abuse P.T.S.D. victim/survivors

Hello, My name is Sharon, or "Shaz". I've been called Rose, Cherokee Rose, Princess Rose.

My story is not all that unfamiliar, as in todays world we see and hear many stories of abuse, such as child molestation, alcohol, drug, spouse and even parental abuse. We see the horrifying affects that it has on children who become sadistic, coldhearted, isolated adults. Many victims don't know there is anything wrong with them. Many end up living their lives in destructive, even self-destructive patterns, and become comfortable with themselves. They don't recognize a pattern, they only live the way they were raised. Some people may have experienced and are survivors of only one or two terribly traumatic events in their lives and that alone changes their very personality. Some suffer continuous, repeated abuses of one or more types, and these become P.T.S.D. (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) victims.

But, what I want to share here on this page, is, a pattern, a circle of abuse that can be broken once recognized, and that we don't have to remain victims the rest of our lives.

I have survived many terribly sad abuses all through my life, and I was not immune to the affects, but I did at one time recognize what was happening to me, and didn't want it to happen to my children. I have not only survived, but, I've retained a major capacity for love and forgiveness, that comes from deep within, and from the Most Miraculous Creator and His love for me. He loves us all, and I will share with you, why I believe I chose or was chosen to endure these abuses. My message to the abused victims of the world, is, You, too, can survive and live a normal life!

On these pages, I will share very dark and intimate details with you, the world of abuse victims. Maybe you will see in my stories something familiar, that you will relate to. These pages may make you cry or make you angry, as these will be pages filled with painful memories and details, too horrible to live, yet, I did. And so have many of you. But, I hope that through this sharing of events so personal and traumatic, and reading how I came through it, I will be able to show you the "Light" at the end of the tunnel. Yes, there is Light, a powerful one. And, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I will also share other abuse victims' writings as they have given me permission to do so. This is so important to share with anyone who is or knows an abuse victim-survivor. I've been asked by many professionals and friends to write a book on my life and experiences, and now my healing, and wholeness. I intend to do just that, however, I, myself, know how difficult it is to go to a book store, chose a book that broaches those intimate subjects and have to stand there at the checkout counter, in shame and embarrassment, thinking that, perhaps the clerk or someone standing behind me would see the subject about which I was preparing to read. Perhaps, it wasn't even noticed at all, but in my mind, the whole world could see my secrets, while I stood purchasing those books. I also know many people feel they can't trust anyone to share this trauma we suffer. We feel uneasy walking into a psychiatrist's office for the first time or two. Everyone there must be thinking you're crazy. I know.

So, to make it easier for victim-survivors to find some solace in the privacy of their own homes or in the Library of their Colleges or towns, they can read alone, and find some comfort, and hopefully gain some strength, without having to explain or feel they must, and do it in peace. Not only will you be able to just read a story, but you will be able to interact with me, the author, as I will welcome all inquiries and requests for help. I felt that I suffered "alone" most of my life, which lead to more serious physical health complications, and I don't want anyone in the world to have to feel they suffer alone. I will share with you my pain, my anger, my frustrations, fears, jealousy, depression, hatred, confusion, etc. This way you will know I honestly will understand and empathize. I will try to offer help from a former victim's point of view, and help you to seek professional help in your area, as it truly is neccesary, no matter how much we think we can handle it ourselves, alone. I've been there, done that! Doesn't work! It's all right if you're afraid to continue on with this page, but please, PLEASE BOOKMARK IT, so that when you feel strong enough, you can find it easily and we can begin your healing and survival. You NEVER EVER have to reveal to me who you are. Your identity may remain completely secret, should you feel more comfortable that way. I will never push you to do or think any certain thing or way. I will simply recall my own experiences, and the therapy techniques that helped me, and still are. Yes, I'm still in therapy, because this is a very long process of healing. As my wonderful therapist, Marlene, told me, "You've suffered with this all these years, the healing won't happen overnight!" But, trust me, it does happen!

The Most Beautiful Rose!

"How is the most beautiful of all roses cultivated to blossom fully? With much "Tender Loving Care", of course. But, unfortunately, in the very beginning, someone gets their hands dirty and dumps a lot of "fertilizer" in the dirt and mud at its very roots! Then, as it's growing and maturing, what would seem to be harmful, such as "cutting" and pruning away all the smallest and weakest buds, and clearing away the dead growth has to be done. This allows for "strength" and "life" to focus on and produce the largest, most beautiful and sweetest smelling blooms of "The Rose"!












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