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Clinton's Next Job?
LONDON (Reuters) - Several heads of colleges at Oxford University favor the appointment of President Clinton as next Chancellor of the prestigious British university, the Sunday Express newspaper reported.

Clinton had the academic credentials and stature for the job and would "do wonders'' for university fund-raising, the newspaper quoted Clinton supporters at the university as saying.

"It's vital that Oxford maintains its worldwide profile and nothing could beat having President Clinton as Chancellor,'' a senior Oxford college head said.

The Express gave no indication that formal moves were underway to get Clinton the job, but it quoted a spokesman for him as saying he would give it every consideration if it was offered to him after he steps down as president in January.

Clinton, who studied at Oxford in the 1960s as a Rhodes scholar, was said earlier this year to be house-hunting in the Oxford area in preparation for when he leaves the White House.


Alien Theory

Page created December 4, 2000, last update December 4, 2000.
Article was found on http://dailynews.yahoo.com.

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