Voodoo Mirage HEAD LINE NEWS
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We're flooded with news.  Everywhere you turn, there's some media outlet screaming in your face.  And you don't even get to pick what it is they report on.  Well, Voodoo isn't going to lie to you.  You don't get to pick the stories you'll find below.  But, never fear, Voodoo is looking out for you.  I've selected the very best news out there and assembled it for you.  So check the Voodoo News Line for up to the minute news updates, and browse the Past Headlines to get caught up.

Voodoo News Line
DECEMBER 6, 2000:
FBI Hacks Alleged Mobster
The FBI broke into the suspect's office, swapped his keyboard for their own, and were able to capture the suspect's password and the public's concern.

Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?
A new system that lets parents track their children using GPS raises privacy questions in Germany.

DECEMBER 5, 2000:
Mars: Ancient Land of Lakes?
Some potential exciting news from space.

ZapMe Zaps Schools on Free PCs
Apparently ZapMe is not feeling any holiday spirit.  They even throw a jibe at Ralph Nader.

DECEMBER 4, 2000:
Clinton's New Job?

President Clinton will, eventually, be out of a job and with the wife stuck in the Senate, why not run over to England?

Beijing to Clean Up Toilets in Bid for Olympics
Voodoo thinks they're desperate.  And after losing out on the last games to Australia, it's understandable.

There's No Such Things As A Free Lunch
Voodoo could have told you that.

Rio De Janeiro Puts Plump Carnival King on Diet
Seems like the citizens of Rio De Janeiro are starting to wondering just how jolly is jolly.

2000 (and counting) Election Forecast
Here's the latest from the state of Florida, collected from our own correspondents and wire reports.
Gore is taking another crack at the Florida Supreme Court.  Odds are a loss there causes Democrats to abandon Gore like the Republicans did to Dole in 1996.  Without his party's support, Gore becomes a embittered recluse on a hill top in Tennessee.


Portrait of America - Polling data
Wired News - Tech news
Yahoo! DailyNews - General news

Past Headlines
March 22, 2000 Beaver College not a filter fave
Sept 28, 1999 Just a rat in a cage
Sept 27, 1999 Year 2000 Gambling

August 29, 1999 In the end, one QB or two won't matter for OSU
July 5, 1999 Cuba puts $181 billion anti-US claim in court
July 1, 1999 The Amish and a motorcycle gang

June 27, 1999 Police dogs even the odds with body armor 
June 27, 1999
For Congress, the proof is in the pudding
June 27, 1999
Prison Playboy ban upheld
June 24, 1999
County bars bid to stage naked Macbeth
June 24, 1999
Voodoo priest arrested for human sacrifices
May 27, 1999
Man arrested for microwaving parrot


Alien Theory

Page last updated December 6, 2000.

Direct all questions and comments to VoodooMirage@hotmail.com.