HI, my name is CJ.   I am 11 yrs old and I live in Texas with my parents, my older sister Kaicy and my little brother Austin.  I like playing sports, I want to play football this year if I can. I also like playing on the computer, Playstation and Nintendo 64. Sometimes we will get a new game and my dad and I will try to see who can beat it first *smile*. We are playing Asheron's Call right now. It isn't a game that you can win though. Asheron's Call is a great game, but it is only playable online.   My parents both play so we have alot of fun with it. I also play my Gameboy alot, between my sister, my brother and me we have all the Pokemon Versions that are available right now.

This is me. It was taken in June of 2000.

I also love DragonBall Z!! I watch it faithfully every day. I have included some links to some DragonBall Z sites that I have found, if you have a DragonBall Z site or know of a good one please send it to me so that I can add it.
**(Note: Our site is kid safe but we cannot guarantee that all the links provided are)**

My favorite character is Vejeta, he is awesome.

My second favorite is Gohan.

Here are some links to some of the Dragonball sites I like to visit.

The Official site for Dragonball Z
The Unrivaled Dragonball Source
The Otaku
Dragonball Vortex
How to Draw DBZ bodies

Gohan and Cell

I really like Pokemon! I play in tournaments on the weekends here in the town that we live in. Sometimes I win, sometimes I don't but I always have fun playing. My dad and my sister both play with me, I like to win against them best.
My favorite Pokemon is Ho-Ho, he is too cool.


We all collect our own sets of Pokemon cards. Since I got my Gold version for Christmas I haven't played with my cards as much as I have played with my gameboy though *grin*

Here are my favorite Pokemon sites. If you have a pokemon site that you would like to add to my list, please Email me.

dragonite Andy's Guide to Pokemon

charCharizard's Pokemon Page

Pokemon World

Kaicy's Page    Austin's Page    Art Gallery    Home    Pets

Well that's it for me right now. I hope you had fun visiting my page! Please e-mail me with any comments or suggestions you have at drlnangel@yahoo.com Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy your visit to Eternal Fantasy Kids.

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Eternal Fantasy

All the graphics on this site are either custom made by DrlnAngel (my mom) or they are freeware. The banner, link buttons and separator line were made by my mom so please don't take them without permission from us. To see a list of credits where the other graphics were obtained go to my links page.

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Any questions or suggestions please email us at drlnangel@yahoo.com