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For Congress, the Proof is in the Pudding
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Will the House give the Senate its just desserts?

Forget flag burning, gun control and the fight over displaying the Ten Commandments in school. The real battle between the House and the Senate involves rice pudding.

It all started when Sen. Rick Santorum, a Pennsylvania Republican whose usual vice is chocolate, tried the rice pudding served in the House Members' Dining Room -- and came back for more.

He serves on a panel charged with improving Senate barbershops, eateries and the like, so the request soon went out from Senate officials to House chefs to send over the recipe.

The House refused, saying it was a cherished family secret of one of its food service employees. When she retires, the pudding goes with her.

"Let them eat cake," House Administration Chairman Bill Thomas, a California Republican, told Roll Call, a newspaper that circulates widely on Capitol Hill.

Not to be outdone, Senate chefs analyzed the House concoction, studying its raisins, its cinnamon and its delectable vanilla topping.

A sample was served at the weekly Republican luncheon.

"Once a chocolate man, always a chocolate man, but I thought it was pretty good," said Santorum. "I am confident that as the chef continues to refine it, the Senate rice pudding will someday surpass the House rice pudding."


Alien Theory

Page created June 27, 1999, last update June 27, 1999.
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