, I really liked it and I want to play again next year.
I love to play pool on yahoo as well as email all my friends. My friends and I have started visiting the doll sites that are on the internet now, they are really cool. We make our own dollz now also, maybe I will even put some on here. If you don't know what "Dollz" are then you should definitely check out the sites that I will have listed in my link section. Here are a few of the Dollz that I adopted, if you want one just visit the site they came from.
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I also like pokemon. My favorite pokemon are Charizard and Dragonite. I have a gameboy that I got for Christmas last year, between my brothers and myself, we have all the different Pokemon versions.
When I am not playing my gameboy or drawing I am reading the Harry Potter series, and what a great series it is!! I have read all four books and I can't wait for the next one to come out!! I also love to read Brian Jacques books, Redwall and Martin the Warrior are just a couple that I have read.
For those of you have been here before, there have been some changes in my life since the last time we updated this page. We have a new puppy. He is a Great Pyrenese/Anotolian Shepard mix and he is sooooooo cute!! His name is Lancelot and he chews on everything and it drives my parents crazy *Grin*. I should have some pics of him here eventually.
I decided to go with the unicorn theme for my page because they are so cool. I started collecting them last year and I have lots of them already. My mom and I just redid this page so there is still lots of work left for us to do so be patient. If you know of any great unicorn sites, or would like to be listed on my unicorn links, please email me at drlnangel@yahoo.com. Thanks for taking the time to check out my page!
This is Abby and Elizabeth, we adopted them from the Unicorn Friendship Center.
Check out our new Art Gallery. If you have some artwork that you are proud of, you can email it to us and we can post it in our Gallery.
Take a look at my Cyber Kitty Ashley. I originally adopted Ashley when I couldn't have a real kitten, but she is so cute I just had to keep her *smile*
Well that's all from me right now. Please check back to see what else I put on my page. Don't forget to check out the rest of Eternal Fantasy Kids. I hope you had fun!!
All the graphics on this site are either custom made by DrlnAngel (my mom) or they are freeware. The Unicorn banner, link buttons and separator line were made by my mom so please don't take them without permission from us. To see a list of credits where the other graphics were obtained go to my links page.
This site designed and maintained by Destiny Web Designs © 1999-2002
Any questions or suggestions please email us at drlnangel@yahoo.com