Voodoo Mirage ABOUT VOODOO
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Quick Facts | Music | Links | Feedback | Link to Voodoo

Quick Facts:

First, just let me say something about my name. The name I go by for my website is Voodoo Mirage. It's just a name; the fact my first name is the also the name of a culture does not mean I subscribe to the beliefs associated with the culture known as voodoo.

Pseudonym: Voodoo Mirage

Favorite NCAA Football Team: The Ohio State University

Least Favorite NCAA Football Team: 1a) University of Michigan 1b) University of Notre Dame

Favorite Author: Tom Clancy

Favorite Movies: Blues Brothers; Ghostbusters; Planes, Trains, and Automobiles; Quick Change; Sneakers

Favorite TV Shows: The X-Files, The Simpsons, Homicide (Yes, I realize it's been canceled, I don't care)

Employer: None.  I quit OfficeMax August 4 bringing to an end my seven months in electronics.

School: Purdue University

Major: Construction Engineering Management

Dream Car: Number one on the list would be that car that Rob Zombie drives in the Dragula video.  If you've seen the video then you'll know what I mean, if you haven't, watch it.  A more practical choice would a Grand Cherokee or a Blazer.

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Favorite Band: The Smashing Pumpkins

Number Two Band: Our Lady Peace

Favorite Songs: 1979; Ænima; Age of Innocence; Annie-Dog; Apples + Oranjes; Ava Adore; Back On Earth; Behold! The Night Mare; Blissed and Gone; Blue Skies Bring Tears; Bodies; Bullet With Butterfly Wings; Bury Me; Cherub Rock; The Day the World Went Away; Daphne Descends; Disarm; Eulogy; For Martha; Geek U.S.A.; Glass and the Ghost Children; Heavy Metal Machine; Hooker With a Penis; I Am One; I of the Mourning; I Just Want You; In the Arms of Sleep; Jellybelly; Lunchbox; March of the Pigs; Mayonaise; Mr. Crowley; Muzzle; Nervous in the Alley; Painkillers; Perfect; Piggy; Pug; Rocket; St. Joe on the School Bus; Save Yourself; Rhinoceros; Siva; Soma; Speed Kills; Starfuckers, Inc.; Sweet Sweet; Sober; Stand Inside Your Love; Tales of a Scorched Earth; Thirty-three; Thru the Eyes of Ruby; To Shelia; Today; Tonight, Tonight; Torn Apart; We're in this Together; Where is Everybody; x.y.u.; Zero

(and others I just can't think of right now -- I figure at sometime I'll just go through my CDs and type in every one of my favorite songs.  But then I'd be missing the ones I don't have the CDs for.)

Favorite Song Lyrics:
"Justine never knew the rules / hung down with the freaks and the gouls"
"no apologies ever need be made, I know you better then you fake it"
"and the world so hard to understand / is the world your can't live without"
"you're happy cause you smile but how much can you fake?"
"cosume my love devour my hate / only powers my escape"


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House of Blues- anything associated with Elwood and Jake can't be bad
Columbus Dispatch OSU Football Coverage- very good source
Annoy.com- testing the limits of the 1st amendment in cyberspace (let that be a warning to the faint of heart)
Gamecenter.com- one of the best computer gaming sites on the Internet
Voodoo Museum- for anyone who thinks voodoo is weird
TerraServer- you can see your house from it (as long as you don't live at Groom Lake)
Conspiracy Net-
Big Ear Radio Observatory- home of the wow! signal
News of the Weird- some people do some pretty strange things
Censored AOL Screen Names- let the fact that they're censored be a warning to you as to what you'll find here
Crime Library- feed that human desire to read about murder and such
Wired News- interesting articles about tech stuff
Alex for Dummies- learn Alex in 24 hours
Focus on the Family Music Review- find your favorite CD, read the review, laugh a whole lot
J-Track Satellite Tracking - learn where exactly the satellite that's monitoring your phone is.
Dan's Indecisives Web Page- sat next to this guy in class so I thought I put up a link to his band's site
Vasily Kafanov- check out some interesting art, this is the guy who did the art for Machina

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I may have a strange name but I do have an interest in knowing what people think of my site. So if you get a chance let me know. You've got several ways of doing this. My e-mail is voodoomirage@hotmail.com or you could cut to the chase and confront me one-on-one using AOL Instant Messenger.  My screen name is VoodooMirage.  Bet you didn't see that one coming, it's part of my trying to carve out a Internet presence for Voodoo.

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Linking to Voodoo

So you've been looking around the site and think, hey, this isn't bad. Maybe the people who visit my site would get a kick out this Voodoo Mirage guy too. You're welcome to link to Voodoo Mirage I from your own site. Either use just a regular text link like http://voodoomirage.tripod.com. Or, you might want to use a graphical link but I don't really use that many graphics on the site. Well don't worry, I've created the Official Voodoo Mirage Link Graphic Banner below. Feel free to use it on your site.

Voodoo Mirage

I felt it was a better link message than promising free sex and then pissing everyone off when I didn't deliver.

I'm also working on a new banner that uses the fill logo on the homepage.  It's sort of one of those simple things, but it should look good.

Alien Theory

Site created May 26, 1999, site last updated September 10, 2000, this page last update September 10, 2000.

Direct all questions and comments to VoodooMirage@hotmail.com.